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nj title 40 police promotions

Section 40:54-29.10 - Joint library trustees, Section 40:54-29.11 - Termination of boards of trustees of free public libraries of participating municipalities; assets and obligations, Section 40:54-29.12 - Board of trustees as body corporate; name, Section 40:54-29.13a - Joint free public library administrators, duties. Final Overall Average: 70.4 + 19 = 89.400 An officer with the exact same test score but with the minimum 3 years of qualifying service would be as follows: 88 (test score) .8 = 70.4 (weighted exam score) 3 years + 70 base credit + 10 service credit = 83 83 .2 = 16.6 (weighted seniority score) Final Overall Average: 70.4 + 16.6 = 86.600 Promotion of members and officers in certain municipalities Section 40:76-1 - After six years may resume charter, Section 40:76-2 - Petition for submission; proposition stated, Section 40:76-3 - Petition; form and content, Section 40:76-4 - Petition need not be on single paper; affidavit annexed, Section 40:76-5 - Clerk to examine petition; minor deviations permissible, Section 40:76-6 - Defective petitions; clerk to notify agent, Section 40:76-7 - Determination of validity of clerk's objections, Section 40:76-8 - If petitioners prevail clerk to call election, Section 40:76-9 - If clerk prevails petition returned to agent, Section 40:76-10 - Petition amended; refiling, Section 40:76-11 - Clerk to examine amended petition; procedure same as with original, Section 40:76-12 - When petition finally accepted clerk to call election; procedure, Section 40:76-13 - Clerk to fix date for election; how fixed, Section 40:76-14 - Election not to be held in year of regular election, Section 40:76-15 - Notice of election; form and content, Section 40:76-16 - Copy of notice filed with board of commissioners, Section 40:76-17 - Copies of notice posted and published, Section 40:76-18 - Arrangements for election; expenses, Section 40:76-19 - Time and place of election; conduct of election, Section 40:76-20 - Addition of names to registry books; county board to sit, Section 40:76-21 - Ballot; number, form and content, Section 40:76-22 - Results canvassed and certified; contents of certificate, Section 40:76-23 - Vote required for adoption; effect of adoption; exceptions, Section 40:76-24 - Application and operation of certain laws not affected, Section 40:76-25 - Educational system unaffected. Section 40:56-56 - Appeal from award in condemnation proceedings; notice. Section 40:62-13.1 - Rates, schedules established by municipal utility providing electricity. Andrew Baldino, Ptl. Section 40:56-84 - Annual budget; public hearing; amendment; adoption by municipal governing body, Section 40:56-85 - Annual licenses for business within special improvement district; fees; special account, Section 40:56-86 - Delegation of work by municipality; approval of work, Section 40:56-87 - Inclusion of pedestrian mall or special improvement district in other improvement or rehabilitation district. Section 40:56-45 - Payment of award; payment into court in certain cases, Section 40:56-46 - Title to vest in municipality upon payment; copy of award recorded; map filed, Section 40:56-47 - Appeal from award; procedure, Section 40:56-48 - Contracts with county for road improvements; assessments for benefits, Section 40:56-49 - Improvement of streets part of highway, Section 40:56-50 - Contract with state and county for road improvement, Section 40:56-51 - Payment of cost; assessments for benefits, Section 40:56-53 - House connections; cost assessed. 40A:14-129 and -130, police promotions to "superior position [s]" within such police departments are restricted to officers who have served in those departments for at least three years. Section 40:14A-8.4 - Credit provided by sewerage authority for damage caused by catastrophic event. Section 40:23-6.43 - Appropriations and payments of State aid. Section 40:23-54 - Criminal history record check requested by county, authority for. Section 40:55D-48 - Procedure for preliminary major subdivision approval, Section 40:55D-48.1 - Application by corporation or partnership; list of stockholders owning 10% of stock or 10% interest in partnership, Section 40:55D-48.2 - Disclosure of 10% ownership interest of corporation or partnership which is 10% owner of applying corporation or partnership, Section 40:55D-48.3 - Failure to comply with act; disapproval