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ffxi drk gear guide 2019

These substitutions are shown on the weapon and earring, respectively, but can Notable Weaponskills: Guillotine (DRK Exclusive, level 60), Spiral Hell (DRK level 68). The last- and second-to-last steps of the Bozjan resistance relic offer Rather than switching to blunt, the solution to skelleys in Sheol C is to have your White Mage toss a Banishga II after the your tank has gathered the mobs and done a tag. For those wishing to run 2.45. item level 375 sync by queuing into Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage) with the Recomended: 5 Desperate Blows, 1 Dark Seal, 4 Diabolic Eye. There are three very useful types of bolts you can, and should use. and 120-second cooldowns and should minimize rotational drift. The How-To Guides are user created guides editable by anyone. Even Souleater recast can be situational. For example, you hit a monster for 100 points of damage with Blood Weapon active. These three specific GCD speeds are chosen because they align well with 60- overcap as a result in order to reach a 2.49 GCD speed. Though if you have decent gear, you can probably tank Lv.10-15. This Scythe is only ever replaced by Perdu Sickle, a currently unobtainable weapon from high level assault rank, or if Tredecim Scythe is fixed. Congratulations! Thanks. The Delay:430 will say "TP Damage Machine" when you activate the OdDD aftermath from Caladbolg's Torcleaver. Muted Soul - This merit gives you -10 enmity when Souleater is up per level. Also make sure to look me up on twitter and other social media for other final fantasy 11 related stuff.Thanks again and Ill see you guys in Vana'diel!Peace out Riki/Datsik Again, it lasts five minutes with a one-minute recast, and again, it will double recasting time on spells. This Thief is not a good sub job in my opinion, and I put it here purely to talk about why you shouldn't use this. These sets are specifically for The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate), Dark Knight is iconic for 75 cap, sometimes for its great utility and sometimes for its borderline troll players. helm. Drk is my next best job and I do enjoy scythe but 119 apoc against an afterglow ragnarok isnt a good contest. Dark Knights are melee damage dealers specializing in the use of Great Swords and Scythes. NEVER go absolutely nuts in a party. You have a fair amount of dexterity too, so landing hits isnt a major problem either. higher for maximum value on both substats. using synced CRIT+DET gear with enough CRIT+SkS pieces to reach your desired GCD This is a strong underrated Great Axe build, make sure to check it, and try it out. Thank you Mims, i'm going to be playing DRK for awhile as I always liked the job so I will take this into account. I currently have 117 gear/weapons and I was searching some things up. TP set or any WS's ? It provides increased acc as a job ability along with a evasion bonus. It's a misconception that Dark Knight has lower defense than warrior. Notes: The best weapon a Dark Knight can use until level 50, although it is not practical to do so since Scythe and/or Great Sword are very likely to become underlevelled. This is the best sub job for all levels of zerging because the haste only gets better the more you have, and in zerg situations you are at very high haste levels to begin with. Dark Knights (DRK) are powerful damage dealers who have the capability to further their damage by using select Black Magic spells. In actuality you are better off not casting this spell in most situations because the damage gained from just hitting the mob and generating TP the old fashioned way is just straight up better damage, but in some situations it is worth using. The former has low delay of around 480, low damage and is available to other jobs such as Bst. maximum value on both substats. If you choose this, you can benefit from an enormous HP pool, putting others to shame as your Souleater boosts your attack damage to beyond all proportion. Dont rely on it to save your hide until Lv.30 comes around. This playstyle has almost entirely vanished on Eden, as with proper gearing and buffing, even on the hardest mobs you will likely have buffs and be able to just sub Sam or Nin to melee the mob down, which results in far more damage than the spike of SAWS. GCDs over the whole fight vs 2.45. slot won't overcap on Skill Speed as a result, indicated by red text in the Ground Strike is very fearsome at 300% TP and with the Thief subjob, in fact both of the principle weaponskills of Great Sword stack with Sneak Attack fearsomely. Scythes aren't a very good option until level 10 (However, if you have no Scythe skill, it might be a wise idea to just stick it out with a scythe from level one, otherwise you wont be able to hit anything once you start partying). This New and Returning Players guide goes over some early gear progression for players that have recently just hit level 99. The main piece would be Ares's Cuirass which gives the max amount of STR/Attack a piece an get, good