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putnam county hospital financial statements

Dr. Richard Bloch graduated from the Indiana University School of Medicine in 1973 and has been in practice for over 40 years now. Putnam Hospital, a 99-bed, acute care facility, provides the latest technology and highly trained, caring professionals to the residents of Putnam County. 1542 S. Bloomington St. Greencastle, IN 46135 . A host of outpatient services are also available. She obtained her medical degree from Indiana University School of Medicine and then went on to finish her internal medicine residency at Case Western Reserve University. The hospital would offer solutions to their ever changing healthcare needs, and would bring technologies only previously offered in larger cities to their rural community. fLQ1Hu:Ak^ICXeA&C`j:Nm~CKmXNpUt>q_JQqQTN)tIl*djhv@fXz?Bd[=y,,ZvOQ-Y The Release of Information form can be filled out prior to visiting us to help speed up the process. Website Maintenance Checklist. He then completed his residency training in general surgery at Michael Reese Hospital and his fellowship in vascular surgery at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. What if I have questions about my medical records?If you have questions about your medical records, or feel that an error has been made, please contact Putnam County Hospitals Medical Records Department at 765.301.7610 . You have access to comprehensive care, including prevention, diagnosis, minimally invasive treatments, specialized surgery and rehabilitation. Neurologist with UAP Clinic in Terre Haute, INSeeing patients in the third floor outpatient specialty clinic inside the hospital. In 1924, the hospital opened its doors to begin offering services for the members of Putnam County. Contact John Mahoney, Manager, Volunteer Services at or (845) 230-4752 to learn more. Neck pain, including work-related injuries, Back pain, including work-related injuries and sciatica, Persistent pain after back or neck surgery. Due to COVID-19, volunteer opportunities are limited at this time. For more information about the cost of care, please visit the mycareINsight website at the following link: Mr. Weatherford is very active in the Indiana Rural Health Association (IRHA) and has served two appointments on the Board of the Indiana Hospital Association (IHA). At Putnam Hospital, youll find leading-edge therapies, without having to travel far. For more details about The Chartis Center for Rural Health and the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX, contact Billy Balfour at He has been a member of Tx:Team since 2010. Reporting Entity Putnam County Hospital (Hospital) is a county-owned facility and operates under the Indiana County Hospital Law, Indiana Code 16-22. Kathy graduated from Indiana State University in Terre Haute, IN in 1985 with her Bachelors Degree, and in 1986 with her Masters Degree in Communication Disorders. Are you eligible for HIP 2.0? Distinct with our Website because of their Unlimited Support, Dr. Malament has been in practice for more than two decades now, treating conditions such as Achilles tendinitis, bunion, plantar fasciitis, and other foot and ankle disorders. Registering to access your medical records electronically will also give you the option to pay your Putnam County Hospital bill online. 265 0 obj <>stream Subspecializing in echocardiography, nuclear cardiology, cardiovascular research and congestive heart failure. Mr. Nerone is also a member of the Medical Group Management Association. This information is then converted to an electronic Adobe PDF format, displayed on this site, and is updated annually. Northern Dutchess Hospital Jenny uses a variety of techniques to help patients achieve maximum function including splinting, adaptive equipment training, modalities, visual training, and manual techniques. He also specializes in open and percutaneous surgical interventions for limb salvage and dialysis access. Danbury Hospital Go to He is a leader in innovative treatment of complex vascular disease combining depth of experience in major surgical procedures with the full spectrum minimally invasive and percutaneous techniques. 0938-0050 . Dr. Kim, who practices in Indianapolis, Avon, Franklin, Kokomo, and now Greencastle, specializes in:-Urologic oncology: cancers of prostate, bladder, kidney, testicles, and genitals-Kidney stones: lithotripsy, laser and minimally invasive procedures-BPH (enlargement of the prostate) laser vaporization and latest ablation procedures-Female Incontinence slings and pelvic organ prolapse repairs, interstim procedure-Laparoscopic and open procedures. On April 12, 2016 he performed the worlds first transcontinental live stream virtual reality hernia repair surgery from Putnam County Hospital in Greencastle, IN to Brisbane, Australia. Hospital bonds were also sold for the facility and many monetary donations were made by local residents and organizations. New Milford Hospital Charles Kiell, MD, FACS, is a vascular surgeon with Franciscan Health and Cardiac Surgery Associates. With the addition of the new, updated facility, the Hospital was even better equipped to serve the citizens of Putnam County. The cancer care team at Nuvance Health delivers excellent, compassionate care. We also work in partnership with other organizations to provide a wide range of community benefit programs and services. Cardiology - St. Francis/In Heart Physicians. Putnam Hospital Dr. Ajay Desphande specializes in critical care medicine, internal medicine, and pulmonology. