dog losing hair after rabies shot
This is why most vets will administer the vaccine on separate months. Dear Anonymous, Unfortunately, I am not longer serving as consultant for Organic Pet Digest. Contact your vet ASAP. She could be rubbing her eyes as well, leading to the area being reddish and her eyes teary. But aside from these 3 common dog breeds, other small dogs are at risk too. Bumps or raised skin will also appear. A: It is possible that your dog is reacting to her vaccines. Rabies is a single-stranded, bullet-shaped, envelope of RNA virus which causes brain inflammation and attacks the host's central nervous system. Within three years of a single shot, the rabies prevention capacity begins to droop gradually. It came back negative. It was also darker and perfectly round aboout the size of a silver dollar. Follow us on your favorite social media sites. A veterinarian will ask you questions about your dog and conduct a full physical examination. Find out more about Dogs And Clogs and me. Injection site alopecia (hair loss) Death Loss of consciousness Diarrhea Hypersensitivity Fever Anaphylaxis (which can kill your dog in minutes) Ataxia (loss of balance/coordination) Lameness General signs of pain Hyperactivity Injection site scab or crust Muscle tremor Our shows are archived, so if you missed one just click here. Thank you. Rabies is a slow-acting virus it can take weeks to months to result in symptoms which allows a dog's body time to mount an immune response and fight the infection. and minimal vaccines - the puppy shots and one rabies. There are countless ways rabies vaccination can harm your dog often permanently. The susceptibility of these breeds had been attributed to enhanced genetic susceptibility and a long anagen hair growth cycle. Again, this is not a complete list. Important information what to look for to see if your dog has Idiopathic Vestibular Disease. These seizures can happen a few days after getting the shot. Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information. Your vet needs proof that your pet is at least 12 weeks old before vaccinating. Though this is rare and happens outside of the United States. Main outcome measure: Loss of hair following immunization. She had a bump (marble sized) for 2 weeks, then it gradually went down till you could barely feel it. foxehfoxes 6 yr. ago Can't diagnose anything but what you're describing sounds similar to Injection Site Alopecia. In more recent years, I have seen a lot of these spots and gotten blamed for them. Raycap is the world's largest producer of surge protection devices for wind turbines and surge protection for solar farms. They may prescribe pain medicine to help your dog feel better. 17 Simple Tips To Firm Up Your Dogs Poop (#7 Works Always), 9 reasons which make your dog breathe fast while sleeping, (7 Tips) Dog Having Trouble Walking After Shots [2023], Dog Panting After Vaccines: 11 Vital Tips (Updated 2023), Puppy Yelping After Vaccination: 7 Causes + 5 Tips (2023). The rabies shots have horrific side effects. Im not sure what these numbers and letters mean, I just want to make sure I dont accidentally give too much. More specifically, according to The University of Tennessee the rabies vaccine should be given to dogs subcutaneously . (Ischemic dermatopathy is a condition in which abnormal skin is caused by a lack of blood supply to the area.) Learn more about Hills commitment to sustainability. Call Blue Diamond Vapors today. In affected dogs it begins at around six months and progresses to near-complete hair loss over the next 12 months. Allergies are improper immune responses and vaccination can damage your dogs immune system. Please support the hard working holistic vets who make this information possible. teeth, nails, and eye gunk), your dog can probably get away with a bath every month or two, barring a fondness for manure . Some side effects may occur that usually do not need medical attention. She said that her dog has gotten it too and to rub and pinch the spot to try to get blood flow to it so the hair can hopefully grow back. A young Aussie tourist has narrowly avoided having to pay a whopping $89,000 medical bill after a seemingly innocuous bite from a cat left her needing to get a number of rabies shots. You would need to see a holistic veterinarian for a 200C or higher, prescription. Some of them will even go as far as hiding from you. Even benign tumors like lipomas, warts and other growths can grow larger or become malignant after rabies vaccination, especially if your dog is taking steroid drugs. There are other hints you can pay attention to. The rabies virus itself is a carcinogen. Do you have any suggestions as to where I can get that? Because vaccines work by stimulating the immune system, the side effects of rabies vaccine in dogs are usually due to a stimulated immune system. But it can still make some fur parents worry. In some . Q: My Yorkie has hair loss on the spot where the vet gives her shots. So if you notice an abnormal change in their