of application, Section 40:55D-48.4 - Concealing ownership interest; fine. Section 40:54-19 - Devises and bequests to trustees. Section 40:14B-22 - Sewerage service charges. Section 40:43-66.48 - Organization, meeting of consolidation commission. Section 40:9B-5 - Ratification, validation and confirmation of prior appropriations, Section 40:9C-1 - Mass transit or freight line services; counties and municipalities; subsidies; appropriations. Section 40:84-11 - Elections; when held; term of office. Section 40:56-71.4 - Loan purposes, application, requirements, review. The Police Promotional class meets TWICE per week. Section 40:55D-17 - Appeal to the governing body; time; notice; modification; stay of proceedings, Section 40:55D-19 - Appeal or petition in certain cases to the Board of Public Utilities, Section 40:55D-20 - Exclusive authority of planning board and board of adjustment, Section 40:55D-21 - Tolling of running of period of approval, Section 40:55D-22 - Conditional approvals. Firmware version 2.40 for the Nikon Z50 is now available to . Section 40:55D-69 - Zoning board of adjustment. Section 40:54-9 - Trustees; number, appointment and term; alternates, Section 40:54-11 - Trustees; corporate name; organization; officers; certificate; recording and filing, Section 40:54-12.1 - Purchases not requiring advertisements for bids, Section 40:54-12.2 - Free public library administrators, duties, Section 40:54-13 - Trustees; treasurer; bond and duties, Section 40:54-14 - Trustees; compensation; limitation on amount of indebtedness. Section 40:48-9 - Appropriations to civil war organizations; purposes, Section 40:48-9.1 - Appropriations for expenses of war price and rationing boards; validation of appropriations made, Section 40:48-9.4 - Contributions to nonprofit corporation operating senior citizens center. nj title 40 police promotionsbusiness mailbox rental. Section 40:14B-40.1 - Findings, declarations relative to infrastructure maintenance. Section 40:48-2.65 - Definitions; impoundment of shopping carts by municipalities. 27, 2021, 11:37 a.m. Section 40:43-66.61 - Prohibition on creation of joint municipal consolidation study commission while proceedings pending. Section 40:48C-7 - Collection of taxes, surcharges, liability of collector; payment to municipality. Section 40:43-66.40 - Petition for formation of joint municipal consolidation study commission; certification of sufficiency; transmittal. Section 40:20-71.3 - Veto power of director of board of chosen freeholders, certain. Section 40:62-105 - Necessary powers conferred, Section 40:62-105.1 - Water commissioners; election; to perform duties exercised by township committee, Section 40:62-105.2 - Commissioners to be body corporate; name; general powers, Section 40:62-105.3 - Determination of amount to be raised for ensuing year; election of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.4 - Terms of members of board of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.6 - Annual election in water districts, Section 40:62-105.7 - Nomination of candidates for members of board, Section 40:62-105.8 - Nominating petition; certificate of person indorsed, Section 40:62-105.9 - One candidate's name on petition; number of petitions, Section 40:62-105.10 - Verification of petition, Section 40:62-105.11 - Filing of petition, Section 40:62-105.12 - Defective nominating petitions, Section 40:62-105.13 - Ballots; arrangement of candidate's names, Section 40:62-105.14 - Ballots, specifications, Section 40:62-105.16 - Paper on which ballots to be printed, Section 40:62-105.17 - Registry list of preceding general election; persons becoming of age after preceding general election, Section 40:62-105.18 - Advertisement of election, Section 40:62-105.20 - Opening and closing of polls; books for names of voters, Section 40:62-105.21 - Proclamation of opening of election; judge and tellers, Section 40:62-105.23 - Announcement of results of election, Section 40:62-105.24 - Appropriations voted on, form of question, Section 40:62-105.26 - Borrowing for current expenses and repairs, Section 40:62-105.27 - Rights and powers of water commissioners, Section 40:62-105.28 - Money for waterworks and appurtenances; vote; limitation, Section 40:62-105.29 - Meeting to determine amount to be raised; notice, Section 40:62-105.30 - Water accumulation, supply or distribution facilities; acquisition or construction, Section 40:62-105.31 - Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; time and place of meeting; notices, Section 40:62-105.32 - Conduct of election, Section 40:62-105.33 - Bonds; form; issuance, Section 40:62-105.34 - Payment of principal, interest on bonds, Section 40:62-105.35 - Custodian of moneys; disbursements; bond of treasurer, Section 40:62-105.36 - Auditing of books of treasurer; publication of audit, Section 40:62-105.37 - Enlargement of water district, Section 40:62-105.38 - Lands included in district after enlargement, Section 40:62-105.39 - Effect of enlargement upon terms of officers and obligations of district, Section 40:62-105.40 - Dissolution of water district, Section 40:62-105.41 - Application for resolution dissolving district; notice; hearing, Section 40:62-105.42 - Refund of tax paid upon property in district abolished, Section 40:62-105.43 - Refund of taxes paid where no recital of laying off of water district appears upon records, Section 40:62-105.44 - Water district deemed abandoned when territory formed into two or more new municipalities, Section 40:62-105.45 - Allotment and division of property and money between new municipalities; "municipality" defined, Section 40:62-106 - Consolidation of water and sewer systems, Section 40:62-107 - Service shut off for nonpayment of rent, Section 40:62-107.1 - Sale of municipal water plant; deficit; amortization, Section 40:62-107.2 - Application to state auditor, Section 40:62-107.3 - Liberal construction, Section 40:62-107.4 - Purchase of water distribution system of adjoining municipality. It bans state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies from establishing arrest and citation quotas or using the data when "evaluating the performance of a law enforcement officer, or as a. Section 40:55D-8.6 - Inapplicability of certain provisions of law imposing fee upon developer of certain non-residential property. Section 40:55D-65 - Contents of zoning ordinance. Section 40:66-1.6 - Limits on solid waste collection; operating hours, Section 40:66-2 - Buildings, appliances for solid waste disposal; acquisition of lands, Section 40:66-3 - Lands in other municipalities; consent required, Section 40:66-4 - Contracts; bid specification, advertising, renegotiations, Section 40:66-5 - Cost of solid waste collection, disposal; ordinance, Section 40:66-5.1 - Municipality to adopt proof of service ordinance for solid waste generators, Section 40:66-5.2 - Solid waste generators provided opportunity to contract for collection services, Section 40:66-5.3 - Solid waste facility may establish hours for direct transport of solid waste for disposal, Section 40:66-8 - Creation of solid waste collection district, Section 40:66-9 - Provision for collection, disposal of solid waste, Section 40:66-10 - Funding for cost of solid waste collection, Section 40:66-11 - Funding for cost of solid waste collection, disposal, Section 40:66-12 - Moneys assessed, levied, lien upon the land. Police Training Commission RULES (04/13/16). Section 40:33-13.6 - Resolution; public inspection; publication, Section 40:33-13.7 - Board of trustees; membership; appointment; vacancies; compensation, Section 40:33-13.8 - Organization of board; officers; term of office, Section 40:33-13.9 - Boards as body public and corporate; powers, Section 40:33-13.9a - Regional library administrators, duties, Section 40:33-13.11 - Proposal of sum required for operation and expenses; objections; determination, Section 40:33-13.12 - Assessment and levy of taxes, Section 40:33-13.13 - Duties of treasurer; annual audit. Promotions Lead to New Deputy Chief, Captains and Sergeants in Newark PD Forty-two Newark police officers were promoted during a ceremony at the Greater Abyssinian Baptist Church. Section 40:55D-66.13 - Issuance of technical bulletin. U.s. Air Marshal SalaryMarshal salary in the United States is $88,863 as of September 26, 2022. Section 40:66A-15 - Default in payment of bonds; trustee; appointment; powers; receiver. Section 40:55D-67 - Conditional uses; site plan review, Section 40:55D-68 - Nonconforming structures and uses, Section 40:55D-68.1 - Year-round operation, Section 40:55D-68.2 - Determination of eligibility, Section 40:55D-68.3 - Penalty for violation. Section 40:55D-88.3 - Definitions relative to the Dismal Swamp Conservation Area. Section 40:56A-4.1 - Definitions relative to authorities, boards, commissions. The Select Transaction screen