for single hit WSes like Catastrophe or Spinning Slash, and also is a great idle piece with the refresh built into it. Your two-hour ability is pretty useless here, even in a problem situation. It also has a higher damage cap than drain, so you can hit for 400+ damage in max sets. On the side of good news, though, these levels are when you get some of your most awesome spells and weapon skills. overcap as a result, indicated by red text on the melding screen. Also, equipments for these parties are heavily focused on Haste for normal attacks and Str/Acc for weapon skill. Fending, and the helm with an Asphodelos Circlet of Fending. This set loses about 1.5% DPS compared to the 2.50 and 2.45 sets, and is Anyone have some sets they could post for me? We know that eventually Eden has plans to add Nyzul Isle, Salvage, Einherjar, Zeni NMs, and Dreamland Dynamis at some point. It reads like a seasoned veteran gently mentoring you. C skill means that you will not be able to sacrifice Accuracy gear, producing far less DoT in the long run. This is good, but you also have to remember that attack does cap at some point, and in many situations the +15% attack alone on Last Resort is enough to hit that point. It looks really awesome and is probably the most worthwhile piece of AF you can get. Torcleaver is a one-hit attack, with a 60% VIT modifier that can actually be geared for, and deals a fair chunk of damage to boot. The problem is that if you are stacking Last Resort and Souleater togethor, this staggers the timers and can lead to waste. If not all the way to Lv.75, then at least to Lv.50 or so. Arcane Circle Recast/Weapon Bash Recast - Worthless. Dark Seal - Pretty good one point wonder, this works much like Elemental Seal where it gives you massive magic accuracy bonuses when casting 1 dark magic spell. on how Dark Knight utilizes each stat, visit the melding and stat priority page Dark Knight while leveling is going to use a combination of Great Axe and a Crossbow. Well, some may argue that if you have spent your gil making a Caladbolg 99 instead of Ragnarok 99 chances are that you aren't intelligent enough to compete with a Borealis/OAT GS DRK. to receive a key item. Dark Knight is not even one of the most popular jobs on Eden, but Apocalypse is the most popular relic on the server, and for very good reason. See the Zerging section for more information on this playstyle. Scythes are split into two types: Zaghnal and Scythe. Souleater and Last Resort are great abilities to spike your hate at the start of a fight, after a hate reset, or when you need to rip the mob off someone - just remember to cancel them. If possible, time it between switching targets. At Lv.10 you get your first Attack Bonus, which puts you into position of damage-dealer right away. optimum efficiency. Twitch: brought to you by the "Real Rosa" RosafarrelliCheck him out overe here: . a tiny bit more HP with a negligible hit to DPS. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Dark Knight has a very low Marksmanship skill (E), but honestly skill levels don't matter too much until the 50s or 60s. You can 4-step (and more), and it will always beat a Liberator if you're geared/have enough buffs to do it consistently; which is most of the time. But it's easy to find out what people think about it .. it's a glorified skillchain machine. This guide is written by A Pile of Cats, a Dark Knight enthusiast Flexibility is the key to Dark Knights usefulness, in general the job struggles to keep up with the best DD jobs like Samurai or Warrior, but people still love to have them around just for the mixture of support and damage. Knight. about ~0.4% DPS output but adds some wiggle room in execution. Notable Weaponskills: Rampage (DRK level 56). weapon from the fight, use it with Direct Hit melded in the third slot. menu. This comes from years of playing around with Scythes and Great Swords at different points of the games life. DRK_2022_Guide_V2 (1).docx. For every HP drain II returns over your max HP, it will temporarily increase your max HP for 1 minute. Buying the Drain II and Dread Spikes. Thank you Kylos :) ya I have an afterglowd ragnarok and a 119 apoc already. The second reason is the passive Store TP you gain off traits, which allows a scythe Drk to gain TP in 6 hits instead of 7, and a great sword Drk to gain TP in 7 hits instead of 8. This set is recommended along with the 2.50 set and has the best For those who just need to deal more damage, this is the perfect support job for you. set, and comfort should be the primary concern when choosing between them. I actually have Lycurgos for RUN and I considered building around that but ultimately I ended up doing Dolichenus and Decimation. Again, youll be hard-pressed finding parties, but now youll be even better in them. Though not very high, Dark Knight has some skill in Marksmanship. Determination and one Critcal Hit meld with Direct Hit, shown here on the weapon Great Axe weapon skill, Dark Knight stays relatively annoying to level until Lv.30 when you get. I've been wanting to test