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies A. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Mendelsohn, call 765.301.7430 . This website was created by the Indiana Hospital Association to inform health care consumers about various aspects of pricing as well as quality information.For information about the cost of your specific care, please contact our patient financial services staff in the Putnam County Hospital Business Office. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kim, call 765-655-2538. Website Maintenance Checklist. The physicians with Meridian Medical Group, diagnose and treat diseases such as GERD (and Barretts esophagus), Crohns and ulcerative colitis, liver diseases (including Hepatitis C), pancreatic diseases, irritable bowel syndrome and internal hemorrhoids. Throughout his career he has received numerous awards and honors as a leader and innovator in vascular surgery. Norwalk Hospital Cardiology - St. Francis/In Heart Physicians, Learn more about our services here at Putnam County Hospital. During the 55 years at the original location, the Hospital served thousands of patients. ), and to improve swallowing or increase strength and movement of the oral musculature. Part of being your indispensable healthcare partner means offering a patient-friendly Financial Assistance Program. This award in the area of Patient Perspective score validates this patient service vision Said Putnam County Hospital CEO, Dennis Weatherford. to learn about the program and who can apply. with our Website because of their Unlimited Support. Privacy Privacy. This email will direct you to step-by-step instructions on how to access your personal medical record. Robert McCready, MD, FACS, has been named medical director of Putnam County Hospital Vascular Care and will spearhead the development of a Vascular Care Program to streamline patient care that focuses on innovation, quality, performance, efficiency, value, and best practices. The financial statements are the responsibility of the Hospital's management. Registration for the Patient Portal also takes place during the registration process at the hospital. Copyright 1999-2023 C-HCA, Inc.; All rights reserved. %PDF-1.6 % Our dedication to excellence in healthcare has led to us receiving awards and recognition from organizations such as The Joint Commission and the American College of Radiology. Terry received his degree as a Physical Therapist Assistant from Vincennes University in Vincennes, Indiana. To ensure a successful volunteer experience, we make an effort to find or create volunteer opportunities that match your interests. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have read the above certification statement and that I have examined the accompanying . of Sharon, CT) and are a patient of: Carmel, NY 10512. Another great way to serve is to join the Putnam Hospital Auxiliary. :5u-(Em9K'0vmWbApJ(q2F e:!6oku: Dr. Vishwas will be seeing patients in the third floor outpatient specialty clinic at Putnam County Hospital on the second and fourth Monday of every month. Dr. James Richardson is one of the few infectious disease doctors in Putnam County. Health Quest Medical Practice, P.C. We deliver comprehensive care from diagnosis to treatment locations convenient to work and home. Dr. McCready is a nationally recognized vascular surgeon with Franciscan Health and Cardiac Surgery Associates. 670 Stoneleigh Avenue In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Szotek performed the first surgery in Indiana utilizing Google Glass technology to guide removal of an anterior abdominal wall tumor and is currently working to develop telementoring, augmented reality, and virtual reality applications in surgery. Where some see impossible, we choose to see possible. Distinct with our Website because of their Unlimited Support, Putnam County Hospital offers a 24-hour Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit, an Acute Care Medical/Surgical unit, and three surgical suites. The counselors can help you apply for financial assistance from government programs or establish payment arrangements that make life easier for you. The Business Office will assistance in filing your Insurance claims based on the information provider at the time of Service. The information provided is a comprehensive list of charges for each inpatient and outpatient service or item provided by a hospital, also known as a chargemaster. Junior volunteers must be at least 16 years of age. Copyright 2023 State of Indiana - All rights reserved. In 2005 the Outpatient Surgery Center was expanded and updated to provide the latest in equipment and procedures. The hospital employs nearly 300 individuals, including physicians. In addition, he was first in Omaha to use aortic endografts during surgery and introduce the use of endoscopic vein harvesting. Kathy enjoys working with her patients to improve their abilities to communicate more easily, many times to be able to return to work, school, or gain more independence in the home. Putnam Hospital Foundation Board of Directors. Bariatric Surgery and Medical Weight Loss, Bariatric Surgery and Medical Weight Loss Online