will display. Section 40:14B-21 - Water service charges. ; federal grants for community centers, Section 40:60-25.1 - Public parking lots; acquisition of land; use of land; leases, Section 40:60-25.2 - Lease of land for parking lot, Section 40:60-25.3 - Improvement and maintenance; employees, Section 40:60-25.4 - Operating expenses; parking fees, Section 40:60-25.5 - Liability of municipality for damages, Section 40:60-25.8 - Municipality may purchase property exempt from taxation because of state contract, Section 40:60-25.9 - Other property may also be purchased, Section 40:60-25.11 - Appropriations; bonds and notes, Section 40:60-25.12 - Intent of act; validity of bonds and notes, Section 40:60-25.13 - Disposition of property; repairs and maintenance, Section 40:60-25.14 - Surrender of tax exemption, Section 40:60-25.15 - Incidental powers of municipality, Section 40:60-25.17 - Inconsistent acts superseded, Section 40:60-25.18 - Industrial property; management, Section 40:60-25.19 - Plant management commission; members, Section 40:60-25.20 - Powers of commission, Section 40:60-25.21 - Revenue from plant operations; dedicated funds, Section 40:60-25.22 - Sale of plants; proceeds pledged to payment of bonds issued, Section 40:60-25.23 - Annual reports by commission, Section 40:60-25.24 - Terms and conditions of leases or sales of plants; approval of contracts, Section 40:60-25.25 - Employment of manager, engineers, etc. Section 40:37-95.42 - Governing body control of county parks, Section 40:37-95.43 - Advisory commission, Section 40:37-95.44 - Former commissioners, Section 40:37-95.46 - Employee rights unimpaired, Section 40:37-95.47 - Succession of rights, duties, Section 40:37-95.49 - Limited applicability, Section 40:37-96 - Counties governed hereby; referendum; exception, Section 40:37-97 - Commission; appointment; number, Section 40:37-97.1 - Continuation of incumbent commissioners in office, Section 40:37-98 - Commissioners; terms; vacancies, Section 40:37-99 - Commission a body politic; compensation and expenses; oaths, Section 40:37-100 - Powers of other park commissioners cease on appointment of commissioners, Section 40:37-101 - Establishment and location of parks; acquisition of property; rules and regulations, Section 40:37-101.1 - Counties over 200,000 having park commission; annual appropriation for maintenance of parks in certain cases; limitation, Section 40:37-101.2 - Manner of appropriating, paying over and expending funds, Section 40:37-101.3 - Adoption of sections 40:37-12, 40:37-14 and 40:37-15 not to be submitted within five years after rejection, Section 40:37-101.4 - Additional lands; acquisition after lands valued at 35% of tax ratables have been acquired, Section 40:37-101.5 - Assessor's certificate that value of lands acquired exceeds 35% value of ratables, Section 40:37-101.6 - Appropriation to municipality in lieu of taxes, Section 40:37-102 - Surveys and maps of parks; records, Section 40:37-103 - Condemnation for parks; law applicable, Section 40:37-104 - Construction of roadways; acquisition of real estate; exemption from taxation, Section 40:37-105 - Survey and map of roadways and boulevards; records, Section 40:37-106 - Construction and improvement of roadways and paths, Section 40:37-107 - Commission may establish grades; pavement and improvement of roadways, Section 40:37-108 - Lines of frontage on new parkways, Section 40:37-109 - Condemnation for roadways; commissioners appointed; benefits assessed, Section 40:37-110 - Commissioners; appointment; duties; oaths, Section 40:37-111 - Hearing and notice; view premises; report, Section 40:37-112 - Court to hear objections to report; confirmation, Section 40:37-114 - Compensation of commissioners; expenses; inclusion in cost of improvement, Section 40:37-115 - Benefits assessed deducted from damages awarded, Section 40:37-116 - Award collected by suit, Section 40:37-117 - Assessments a lien; collection; action at law, Section 40:37-118 - Improvement of parkways and boulevards already established; assessments for benefits; appointment of commissioners, Section 40:37-119 - Assessments a lien until paid, Section 40:37-120 - Sale of lands for unpaid assessments; notice and publication, Section 40:37-121 - Sale for term of years, Section 40:37-122 - Adjournment of sale; notice, Section 40:37-123 - Certificate of sale; issuance; assignability; recording, Section 40:37-124 - Redemption of