out loxotic mace on DRK but not exactly sure where to start since we don't have access to black halo. that won't overcap on Determination as a result, indicated by red text in the These substitutions are shown on the weapon and second ring, respectively, but can Two items, Very high DMG leads to high individual hit damage, Scythes are generally very easily-accessible; top-end ones tend not to be difficult to get or rare/ex (the exception being the. However, there may be differing opinions than those expressed in a guide. Samurai is Drk's highest DPS sub job for normal play as a melee DPS. IX are replaced with Determination. As a 13+ year career DRK .. this is what I think of all REMAs. Arcane Circle (5) 10:00 Recast - Increases resistance to arcana. Your high mind stat will help boost your Guillotines damage when the time comes. Check the later pages for the guides in the ffxiah forums. it takes longer for a Great Sword to reach 100%+ TP than using a Scythe). I have a post of gearsets from 2019 at the following link. Another prominent piece of equipment is the Haubergeon body piece. Triton's/Orichalcum Scythe - This is the staple Scythe for all Dark Knights on Eden. Just use a Kraken Club and Haste/HP gear. Pick up a Great Axe (at lv5 and 8) or Great Sword that has some decent damage over time to it. ; ; New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Last Resort (15) 5:00 Recast - Increases your attack by 15% and lowers your defense by 15%. Except now you can absorb the targets TP every minute. Dark Knight excels in two types of weapons: Great Swords and Scythes. FINAL I can't wait to check out the rest of your videos. with the same substats will perform identically. You can increase the HP convert from 10% to 12% with one of the three Souleater enhancing items (AF Head, Gloom Breastplate, or Sable Cuisses). The Great Axe gives you access to strong weaponskills; Shield Break, as the first WS you learn, applies -40 evasion to the mob when used (not guaranteed, and based on combat skill level so keep it skilled up) which is one of the largest DPS increases you can possibly have for a party at low levels. It is not the main recommended set as a result, Zeni NMs or ZNMs add a ton of items like the Aurum Cuirass set, a new great sword in Nagelring, and a ton of small upgrades that would take too long to list. As mentioned in the Blood Weapon paragraph, this can be combined with that ability for some crazy shit. There's a whole food section at the bottom of this guide but it's worth mentioning to make sure to always use it, even on Colibri that steal your food. A whole lot of bang in a little buck. desired GCD speed is perfectly adequate. Please add anything if it is needed, and take away anything that is either untrue or not needed. The Ultimate skillchains make this the best scythe in the game. Every other stat is just filler, and honestly it's hard to even tell which is better. Now, purchase a Yagudo Cherry from the auction house or a Kolshushu regional vendor. To be clear, this isn't tanking via hitting the mob with your scythe to keep hate while casting shadows - while that play style is valid, it doesn't perform differently than normal play and isn't as effective on most higher-level mobs. normal mode release. You do not have the skill ranks that Warrior does to make this viable. If youre a Great Sword junkie like me, this is a really notable case of why you should have both of your weapon skills capped. The DPS requirement for the encounter is much easier to This has very little alternatives and I wouldn't honestly even bother with this set until you have the HQ Darksteel pieces. When this works, the scythe will be amazing. A great alternative for any Dark Knights support jobs. Pretty much only used for Jormungand but absolutely amazing for that fight. Great Swords are moderately fast at an average of 420-450 delay. Drop down and continue south to H-14. At least until Lv.30 and higher, then it becomes a bit more useful. When you imagine a 2007 era Dark Knight, it may evoke images of Linkin Park playing in the background while Kraken Clubs are swingin and beating down an innocent Absolute Virtue. Weapon Grade: A- A- skill is very solid and allows a fair bit of substitution of accuracy gear for Haste and Attack equipment. Head to Giddeus. The potency of Dread Spikes is based purely on total HP, which means you can macro in as much HP as possible before casting it for maximum total damage absorbed. General is followed with the exception of one Direct Hit meld replaced with You can replace any Direct Hit meld with Skill Speed in any slot that won't Notes: Only practical in early levels, not worth using after a certain point. Just check the set I posted a while back. Soloing these levels is quite annoying, even for a melee job. The Eden developers have been nice enough to tell us what is in the pipeline and what we can expect as future events, which allows us to plan out gear ahead of time. These are Dark Knight's specific spells and abilities with their era CE/VE values: Generally speaking your