Seminar, Weight Loss Follow-up Care and Support Groups, Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Programs, Lab Testing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Leukemia, Lymphoma and Other Blood Cancers, Thyroid Cancer, Nodules and Other Diseases, Microvascular Head and Neck Reconstructive Surgery, Trachea Tumors and Advanced Airway Disease, Acid Reflux and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Liver, Pancreas and Gallbladder Disorders (Hepatobiliary Disease), Colorectal Cancer Screening (Colonoscopy), Structural Heart Disease & Heart Valve Disease, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair with MitraClip, Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Device (Watchman), Cleveland Clinics Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute Affiliation, Types of Diagnostic Imaging and Screenings, Diagnostic Imaging Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorders, Aneurysms and Other Cerebrovascular Diseases, Complex Hernia Repair (Abdominal Wall Reconstruction), Patient Blood Management (PBM) and Bloodless Medicine, Pediatric Alliance with Connecticut Childrens, Maternity at Vassar Brothers Medical Center, Price Transparency and Cost Estimator Tools, Patient-to-Patient and Family-to-Family Volunteer Emotional Support Program, Rudy L. Ruggles Biomedical Research Institute. Erin Mullin has been the Vice President, Human Resource at Putnam County Hospital since 2021. She started her nursing career in 2002. He conducts presentations nationally on minimally invasive vascular and endovascular surgery and participates in landmark research. About HCA Florida Putnam Hospital We're part of the largest network of doctors, nurses and care sites in the state. The Financial Analysis is an annual report on the financial health of Pennsylvania's hospitals and surgery centers, including net patient revenue, total and operating margins and other aggregate data. In state Superior Court in Danbury on Wednesday, Judge Robin Pavia denied Konschak's request for accelerated rehabilitation, which, if. with our Website because of their Unlimited Support, 7 Medical Specialties That Help Keep You Healthy: From Rheumatology to Bariatrics, Putnam County Hospital Receives Performance Leadership Award for Patient Perspective from Chartis Center for Rural Health. Putnam Hospital, a 99-bed, acute care facility, provides the latest technology and highly trained, caring professionals to the residents of Putnam County. He has expertise in minimally invasive endovascular surgery for the management of aortic aneurysms (including treatment for thoracic aortic aneurysms), lower extremity peripheral arterial disease, carotid disease and venous disease (endovenous laser and radiofrequency ablation). Find directions at US News . Putnam Hospital offers advanced surgical services including orthopedics, spine and bariatric surgery. She spends her time outside of work at various sporting events, cheering on her kids that attend South Putnam Schools. Let us lend a hand. He specializes in treating patients with stroke, post surgical, back pain, neck pain, and other joint problems caused by. On an annual basis, the Indiana Department of Health requires acute care hospitals to provide a copy of their Audited Financial Statement. The Performance Leadership Awards are based on the results of the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX, the industrys most comprehensive and objective assessment of rural hospital performance. Non-invasive Cardiovascular Imaging Brigham and Womens Hospital. )/P -1324/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(wC3t2. )/V 4>> endobj 223 0 obj /Metadata 119 0 R/Pages 213 0 R/StructTreeRoot 170 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 224 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 214 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 225 0 obj <>stream He received his Pharmacy Degree from Butler University and a Masters in Health Administration from Indiana University. Call Us: (845) 279-5046. Sharon Hospital and Sharon Primary Care patient of: Norwalk Hospital If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Putnam County Hospital Patient Portal you can contact our Medical Records Department at 765.301.7610 . She has provided Speech, Language, Cognitive, and Swallowing therapies in a variety of settings including the acute care, outpatient, and home health settings. To ensure a vibrant future, these enhancements will modernize the campus and services to meet the needs of the community you call home. Join us as we redefine the expected in healthcare. For more information about Dr. Vishwas and his services call 812-242-3125. Contact us to join the Auxiliary. Call your doctor for a referral or call 800-474-0190. Dr. Robin Mendelsohn has practiced in Putnam County for over 17 years. Count on the team when you need diagnosis or treatment for a broad range of brain and nervous system disorders. With a focus on pulmonary medicine, Dr. Bhuptani treats all ailments of the lungs and respiratory system, including asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, emphysema, and more. r presentatio n e United Sta Mark K. Hirko, MD, FACS, President A copy of your most recent Federal Tax Form (s) with all schedules A copy of your most recent Three (3) paycheck stubs Kenneth Kearney He received his bachelors degree in