property sold, Section 40:37-125 - Time for redemption; declaration of sale; contents; filing, Section 40:37-126 - Effect of declaration of sale; liability for waste, Section 40:37-127 - Redemption by mortgagee; notice to mortgagee; rights after redemption, Section 40:37-128 - Unsold land struck off to commission, Section 40:37-129 - Freeholders to borrow money upon requisition of park commission; bonds; limitation, Section 40:37-130 - Additional bond issues, Section 40:37-130.1 - Additional bond issue for county parks and parkways; total amount; disposition of proceeds, Section 40:37-130.2 - Additional bond issue; parks and parkways, Section 40:37-131 - Bond; issuance; law applicable; how paid, Section 40:37-131.1 - Additional bonds; issuance; maximum amount; proceeds, Section 40:37-131.2 - Additional bonds; issuance; maximum amount; proceeds, Section 40:37-132 - Amount collected from benefit assessment applied to payment of bonds, Section 40:37-132.1 - Moneys received for lands transferred by counties of first class for state highway purposes, Section 40:37-132.2 - Moneys received for lands transferred by counties for state highway purposes; release for specific purposes, Section 40:37-133 - Lands used only for park purposes; railroads excluded; exceptions, Section 40:37-134 - Rules and regulations; notice; penalties; disposition of, Section 40:37-135 - Control of streets or parks transferred to county park commission, Section 40:37-136 - Return of control of street to municipality; consent required, Section 40:37-137 - Return of control of streets to county or municipality, Section 40:37-138 - Return of park lands to city of the first class, Section 40:37-139 - Dedication of park lands for public street in certain cases, Section 40:37-140 - Dedication of lands for street upon request, Section 40:37-141 - Copy of resolution and a map filed, Section 40:37-142 - Conveyance of park lands for school purposes in certain cases, Section 40:37-143 - Improvement and care of connecting parkways, Section 40:37-144 - Contracts for elimination of grade crossings, Section 40:37-145 - Use of park property for sewers and wells; contracts, Section 40:37-146 - Exchange of real estate for park improvement, Section 40:37-146.1 - Sale of real estate at private sale, Section 40:37-146.2 - Sale of real estate separated by highway construction from main park; option to purchase by political entities, Section 40:37-146.3 - Leases of lands or concessions to highest responsible bidder; term; conditions, Section 40:37-147 - Use of parks for games and other purposes, Section 40:37-147.1 - Charges for admission to or use of recreational facilities, Section 40:37-148 - Officers and employees; appointment and compensation, Section 40:37-148.1 - Allocation of offices, positions or employments to classified service without examination; exceptions, Section 40:37-148.2 - Passaic county; tenure of employees, Section 40:37-151 - Office; records; open to public inspection, Section 40:37-152 - Rules and regulations; penalties for violations, Section 40:37-153 - Enforcement of rules and regulations; jurisdiction, Section 40:37-154 - Park police; establishment; rules and regulations, Section 40:37-154.1 - Vacancies in park police system caused by entry into armed forces during war; substitutes. Megan Alexander was honored by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) and given an award for her dedication to drunk driving enforcement for the year of 2022. Section 40:56-72 - Financing and assessment to properties especially benefited; list, Section 40:56-73 - Operation and maintenance; assessment or taxation of costs to benefited properties; name as improvement district, Section 40:56-74 - Specifications for construction, Section 40:56-75 - Police powers and other rights and powers of municipality over pedestrian mall or special improvement district, Section 40:56-76 - Condemnation; procedures incident to development and maintenance, Section 40:56-77 - Uses of mall or special improvement district; control and regulation. Section 40:66A-14 - Provisions of bond resolutions. Section 40:43-66.47 - Appointment of commissioner's representative. Section 40:14A-38 - Findings, declarations relative to utility improvements for sewers, Section 40:14A-39 - Definitions relative to utility improvements for sewers, Section 40:14A-40 - Conditions of final site plan approval, Section 40:14A-41 - Payments to professionals