breathing. Imagine your dogs body as a castle and the vaccine is an intruder. This results in a neurological problem. Coconut Oil 5. Consult your vet about whether the lump must be removed through surgery or not. This disease can also become chronic. Hi Yvonne, The Lachesis 6C is a REALLY low potency. There are numerous causes of alopecia in dogs. And unfortunately, theres no remedy to this. Well, I got a call from the vet with results of the ringworm culture (it has been two weeks). This typically isn't because there's something wrong with the vaccine itself, but is due to an overreaction of the dog's immune system. Since rabies miasm isnt a real disease in your dog. Their body is fighting off the vaccine by trying to push it out. So its best to seek your vet for professional advice. Each year, local veterinarians host a weeklong, low-cost rabies vaccination clinic for cats and dogs. Monitoring your pets body condition score (BCS) can help you help your pet maintain proper growth and weight for a long, healthy life. Advice on this forum is not a substitute for advice from a trained and credentialed professional. Its always better to be safe than sorry. The AVMA also maintains a list of state rabies laws. Let our authors & experts know what you think. I found a vial of Lachesis at a health food store today. Warning: If your dog is persistently vomiting more than 3 times, this can be abnormal. Demyelination (common in German Shepherds) an autoimmune disease. OR, you can dissolve one pellet in a 2 oz glass dropper bottle filled with Spring Water and give 1/2 dropperful by mouth TWO times daily, and succuss or shake the bottle by hitting it against the palm of your hand 20 times before each dose. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 2001;216217. In rare cases, dogs may develop a small, circular area of hair loss at the site of injection. Feed the right food. Please sign up and submit your question and photos. This isnt as threatening as most people think. This is a cosmetic disease that does not affect the dog's quality of life. Your pets health information at your fingertips, 2022 Great Pet Media. So if theres a closer area for them to use. Its a common response to fight off foreign elements in their body. Anyway, I didnt argue with her. Infection typically starts around the eye and face, and the hair loss is caused by that. Reading tip: 7 Reasons Why Your Dog Is So Lazy + 3 Dangers & 5 Tips. Theyre already struggling to breathe. Share This Everywhere! They need time to let their body get used to the rabies shot first. Rabies miasm is deep-rooted disease often caused by rabies vaccination but it can also be passed down through generations and cause illness even in unvaccinated dogs. If your dog has suffered any major adverse reaction to a vaccine, you will want to discuss with your doctor which and how many vaccines you are willing to have your dog undergo. In Europe, Canada, and the United States, human Rabies cases are rare because most dogs are vaccinated against it. What did the vet say when they noticed the bald spot from the vaccine? Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, autoimmune thyroiditis. Natural Treatment Options for Hair Loss in Dogs 1. Good news, vaccines exist to help protect our furry friends. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Discuss this with your veterinarian to see if you can determine which shot was the culprit. This condition is most frequently diagnosed in Toy or Miniature Poodles and Bichon Frises, as well as other long-haired small breeds are affected with less frequency which include Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, Maltese, Silky Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Toy Manchester Terrier, American Eskimo, Poodle crossbreeds, and Miniature Dachshunds. And were not talking about typical shedding we mean dog hair loss that results in patchy or bald areas of skin. Depending on the breed, most people take their dogs out for 30 to 60 minutes of exercise. Rabies is a slow-acting virus it can take weeks to months to result in symptoms which allows a dog's body time to mount an immune response and fight the infection. Thus, theyll start having diarrhea. Consider consulting the vet for an assessment. Check and see if you can do what Holly said and avoid the yearly rabies shot. Hair loss Hives Facial Edema . In some affected animals hair will grow back. Dogs infested with demodex mites may or may not be itchy, and their skin may be swollen, red and crusty or look completely normal. Rabies aggression will show up in the initial stage, or it can come after the virus has reached a dog's nervous system. If your dog developed enough antibodies for rabies. In most cases, itll settle down within a week. After rabies shots, most dogs will have lower energy levels. Learn more about how Purina and Petfinder are making a difference together. Treatment with a homeopathic remedy would be the best. Homeopaths call this rabies miasm. Why Rice Is A Dangerous Dog Food Ingredient, Don't Miss Our