goal is to keep Drain 2 > Drain > Stun > Sleep II on cooldown in that order, then fill the gaps with Sleep, Bind, and Poison between recasts. Judgment is superior to Black Halo, so yeah. concerned about absolutely maximizing their damage. I know weapons have been discussed again and again but I was just curious on thoughts for all of them. percent of the alternatives, you still need to keep this gap in mind. If you can, picking up a crossbow can really help. Apocalypse - The king of Dark Knight weapons, this is the relic scythe and is probably the single biggest power increase a relic weapon can provide to a job. Macro the Dexterity rings for melee then swap for Strength during a weaponskill. Starting with your AF boots at Lv.52, the only good thing about them is the Mind stat. Average HP allows your Souleater to deal vicious damage, while your vitality means you dont have to worry all that much about being killed from doing so. Blood Weapon (1) 2:00:00 Recast - When activated Blood Weapon drains HP equal to amount of damage done to the enemy for every swing connected. Endark effect. This includes daggers, swords, axes, great swords, great axes and scythes. Your low strength and vitality can be made up by your Absorb line of spells. Souleater also adds +25 accuracy while its up, which can help offset accuracy loss from Souleater enhancing items. Adding a little bit of finesse to the powerful brute that is Dark Knight, a Mithra Dark Knight plays Dark Knight very well. One Direct Hit meld must also be replaced with Skill Speed elsewhere. And how well exactly does afterglow calad hold up? ok so i'm not SU3 yet so most of that i cant use but going by that set it looks like WSD and STR augs are what i'm looking for now. Here is a list of all the guides currenly on Eden. gloves with a synced CRIT+DET piece as well is a negligible DPS loss. CE stands for Cumulative Enmity, this is enmity that doesn't degrade over time and you can only lose by taking damage, hate resetting moves, losing shadows, or being enfeebled. While they have a respectable rating in Elemental Magic, the bulk of their magic usage comes from casting Dark Magic spells. Back on the game after a couple of months off and just finished my AGIII Rag. Happy to elaborate, i just need time to type it up. The 2.40 prog set doesn't lose as much compared to the slower sets as the Still havent been beaten on a parse with it equipped. compatibility with the sets for other tank jobs. Additionally, one Direct Hit X and one Critical Hit Equipment: High-end Armor Sets (Magic), [Click header for High-end Armor Sets (Magic) section], [Click header for Events & Current Endgame section], [Click header for Other Resources and Tools section]. result, indicated by red text in the melding menu. won't overcap on the chosen substat as a result, indicated by red text in the Still, you are much better off with more accuracy (if you are eating meat) since you will certainly deal more damage if you land all the hits or simply more Str if you are munching sushi. Privacy Policy. but the difference in practice is still quite small. Alternatively, simply replace one Critical Hit with Determination in Personally I want to keep as much offensive pressure as I can in my PDT set so I just choose to swap in specifically PDT pieces. This gives I want to make it clear that I do not hate Caladbolg or Torcleaver, though I do get mad when Torc decides to miss. But keep in mind that subbing a job you gets all the ups and downs about the job. Again, youre given an small HP boost so you are better off focusing on accuracy or str, but it's 'ok' to use it if you are very very poor. Notable Weaponskills: None, Weapon Grade: E haha well i'm at work atm and i've yet to unlock it i'm sure i have a decent amount of gear for it from other jobs or can get it atleast. The reason being, it doesnt add anything to your overall damage over time or anything else for that matter. Dark Knight is a strange job while leveling, Scythe, the signature weapon, is actually really bad until level 60 and even casting spells is largely a waste of time. Damage output is near-identical to the 2.50 down to 2.44 GCD in exchange for ~0.5% of your DPS. Note: All weapons are being discussed for general usage, although I may reference more specific uses (zerging notably); this will be discussed in detail later. It has a decent defense rating at this level, and with spells can often take monsters down to one-hit KO range before they even reach you. The former can be done in The Head has some use as a WS piece if you lack other options, and the body is mostly not good for Drk but can see use if you absolutely don't need accuracy in your body slot. Warrior gives a nice boost to strength and dexterity, plus a trait for defense boost, and one of the most useful damage-dealing job abilities in the game: Berserk. I mean, a Dark Knight using a puny little club. In this guide I cover three typ. You can also replace the Classical Ring with an Augmented Radiant's Ring of A Dark Knight without any Haste equipment and Str/Acc for