Physical therapy in 2014 from India. Dr. McCready has received numerous awards and honors as a leader and innovator in vascular surgery. Cancer treatments, rehabilitation services, an outpatient clinic with over 10 varied specialties, digital radiology, laboratory and respiratory services are conveniently located in-house to provide more options for patients in one stop. The hospital would offer solutions to their ever changing healthcare needs, and would bring technologies only previously offered in larger cities to their rural community. Justin Muenz Settings, Start voice We are here to assistance you with any questions regarding your Insurance Claims, Payment Plans or Financial assistance, Attachment A Financial Assistance Policy. Accessibility Western Connecticut Medical Group (845) 279-5711 TTY (800) 421-1220. driving directions. or The Heart Center Erins prior experience has been in Human Resource Development and Leadership. hbbd``b`~$@(MA;H;Ub&we, V:^b'L@#R/ rX Dr. Shoemaker, who practices withDiabetes & Endocrinology Specialistsin Indianapolis, specializes in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, pre-diabetes and thyroid and endocrine disorders. Need to request your medical records? He has been named Americas Top Doctor by Castle Connolly and the Indianapolis Monthly for several years. Having this electronic access through your personal, secured email will allow you, as the patient, the ability to review your medical record after your stay at Putnam County Hospital. These forms can also be faxed or mailed into the HIM department. Payments for outside laboratories were instead funneled through the hospital. If you have questions or need to obtain an application for financial assistance, please contact: Danbury Hospital: (203) 739-7773. SEARCH; Services A-Z; Urgent Care; Emergency and Trauma; Laboratory; Screening Services; OUR SITE. We were engaged to audit the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Putnam County Hospital (the Hospital), a component unit of Putnam County . For local assistance, Putnam County has navigators that can walk you through the process. Since its inception in 1963, the Auxiliary has raised over $8 million. His status at the hospital was not known on Friday. Our Financial Services Team encourages all patients to begin planning as early as possible for how they will pay their bill. Dave Thomas, MD, Olajide Odelowo, MD, Kashif Ahmed, MD, Mehul Patel, MD and Wen Boynton, MD, all board certified in gastroenterology, currently provide quality gastroenterology care at Methodist Hospital, I.U. If you already have a Patient Portal account with Putnam County Hospital, please click the link below. The Oncology Center also expanded and was moved to the second floor to allow more treatment bays for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments. He is passionate about reinventing himself as a PT to treat patients with techniques which are based on evidence. J. Johns Hopkins Health System Kennedy Krieger. Kathy strives to help her patients improve in areas of comprehension, expression (verbal or written), cognition (attention/concentration, memory, organization, problem solving/decision-making, etc. Were part of the largest network of doctors, nurses and care sites in the state. Patients will now log on to our Patient Portal for this service. %%EOF Neurologist with UAP Clinic in Terre Haute, IN. Meridian Medical Group performs procedures such as colonoscopy, upper endoscopy and dilations, as well as more specialized procedures including ERCP, endoscopic ultrasound, small bowel capsule endoscopy and internal hemorrhoid banding. Release of Information Form. Were here to help you navigate financial options if youre in need of assistance to cover all types of hospital services. Weekend injury? Brooke joined the Putnam County Hospital team in 2017. In 1908, 26 Putnam County female citizens started what would be the founding of a hospital to serve their family and friends. Privacy Privacy. Dr. Vishwas is board certified in Neurology with special qualifications in Child Neurology. To request further information, contact the Health Information Department at 765-301-7610 or by fax at 765-301-7621. and was first in Omaha to develop a protocol for complex dialysis access salvage to streamline care. Observation, inpatient care, and rehabilitation programs are offered within the units. This article provides an overview of Nephrology, including the different types of kidney diseases and their treatments. Putnam County Hospital offers a 24-hour Emergency Department, Intensive Care Unit, an Acute Care Medical/Surgical unit, and three surgical suites. He earned his medical degree from Grant Medical College-Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. West Hospital in Avon and are now expanding their specialty to serve Putnam County. We have reviewed the audit report of Putnam County Hospital, which was opined upon by Blue . Wayne Ryder, Chair, Cookies help us improve your website experience. Putnam County Hospital accepts most major insurances. Terry is no stranger to the current and innovative treatment with complex open wounds. Dr. Bhuptani finished his fellowship program on pulmonary disease at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and has been in practice for about two decades now.

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