Latest Training Videos And Health Guides. Swollen lymph nodes are a normal reaction for dogs. Some dogs get a local reaction from the rabies vaccine that causes hair loss. 1. Warning: If their temperature is very high. Abstract A focal cutaneous lesion developed at the site of previous rabies vaccine administration in 13 dogs. This includes hair loss on the body, bacterial skin infections, and blackheads. . The larynx begins to spasm and a voice change may be noted. And that could be the reason why its called hives, but the other term for it is urticaria. After all, its their bodys way of protecting themselves. Vague symptoms may include, fever, headache, malaise, decreased appetite, or vomiting. Proper nutrition supports overall skin and coat health, which can decrease excess oil production and reduce chances of bacterial infections. The first shot is given as soon as possible, and the rest are. Some dogs will also show signs of changes in their breathing. Your use of this site is subject to the terms of our Legal Statement. For post-exposure prevention after you have been bitten or exposed to rabies, you will need to receive a total of 5 shots. If your dog is sensitive to the vaccine, your vet may be able to control negative side effects by administering antihistamines or other medications before vaccination and monitor your dog for reactions post-vaccination. Also, you suggested giving him Laichses (sp?). A deep biopsy sample of the affected epidermis and subcutis just within the outer margin of the lesion is recommended, often samples collected from the central affected area is of less diagnostic value. However, if your veterinarian thinks there is an underlying medical cause like hormonal disorders or cancer that is causing your dogs hair loss, they will likely want to run some additional laboratory tests. The allergens within the anti-rabies vaccine can cause severe allergic reactions in dogs. Then, gently wipe their ears and paws. In general, however, it's not necessary to contact the vet unless: If your dog has an adverse reaction to the rabies vaccine, talk to your vet. Alopecia, otherwise known as abnormal hair loss or baldness, is the inability to regrow hair regularly or when hair falls out partially or entirely over the dog's body. Hair loss, a.k.a alopecia is a very common problem in small dog breeds. In most US states your dogs first rabies vaccine must be a one year shot, withrevaccination every three years after that. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. I would continue Finn on his RAW diet, and I am very suspicious that the Rabies vaccine probably contributed to his susceptibility to ringworm. Join the fastest-growing email membership in pet care. A forum community dedicated to all breeds of dog owners and enthusiasts. 2. The best thing you can do as a fur parent is to give them space. Females are predisposed. Now, this is one of the severe side effects to watch out for. If you have noticed your dog limping after a recent rabies or leptospirosis shot, it may be worth consulting with your vet and diving deeper into this topic. Fibrocarcinomas can appear in places other than the injection site because the aluminum in the vaccine is carried away by macrophages (immune system cells that detect, eat and destroy damaged cells and other foreign substances). Often, a presumptive diagnosis can be made based on appearance, time frame (1-3 months after receiving the vaccine), and location (site where the vaccine was administered). Immuplex from Standard Process 3. Depending on the underlying cause, canine alopecia may be accompanied by infection and. In the meantime, taking your dog to a nearby veterinarian for a skin scraping to rule out Demodex mange mites, and/or a fungus culture for Ringworm, would be a good idea. A miasm is when the body, mind, or emotions of an individual manifest signs of the disease without actually having the disease. He would need 100mg added to his food two times daily. Doctors call this the "incubation period." Symptoms will appear once the virus travels through your central nervous system and hits your. First of all, aggression is rare to happen in young pups. Ive listed 65 ways the rabies vaccine can harm your dog. But in rare cases, it can also develop into a chronic disorder. This includes hair loss on the body, bacterial skin infections, and blackheads. Focal cutaneous vasculitis and alopecia at sites of rabies vaccination in dogs. Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler, CGC "Nola": 4 year old smooth red sable Miniature Dachshund, AK The Watchman "Pike": Blue Merle Miniature American/Australian Shepherd, Turning Page Three To Get Deadly "Olivia": Red Piebald Miniature Wire Haired Dachshund. Hair loss is often permanent, but some dogs respond to oral melatonin, 3-6 mg orally every eight to 12 hours. If your dogs hair loss is due to ringworm, then antifungals are required. The spot has only regrown a little bit and the skin has turned black and rough. Most cases of sarcoma are better left as it is. Dr. Wooten, a graduate of UC Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine, has 16 years experience of private veterinary practice. Its surprising to read rabies as a side effect of the rabies vaccine. Dogs of all ages can experience this and recover with ease. Alopecia in dogs is the medical term for hair loss. These areas may later form plaques and nodules on the skin. All thats left to do is wait and closely monitor your dog while theyre facing these side effects. With that, you must immediately seek the help of a veterinarian. After conducting much on-line research and reading poodle forum information, I believe he has rabies vaccine-induced alopecia. Swelling around the muzzle, face, eyes, legs, and abdomen. And if possible AVOID future vaccines! Of the 60 cases, 46 had received . A lot of people know about this problem in cats (thats why vets often vaccinate cats in the tail, so it can easily be amputated) but its just as common in dogs. Patricia Jordan DVM is a 1986 graduate of the North Carolina College of Veterinary Medicine. Then a vaccine shot isnt needed anymore. According to VCA Hospitals, this is an immediate allergic reaction. My second pup came to me with puppy mange and the diet cleared it up and a topical of a .5% of neem on the spot. Often, rabies vaccination can cause the body to mimic the disease it was intended to prevent. Results: A total of 60 evaluable reports submitted since 1984 and coded for "alopecia" after immunizations included 16 with positive rechallenge (hair loss after vaccination on more than 1 occasion), 4 of which were definite and 12 possible or probable. 3. You are supposed to remove the cap, set it on the table, tip the vial upside down over the cap and twist the opening. I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this before and how their dogs did one their next rabies shot. Im going to tell you about just 65 of those ways below. by admin | May 10, 2019 | Ask A Vet, Hair Loss | 0 comments, Dog bald spot on his upper right shoulder where the rabies vaccine was administered. This is referred to as lethargy or physical inactivity. If it continues for more than a week, then its an alarming sign of potential paralysis. The vet was unconcerned, they thought it would resolve when he changed coats for the winter. The reason why a dog might limp after a vaccine has to do with the injection site. Eosinophils are usually present in reactions due to other types of vaccines, but are inconspicuous in post-rabies vaccination. It doesn't seem like a super dangerous reaction, but I am worried about when I need to revaccinate her in a couple of years. I guess it's more common in little dogs. Upset stomach. Our content and products are for informational purposes only. These vaccines are entirely safe for your dog and very effective in minimizing exposure to the rabies virus. This injection is given near the area where the animal bit you if possible, as soon as possible after the bite. Avoid hair accessories. Domestic dogs, cats, and rabbits and wild animals such as skunks, raccoons, and bats are. No dice. Common allergies include medication, pollen, dust, chemicals, fragrances and various plants. Another reason a dog may be chewing their tail is because of . This leg pain after all makes sense considering that nowadays, most vets administer the rabies shot to the dog's back leg. In more recent years, I have seen a lot of these spots and gotten blamed for them. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. However, this can only happen with failed vaccines. I already talked to the vet, who diagnosed it. This condition is most frequently diagnosed in Toy or Miniature Poodles and Bichon Frises, as well as other long-haired small breeds are affected with less frequency which include Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, Maltese, Silky Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Toy Manchester Terrier, American Eskimo, Poodle crossbreeds, and Miniature Dachshunds. Sudden loss of interest in things they enjoy. Overall, the rabies vaccine is very safe and these reactions are uncommon. Medications to improve the underlying inflammatory response, such as pentoxifylline, tetracyclines, and essential fatty acids, should be discussed with your veterinarian or dermatology specialist. Dogs that are losing hair due to medical issues with hormones or immune disorders may have additional symptoms, such as: A veterinarian can help you determine why your dog is losing hair and the cause of your dogs alopecia. So, she was pretty sure it was ringworm and gave me MiconaHex+Triz to apply several times a day, followed by VetericynVF. Dog owners often acceptthe one-year rabies vaccine because its cheaper, and because they dont know two important things: And thats what I want to tell you about. This can help determine if there are enough antibodies present to defend against disease. Yes. Also, she asked me what I feed him.when I told her raw, she gasped and said, oh no, vets dont recommend that at all due to the heavy