for services rendered to sewerage authority, Section 40:14A-42 - Maintenance, performance guarantee; cash requirement, Section 40:14A-43 - Disputes by applicant of charges made by professional; appeal, Section 40:14A-44 - Estimate of cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:14A-45 - Acceptance of performance, maintenance guarantee which is irrevocable letter of credit, Section 40:14B-4.1 - Name change to water reclamation authority, permitted, Section 40:14B-5 - Membership of joint municipal utilities authorities; staggered terms; vacancies, Section 40:14B-6 - Reorganization of sewerage authority, Section 40:14B-7 - Filing of recognition ordinance or resolution, Section 40:14B-8 - Filing of resolution appointing authority member, Section 40:14B-11 - Election of municipalities within county to become part of county district, Section 40:14B-12 - Separations from districts, Section 40:14B-13 - Dissolution of authority, Section 40:14B-13.1 - New sewerage system authorized. Section 40:37-155 - Powers of park police. Section 40:23-8.13 - County firemen's association; contribution, Section 40:23-8.14 - Nonprofit child care centers or committees or councils coordinating child care; annual appropriation of funds by counties or municipalities, Section 40:23-8.15 - Contract as basis for appropriation, Section 40:23-8.16 - County facilities leased by nonprofit or charitable association; reimbursement of costs of renovation, Section 40:23-8.17 - Private nonprofit camps for emotionally maladjusted or physically undernourished children; authorization for appropriations, Section 40:23-8.18 - Community action programs defined, Section 40:23-8.19 - Appropriation and distribution by county or municipality to agency or organization maintaining community action programs, Section 40:23-8.20 - Continuance after expiration of authorizing legislation, Section 40:23-8.21 - Cooley's anemia; promotion of public awareness, referral service for testing and expenses incidental to diagnosis and treatment; appropriations, Section 40:23-8.22 - National burn victim foundation; contributions by counties or municipalities, Section 40:23-8.23 - Legislative findings, Section 40:23-8.24 - Burn prevention and treatment, private, nonprofit organizations; contributions, Section 40:23-8.25 - Center for performing and visual arts; appropriation of funds, Section 40:23-8.26 - Tay-Sachs disease; county aid, Section 40:23-8.27 - Legislative findings, Section 40:23-8.28 - County aid to health, welfare councils, Section 40:23-8.29 - Appropriations by county authorized, Section 40:23-9 - Depositories for moneys, Section 40:23-11 - Judiciary fund for salaries of court and probate clerks, Section 40:23-14 - Public works jointly constructed and maintained; county and municipal co-operation, Section 40:23-15 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:23-16 - Contents of joint contract; amendments, Section 40:23-17 - Acquisition of property; officers and employees, Section 40:23-18 - Costs and expenses; appropriations; bond issues, Section 40:23-19 - Use of municipal sewer by county, Section 40:23-20 - Resolution by board of freeholders; exceptions, Section 40:23-21 - Contents of resolution; fees fixed, Section 40:23-22 - Inspectors; appointment, compensation and qualifications, Section 40:23-23 - Inspection; certificate by inspector, Section 40:23-24 - Companies to supply current upon certificate; enforcement, Section 40:23-25 - Article inapplicable in certain cases, Section 40:23-26 - Sale of personal property and surplus output of county institutions, Section 40:23-27 - Advertisement for bids where value exceeds $1,000, Section 40:23-27.3 - Sale of unneeded building to municipality for municipal purposes, Section 40:23-28 - Freeholders to furnish crushed stone to municipalities, Section 40:23-29 - Maximum amount to be furnished by county, Section 40:23-30 - Stone furnished on request, Section 40:23-31 - Reapportionment of unclaimed stone, Section 40:23-32 - Purposes for which stone may be used, Section 40:23-33 - Selling or otherwise disposing of stone a misdemeanor; exception, Section 40:23-47 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:23-49 - 9-1-1 locatable mailing address system, Section 40:23-50 - Guidelines for implementation of act, Section 40:23-51 - Completion of review required, Section 40:23-52 - Use of municipal names.

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