weapon skill will deal as low as 50% the damage of a fairly well equipped Dark Knight with at least 15% haste in his equipment set. Ambu/Escha/+2 AF is the general area of gear I'm working with atm. The DPS What it does is will drain 100% of the damage you deal from the monster to you. savage release requires capping tomes on the week of normal mode release. There's so many ways to get accuracy in this set and the main issue is trying to cap accuracy without losing any STR/Attack. FINAL Like Drain, the damage on this spell scales with dark magic skill up until a cap of 300 skill then stops. Ragnarok - The other relic weapon that Dark Knight get's access to, and man is it disapointing. Thank you very much, Quetz, great guide! Weapon Grade: B- . You can also cast spells like Absorb-TP, which if timed well can give you huge chunks of TP to increase your damage and lower the mob's damage. I use 4/5 sakpatas in my hybrid. Allot no more than 127 points into each substat for (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide: Quetzacoatl: 6120: 982748: 3 weeks 4 days. Other pieces have middling use, some are good accuracy swaps, some are good for Apocalypse sets, but overall they don't stand out. Not that I would really ever recommend someone make a caladbolg99, unless they only really played DRK and wouldn't be making Liberator. Plus, if you party with a Paladin, theres almost no way he or she is going to lose hate to you, so you can just go absolutely nuts. This is the better half of DRK's selection of Empyrean weapons. So you can use the gear suggested for a Torcleaver/Greatsword build(Resolution builds use another set thou)For Ambuscade GreatSword Nandaka Ground strike build.for Savage blade build with Naegling, for Ambuscade Scythe(Drepanum) Spiral Hell buildfor Apoclypse Relic scythe Catastrophe buildfor Anguta and cross reaper spam(entropy is another ws set)All the scythe builds for ws use ratri gear 4/5 or 3/5, but these sets also work just fine.So use whichever weapon you prefer, but this is mainly for the Great Axe build and it's a strong one!0:00 Intro1:38 Ranting3:23 Intro continues7:26 Drain 3 set13:44 Drain3 Example Self SC14:20 Drain3 Weaponbash+Keen Edge14:47 Drain3 \"Free nuke\"15:27 Drain3 In Dynamis-Divergence talk and tips16:20 TP Set22:43 Hybrid Set24:21 Armor Break WS SET26:23 Steel Cyclone, Upheaval \u0026 Fell Cleave WS Set30:45 Dread Spike Set31:18 Endark Set34:22 Self Skillchain Opener34:50 Self Skillchain Other35:15 OutroWeapon bash+Ignominy Gauntlets Skillchains for different weapons to use drain III Magic burst easy on: to more DRK gearsets that you can aim for after this: outdated, has some good info and some gear still relevant of course: helpful beginner links DRK guide! knight Gearswap Lua file you want to see me play live I stream over on Twitch multiple times a week, make sure to check me out over there at: you can catch me Live here on YouTube!Social media our discord channel! and donate------------------------------------Paypal\u0026business=JDAVLD4NPV5YW\u0026currency_code=SEK\u0026source=url----------------------------------------Patreon you enjoyed this video and found it helpful, smash that like and subscribe button and leave a comment. If this has been answered before I am sorry. Weapon Grade: C The difference between Paladin's Job Abilities and Dark Knight is that Dark Knight's abilities reduce survivability. Following the path west, head to H-7. Nyzul Isle will add the Askar set which to be honest is not super good, the hallmark piece is the Feet which completely outclass Darksteel Leggings +1 for PDT and Coral Leggings +1 for MDT. When played correctly you should take almost no damage when subbing Ninja as you can rotate between Utsusemi: Ni and Utsusemi: Ichi for nearly fulltime coverage. An infinite amount of time! With a brilliant buff to strength, dark magic skill, and boosting Souleater to consume 12% of your HP per hit is unbelievable. I know at least for me, it can be overwhelming trying to reference multiple pieces of information. "To strengthen themselves in battle, not only have these outlaw warriors mastered the ways of numerous weapons, but they have also acquired certain black magic spells to torment their enemies." Table of Contents: Abilities, Traits, Spell List, Combat Skill Ratings boosts to your damage. Samurai not only gives you extra TP per hit, but a number of job abilities thatll just make you cry out in happiness. Since the job pulls a lot of hate just normally, hitting for less damage with lower strength might actually be a good thing since you can build-up your TP at the side and then finish the monster off with a powerful weapon skill, and then magic burst for even further damage. [+] Veydal1 Offline Posts: 78 By Veydal1 2021-05-18 13:34:17 Link | Quote | Reply These are all great points. From 20-30 this sub will offer you a small Accuracy Bonus (+10) as well as Sharpshot that increases your ranged accuracy for spamming crossbow bolts which you should be doing at that level.

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