bacterial loadthat it is so stressful on a dog. Some vaccines are approved for subsequent 1-year use and some for 3-year use. Below are some common causes of hair loss in dogs: Demodex mites can cause one small area of hair loss, multiple small patches of hair loss, or complete hair loss. Well, Finn want to the vet yesterday (July 14) and she was very pleased at how well he is doing. Because the virus . You wrote, I did find an article on this bald spot problem in a pet magazine from vaccinations, highlighted it and gave it to the vet across the street.. Spontaneous hair regrowth may occur but can take up to 1 year and may be associated with altered pigmentation. Alopecia areata: This is an autoimmune disorder that causes patches of hair loss on the dog's . I have been a groomer for more than 30 years. Discuss this with your veterinarian to see if you can determine which shot was the culprit. After an average of 30 to 50 days (as short as 14 days or longer than a year) from exposure to a rabid animal, a person develops an illness that may include fever, sore throat, stiff muscles, headache, tiredness, restlessness, nausea, and itching or tingling at the site of the bite. Pathogen Paper: Rabies. Its considered a mild problem as it often goes away on its own. At this time, I am no longer answering questions online. If any of these signs lasts more than 24 hours or if your pet appears extremely uncomfortable, notify your . In most cases, hives will settle down after 24 to 72 hours. Common side effects of the rabies vaccine in dogs include: Swelling or firmness of the skin at the vaccination site. In most areas, keeping your dog up to date on their rabies vaccine is required by law. my city inspector wasatch county; latch board of directors; most annoying sound in the world hippo; quebec flood zone map 2019; the villa restaurant bishops stortford menu; dog losing hair after rabies shot. All over the US and in most of Canada, the law requires you to vaccinate your dog against rabies every three years. In most cases, the fever settles down after 1 to 2 days. With post clipping alopecia, It takes a long time for the dense hair coat to grow back, creating heating and cooling problems for your dog. Vomiting is another normal reaction to the rabies vaccine. Updated July 2022 Now, this isnt a concern that youll find out right away. Raised skin that appears to be reddish a.k.a wheals. Now it is soft and pinkish, but very shiney, and it is still bald. These are not all of the side effects that may occur. Cutaneous vasculitis. My 2 new pups are thriving on a raw diet. Olive Oil 3. A dog losing hair on their tail may be the result of a condition called atopy (environmental allergies) or food allergies. Out of nowhere, unknown visitors are coming in. According to a study, paralysis in dogs occurs 3 weeks later after vaccination. Rabies transmissions from other types of exposures . If your dog is showing one or more of these signs, consult the vet immediately. Here are 7 few signs of abnormal breathing in dogs. I had something similar happen when my dog got her first rabies vaccines. Since the time I first sent you a photo and now (a week later), it has spread to about twice its size. It is still there 6 months later. If he does have mange or ringworm, I would still give the Lachesis remedy. Join nearly 100,000 subscribers who love Dogs Naturally to unlock special discounts and premium content. The following is an excerpt from the Petfinder Blog. But if you want to make your dog feel better, there are simple things you can do. 2. The vet had put benedryl, steroids, and something for her heart. For dogs, it is typically first administered to puppies 12 to 16 weeks of age and then repeated in 1 year. Here are 7 signs that your dog has diarrhea: And as a loving dog parent, you wanna ease your pooch from this experience. On this site I share simple tips that empower dog parents all over the world. Is this normal? And you can do this in a few simple steps. They've never had any reactions to boosters or follow-up shots either. Ten of the affected dogs were Poodles. For instance, pinnal alopecia occurs on a dogs ear tips; traction alopecia occurs on the top of the head due to a dog wearing rubber bands or barrettes that are too tight; and dermatomyositis is alopecia on the face, ear tips, tail, and feet. Clinically, the time interval between vaccination and observation of the lesion was generally 2 to 4 months, but the interval may be longer. Then, furious rabies is the rarer form. All rabies vaccines administered in the U.S. and Canada are inactivated, or killed, meaning the virus has been processed so it can't cause disease. Symptoms of Alopecia in Dogs The most obvious symptom of alopecia is hair loss, but other symptoms can accompany this condition, depending on the cause. I guess my question is, is this a know allergic reaction to the rabies vaccine? Will this develop into something more serious that I should look out for? They endanger society by causing derangementof the immune systems of