members of city council alameda
1. Supervisors said they aimed to balance the concerns of rental owners exasperated by the nearly three-year eviction ban, and the needs of tenants still reeling from the economic fallout of the pandemic and struggling to afford the regions high housing costs. Preparing Alameda for the Future Oddie also ran for re-election in 2018 and lost when he came in third in the contest for two open seats. In District 3, Councilmember Ben Bartlett faces Deborah Matthews, a real estate broker, and Orlando Martinez, a construction manager. Monica Wilson at her first Parma City Council meeting. For measure materials, please contact Candidate A more immediate incentive to generate funds for infrastructure is the Citys agreement with the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) that requires all of the water lines be replaced by 2027. Council named Tony Daysog as Vice Mayor and honored outgoing Councilmember John Knox White for his twenty years of service to the City of Alameda. 0000000516 00000 n Breaking the barrier in Parma: Monica Wilson, Parma's first Black council member. Council members elect the mayor and vice mayor on an annual basis. Report Website Errors. *Donations to TheAlamedaSun are not tax-deductible. However, that does not provide a process equivalent to placement on the regular agenda. Referral. Find 6 City Councils within 10.6 miles of Alameda City Council. Except for streets, parks, public tidelands that cannot be sold, and other public amenities, the City can sell all of the property it has received from the Navy. Terry Y. LaCroix Jr., Alamedas first directly elected mayor, and his wife invited citizens to a Sunday afternoon open house to meet your Mayor at their home: 920 Grand Street. That property, built in 1907, is now worth an estimated $1.2 million. Arregun touted his successes in approving and building affordable housing in Berkeley, while shoring up the citys budget despite trying times this year. Referral. The proposed ordinance before the Oakland City Council Tuesday would give boats up to 12 hours to anchor or moor in the estuary. In anticipation of a potential wave of eviction filings in Alameda County, supervisors asked county staff to identify additional federal and state emergency funding for rental assistance and other out-of-the-box approaches to help struggling landlords and renters. Objection to placement of item 5-G on Consent Calendar: Section 4 states Agenda items listed under the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted, approved, or adopted by one motion without discussion. There is nothing routine about a $1.1 million contract to provide engineering and consulting services for the project through the final planning and construction stages. This has been by design. The aforementioned Measure Z represents a chance for Alameda voters to remove charter language that significantly limited the building of new housing on the island for a generation. Dear City Manager Ott, City Attorney Shen, City Clerk Weisiger & Mayor Ashcraft: We understand that the City Manager is responsible for the content of the agenda with the assistance of the City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor. City Attorney Barbara Parker is seeking re-election against one of her own, Eli Ferran, a member of the Oakland city attorneys office. Fremont, Dear City Manager Ott, City Attorney Shen, City Clerk Among them is Measure GG, which adds a 50-cent tax on ride-sharing companies for trips originating in Berkeley; Measure HH, which increases the citys utility users tax to 10 percent; Measure JJ, an increase in councilmembers pay; and Measure II, a charter amendment that creates an independent Berkeley Police Accountability Board and director of police accountability. 6:15 p.m. City of Newark David W. Smith City Hall . Early indications are that our fellow residents are saying, in no uncertain terms, that an island city like Alameda needs the growth control tool (that Measure Z would stop), Councilman Tony Daysog, chair of the campaign to keep the current language in the charter, said in an email. Suggest Listing But in Alameda County, the eviction moratorium, dating back to March 2020, has kept cases at historic lows. 2263 Santa Clara Avenue SEIU and the Alameda Labor Council have pumped $343,000 into an independent expenditure committee to defeat McElhaney. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Measure AA would change the language in the city charter to make it clearer that council members should not interfere when the city manager is hiring employees. Type. Mayor Jim Ross. How do Alameda mayoral and city council salaries compare? The Alameda city charter was adopted in 1907, and councilmembers served then without compensation. 2023 County Office. It is a misapplication of our Rules of Order to classify this as a consent item to be adopted without discussion. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. WebAlameda city councilmembers who serve on three boards and commissions earn stipends for that service: $150 per meeting for being on the Alameda County Lead Abatement A charter amendment can be placed on the ballot by three councilmembers who vote in favor of a proposed measure. City staff will work with community members and partners, including Bike Walk Alameda, to assist County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. Thus, this process severely limits public comment that would otherwise been available on the regular agenda. Others think these rates should be increased. Truthfully, we have a lot more votes to count, White said Wednesday afternoon. But other people considering running for office might say, I cant afford to do it. . Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguns re-election will face three challengers next month. Only former Encinal High School principal Mike Cooper, who co-owns 1400 Bar & Grill, knew the sobering truth, but then again, he should, given that he used to be a government affairs teacher. Notably, on the issue of the Oakland Coliseum, which resides in the district, all five candidates advocate for the Oakland As to build their new ballpark at the site and not at the waterfront property known as Howard Terminal. Each member shared their vision for the city during the meeting. In 2014, after deciding to no longer seek a master developer for the entire base, the City set itself up to be able to sell any of its Alameda Point property at any time by completing a Master Infrastructure Plan (updated in 2020), creating zoning districts, and producing an updated environmental impact report. The compensation varies greatly among similar-sized cities. AKRON, Ohio Akron City Council on Monday night met for five hours and voted six times to try to confirm its list of members for the citys new Citizens Police Oversight Board, to no avail. Tuesdays meeting came as much of the core Bay Area has seen a dramatic surge in eviction lawsuits after most pandemic tenant protections expired last year, according to a Bay Area News Group analysis of court data. Not to Be Morbid, But Lets Talk About Death, Brad Johnson Turns Iconic Diesel Into East Bay Booksellers, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Is Our East Bay Person of the Year, Art Exhibition to Benefit Cherkasy, Ukraine, Christo Brauns Art Spreads Delightfulness, Swimmer Craig Coombs Circles Alameda in Record Time. Taplin believes hes the most progressive candidate in the race, but Sen. Bernie Sanders endorsed Davila last week. WebMembership About Information about the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, its work on behalf of accreditation and its member services. 37101 Newark Boulevard. You have entered an incorrect email address! After holding the seat since 1996, Reid hopes to hand it over to his daughter, Treva Reid. The registrar plans to send out updates each day at 5 p.m. Amendment of Consent Calendar Rules: Section 4 of the Rules of Order needs to include a definition of routine and a codification of the process to remove an item from the consent calendar. Asst. But the trio of challengersformer Mayor Trish Herrera Spencer, Gig Codiga and Amos Whiteall espouse platforms that in many cases are diametrically opposed to the council incumbents. Keimach quit amid the controversy in May 2018 and received a $945,000 separation agreement from the city. The objective was to sell large buildings or large blocks of property so that developers would directly install new infrastructure, as is currently being done at Site A. This is a routine matter for the City Council because they have previously reviewed the MOU in closed sessions, but it is clearly not routine from the point of view of the public. Parma, Cleveland's biggest suburb, marked a significant milestone in February when it swore in Monica Wilson, the city's first Black city councilperson. We would be better served as a community if we opened the field to all levels.. Ezzy Ashcraft said people need to ask if they would be willingand ableto work as an elected city official in Alameda as a volunteer. There are 10 City Councils in Alameda County, California, serving a population of 1,629,615 people in an area of 739 square miles. While most East Bay cities have avoided the pursuit of ballot measures for the November election because of the pandemic, Berkeley is bucking the trend with eight. Supervisor Richard Valle 1221 Oak Street, Suite 536 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: 510-272-6692 Fax: 510-271-5115 Berkeley, Meanwhile, voters in the Tri-Valley and Fremont will elect a new member to the powerful five-member county Board of Supervisors in a matchup that has involved both sides slinging brickbats at each other for months. CA, Emeryville City Council Memberships including tickets to history walking tours are offered in limited quantities. 02-22-05. But his wonky persona has conversely been attacked by Walton, who has often asserted that Kalb has lost his connection with the North Oakland district. Protecting Core Services Address, Phone Number, and Hours for Alameda City Council, a City Council, at Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda CA. Oakland voters will decide whether to bring back a majority of the City Council, while the same electorate will be asked to add four new members to the much-maligned Oakland Unified School District Board of Education. 2. Gavin Newsom and cities that dont comply could face steep consequences. During the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee endorsement meeting, held virtually last month, Gallo repeatedly struggled to master the new realities of Zoom meetings, often beginning to answer questions without unmuting his audio, while his much younger opponents looked on with a knowing smile. Popularity:#2 of 10 City Councils in Alameda County#13 of 104 City Councils in California#117 in City Councils. WebCity of Arlington City Hall GOVERNMENT City Council Members. Throughout the campaign, Parker has portrayed Ferran as inexperienced and unexceptional in his performance as a deputy city manager. 20980 Redwood Road Of the five Oakland council races this fall, the District 3 matchup in West Oaklandfeaturing Councilmember Lynette McElhaney, longtime Oakland activist Carroll Fife and four othersrepresents the most likely upset, according to several local politicos. Open Letter to City Manager Et. Terms and Conditions. 