the animals we share our lives with. If you have previously been vaccinated against rabies, you will need a second dose on 7 days after the first. His face and throat will swell up. . Hormonal testing or skin biopsies can run several hundred dollars. The second stage is the excitative stage, which occurs over the next 1-7 days, and is the classic "mad . Particularly at 106F (41.1C). A dog losing hair for reasons besides shedding is not normal. Holistic vets, myself included, will tell you a very different story. I suggest, you give the Lachesis remedy as I mentioned previously, for at least 3-6 weeks. In most cases, limping will go away on its own after a few days. These are extremely common chronic problems in dogs. Press J to jump to the feed. Loss of appetite. She then scraped some skin off with a staple to test For Demodex mites that was negative. Give him one pellet of Lachesis 12C TWO times daily for three weeks. He has only been minimally vaccinated (puppy shots only included parvovirus and distemper), and I tried to hold off as long as possible with his rabies shot (6 months old). The ringworm looks like it has cleared up and his skin in that area is smooth and pinkish again. unusual tiredness. Here are 5 common symptoms of hives in dogs: Excessive scratching. If your dog is diagnosed with a hormonal disorder like hypothyroidism or Cushings, have them treated appropriately to avoid losing hair. So far, the only place he has a bald spot is at the injection site. Is there anything else we can do? Did your dogs hair ever grow back? Also, he got his 1st set of shots a month before he got his boosters, and I never noticed him losing his hair then. Some people interpret chronic humping as being a dominance behavior, but its more likely a rabies vaccination response, Constant or unwarranted erections, even in neutered males, Frequent or spasmodic sneezing, spasms in the jaws, choking, gagging, or coughing when swallowing liquids, reverse sneezing and laryngeal spasms, Sensation of flea bites, violent itching with no obvious causation, Convulsions, especially from the sight of running water or shiny objects, Restlessness, uneasiness, apprehensiveness and developing aggressive behavior, especially toward strangers, Your normally affectionate dog may hide away and shun company, Your normally independent dog may become unusually attentive and affectionate, Desire to roam and travel away from home for long distances, Resistance to being restrained, chewing viciously on leashes, metal chains or anything that confines him (even breaking through glass windows or bending the bars of a crate or kennel), Self biting inflicting severe bite wounds on himself, Strange cries and hoarse howls (due to partial paralysis of the vocal cords), Unable to swallow because of paralysis of swallowing muscles, Unable to close the eyes; cornea becomes dry and dull, Pica eating inappropriate objects such as wood, stones or his own feces, Destruction of blankets, towels, clothing, Convulsive seizures, tied to lunar patterns, Inflammation of the heart muscle: disturbed heart function, irregular rhythm, heart rate too slow or too fast, heart failure. Shedding is often considered a normal process in dogs, and is caused by seasonal changes or stress. Color Dilution Alopecia. Feed your dog a complete and balanced diet. Skin lesions were hyperpigmented, alopecic macules, 2 to 5 cm in diameter. If alopecia is due to mites, the first step in treatment is eradicating the mites. Other treatments may include hormones, spay/neuter surgeries, retinoids, or melatonin. admin on volusia county school schedule; dog losing hair after rabies shot. Plus get new recipes delivered right to your inbox. The second rabies vaccination is given one year after the first vaccine. I had originally thought mange also, but he doesnt scratch it at all, and I thought mange was supposed to be itchy. 2nd ed. I am really suspicious that the vaccines may have stressed his immune system, and made him susceptible to mange, and/or ringworm! When your dog gets a vaccine shot, the muscles around the injected area can become sore. Inflamed sebaceous glands in the skin of short-coated breeds can cause hair loss and crusty skin. It's also possible for dogs to experience soreness and mild swelling at the injection site. Kidney disease and renal failure can kill your dog. The caring and confident dentists specialize in cosmetic, pediatric and general dentistry services. This makes them a constant threat to people and other animals. And because the remedies are in homeopathic concentrations, you cannot take 2 pellets of 6C to create a 12C potency. Treatment is not necessary. For one, you can feed them the right meals. Here are 5 common symptoms of hives in dogs: Note: Excessive drooling may also occur if the mouth area is swollen, according to PetMD. Most conventional vets will tell you that rabies vaccination is very safe and unlikely to cause any side effects.
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dog losing hair after rabies shot