1333 Park Avenue With Californias COVID-19 emergency declaration expiring today, Oakland is required to resume in-person meetings of the council and its committees, as well as the citys boards and commissions, according to city officials.. All memberships and donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170. Taplin has repeatedly asserted during the campaign that District 2 struggles with quality-of-life issues. Find Voter Records related to Alameda City Council. Alameda Unified School District Board Member Albany Unified School District Board Member Berkeley Unified School District School Director Castro Valley Unified The OUSD boards decision last year to begin closing some Oakland public schools and reports of contaminated water at McClymonds High School appear to have galvanized candidates to run in each of the four contests. Measure S1 would allow the commission to create an Office of the Inspector General to monitor the handling of police misconduct cases, and hire its own attorneys. Get Morning Report and other email newsletters. He says a tenant in his San Leandro triplex owes over $120,000 in back rent, leaving Wu, whos in his 50s, teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Historical Advisory Board. Oakland police accountability activists will finally get an opportunity to add teeth to the citys independent Police Commission. Ashley Madison ReviewsOur Personal Take Ashley Madison ReviewsOur Personal Take on AshleyMadison.Com (2023). PW 05-19-26, RFP: Chuck Corica Golf Course Parking Lot Improvements, Preparation of Eng Docs for Upgrade of Sewer Pump Stations, Group 5, RFP for FY 2020 Sign & Striping Maintenance, PW No. Her campaign for re-election, though, has proven difficult this fall with the emergence of Terry Taplin, a Berkeley transportation commissioner who has the backing of several progressive groups, along with a near sweep of the citys state and local elected officials. CA, Oakland California City Council Supervisor David Haubert, who had initially supported acting to end the restrictions, said he was frustrated the planned review of the emergency ordinance had been previously delayed multiple times. Alameda Citizens Task Force Board of Directors. Family Health Services Director, Health Care Services Agency. A federal appeals judge could make a decision in the coming days or weeks. November 3, 2020 - General Election DISCLAIMER: Information on this list is current as of the date it was posted. Union, Most people assume that Mayor Trish Herrera Spencer makes big bucks. Since that time, the project has been reviewed by various city agencies and public input has been received from people living in close proximity to the project. Meanwhile, the Alameda County Registrars Office is dealing with a massive influx of ballots with a mostly vote-by-mail election, which is expected to draw 1 million voters. For cities with 50,000 to 75,000 residents, the state recommends $500 per month. Monica Wilson at her first Parma City Council meeting. To be successful, Ezzy Ashcraft said, an amendment would require council unity and noted that more lucrative pay could lead to a more representative council. Ferran, meanwhile, recently received help from the National Association of Realtors. See Full Bio. We hope you will choose to become an annual or monthly member, or to make a one-time or recurring donation. Open Letter to City Manager Et. This has been by design. During its regular meeting on Tuesday, March 7, City Council will hold a work session to discuss the pros and cons of leasing versus selling buildings at Alameda Point in the area designated for repurposing old buildings for reuse. Referral. He was previously a housing and homelessness reporter at the Santa Rosa Press Democrat in Sonoma County. He has doggedly portrayed Arregun as supporting policies to the detriment of the citys homeless, allowing the militarization of the police department and for being too slow on climate change. For myself, its such a huge honor to be mayor that we are sacrificing fiscally to do it, but there would be many good candidates who would not consider it because of fiscal reasons, which is unfortunate, she said. Members. While either Oddie or Vellas re-election could be in danger this November, most believe the likelihood is lowered by the potential that Spencer, Codiga and White may split a portion of the vote that has shown itself in recent elections to be the minority in Alamedas pronounced progressive electorate. The charter was amended in 1970 to give the mayor a $200 monthly stipend, compensating for being a directly elected mayor when, previously, the duties had rotated among city councilmembers. Click here for a list of disaster response resources for California businesses. All opinions expressed on this page are the author's alone anddo not reflect those of the Alameda Post, nor does our organization endorse any views the author may present. In third place, was former Mayor Trish Spencer, who was just short of 43 behind White. This has been by design. As a regular agenda item, there would first be a staff presentation followed by clarifying questions from council members and staff response. The coronavirus election is upon us, setting up a crosscurrent of anxious voters worried about the re-election of President Trump and local candidates unsure how to navigate the pitfalls of campaigning during a pandemic.
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members of city council alameda