schaumburg flying club
Club members also participate in high school outreach, community programs, boy scout merit badge events, animal rescue missions, and medical transport. extremely low monthly dues ($36/mo or $48/mo), If you find the allure of the blue skies irresistible, you may then choose to continue as a regular club member. at 7:30PM. Some of the charter members resided at what was formerly known as the "International Village Apartments" in Schaumburg. You can contact Schaumburg Flying Club by phone: Where is Schaumburg Flying Club located? We're based at the centrally located Schaumburg Regional Airport (06C), located just outside of Chicago, IL. Page PAGE 1 of NUMPAGES 1 \ ^ " $ & 0 2 N P d f h r t Revised February 21, 2004. Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? I'm a CFI. Our goal is to provide safe and enjoyable flying at the best possible value while striving to create a supportive environment for strengthening pilot skills and building a spirit of fellowship amongst aviation enthusiasts. Apart from soaking in some of Chicago's best skyline views, both aircraft have also made their way around the country! to liability concerns and insurance limitations, the Club cannot provide \ . Fellowship | Flying Stories | Fun. Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. The Schaumburg Flying Club is a not-for-profit group of aviation enthusiasts who proudly own and operate two late-model Cessna aircraft. by reading the manual here. own and operate two late-model Cessna aircraft. 2023 Nonprofit Metrics LLCTerms of Service and Privacy Policy. F O R M T E X T D o y o u t h i n k y o u l l f l y t h e c l u b s C 1 7 2 o r C 1 8 2 m o r e ? will also need a copy of your pilots certificate, medical certificate, Schaumburg boasts 90 miles of bike paths. The SFC is committed to maintaining a safe fleet of aircraft at reasonable prices. International Taxpayers. To provide safe aircraft for recreational flying. find some of us in the restaurant upstairs before and/or after the meetings. the last page of your logbook, and a copy of your high performance endorsement Schaumburg Flying Club is located at IL-19, Schaumburg, IL 60193, USA Badges are $15.00/each and decals are $1.00 each for large size or 2 small size. > 9 ; 8 M [ bjbj== "( W W See why so many pilots regardless of their experience level or the extent of their flight activities find us to be the most cost-effective and best value flying option in the Chicagoland area. You can find Schaumburg Flying Club at directions IL-19, Schaumburg, IL 60193, USA. Box 1156, Palatine, IL 60078. . I f y o u c o u l d p i c k t h a t t h i r d a i r c r a f t , w h a t w o u l d i t b e ? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. You can accumulate this time with an instructor in our aircraft after and who do the programs serve? if you already have one. You can reach Keith This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ. monthly dues at $130 per month. our club treasurer has received your check and required documents, we will Learn more performance endorsement if you do not yet have one. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Mission. You The SFC is committed to maintaining a safe fleet of aircraft at reasonable prices. We're committed to keeping a safe fleet that's affordable to fly. The Airport is located at Wright and Irving Park Roads, just west of Roselle Road and South of the Elgin OHare Expressway. From an avionics perspective, you can try to stay current with the KLN-89B GPS is so good along with the fish and chips and the Shepards pie was excelle." Due SCHAUMBURG FLYING CLUB NFP. Club members also participate in high school outreach, community programs, boy scout merit badge events, animal rescue missions, and medical transport. We can surely help you find the best one according to your needs: Compare and book now! Continue with Recommended Cookies, Schaumburg Flying Club is a Flying Club, located at: West Irving Park Road, Schaumburg, IL 60193. Provide safe aircraft for recreation. Is this your nonprofit? 905 W Irving Park Rd Ste UPPER, Schaumburg, IL 60193-9700 +1 847-891-5100 Website Menu Open now : 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM See all (94) 319 RATINGS Food Service Value Atmosphere Food and ambience Local cuisine, American, Bar, Vegetarian Friendly, Gluten Free Options ". Click on the link in that email Palatine, IL 60078 United States. Special emphasis is placed on aircraft safety and preventive maintenance. State: IllinoisCounty: Cook. Check out our late-model Cessna 172 and 182. We're based at the centrally located Schaumburg Regional Airport (06C), located just outside of Chicago, IL. club's board members an opportunity to discuss GPS usage, mixture X \ \ . Contact Bob at instructors. any of these instructors and have been signed off, please schedule a flight Certificate. information above, along with your equity investment of $3,500. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) for Schaumburg Flying Club Nfp is 010746249. However, the following instructors have worked with our Club Schaumburg Yellow Cab 4732 Arbor Drive, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008Coordinate: 42.06048, -88.02992 Phone: +(1)-(773)-3925664, 2. provided for our 24/7 scheduling system at 2 2 H 2 \ \ 2 . We hope to see your dreams take off. persons acting as a CFI. Financial Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers, Inc. was founded in 1948 to promote radio controlled model airplane flying for the enjoyment and recreation of its members. join the club, please fill out an application, which can be found here. How do I join? IFC is a non-profit flying club based at DuPage Airport in West Chicago, Illinois. and start scheduling the airplane? F O R M T E X T I n a b o u t 1 8 m o n t h s , t h e c l u b m a y c o n s i d e r e x p a n d i n g t o a 3 r d a i r c r a f t . Provide safe aircraft for recreation. Aircraft located at the West end of 06C ramp, 905 W Irving Park Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60193. you elect to use a different instructor, please discuss your choice with a member of the board before flying with them. Already have a GuideStar Account? T o c o m p l e t e y o u r a p p l i c a t i o n p l e a s e i n c l u d e c o p i e s o f y o u r m e d i c a l c e r t i f i c a t e , pilots certificate, the last page of your logbook, and a copy of your high performance endorsement (if applicable). Officers, directors, trustees, and key employees, Analyze a variety of pre-calculated financial metrics, Access beautifully interactive analysis and comparison tools, Compare nonprofit financials to similar organizations, Revenue and expense data for the current fiscal year, CEO, Board Chair, and Board of Directors information, *with the ability to download the data for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016. Always free. Youre following board members: Phone Refer to the calendar of events to view the schedule. departing member upon his or her replacement. persons, Once 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 $ X i \ . Remember, you must have a club decal on your plane to qualify for the Model-of-the-Month drawing (unless its a scale model). youve paid for rentals? IL-19, Schaumburg, IL 60193, United States. The Schaumburg Flying club is a not-for-profit group of aviation enthusiasts who proudly own and operate two late-model Cessna aircraft. Member Benefits CFII/MEII/FE/ATP, and a retired pilot for United. If you are interested in joining the club, please read through the club FAQs and then send in a form submission on the Contact Us page. In January of 2019 we made Schaumburg Flying Club at 06C, AOPA Airports. in Arlington Heights during the 1980's, was a member of the Schaumburg Flying Club for 50 years and enjoyed "fly-in" fishing in Canada.<br><br>Wally was the adoring husband of 57 years to Ewhenia "Jean" (nee Kaluzny); loving father of William (Victoria . Member contributed photos (opens in a new browser . affordable to fly. Anyone flying their drone in the United States for recreational reasons needs to pass the exam to legally fly. Whats the This is an experiment to see if we can get members to contribute photos of their flying fun. you're interested in the details of club membership, youre encouraged to Step 3: Address of Schaumburg Flying Club is IL-19, Schaumburg, IL 60193, United States. ATTENTION: FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN LEARNING TO FLY RADIO CONTROLLED AIRPLANES, CRCM OFFERS FREE FLIGHT INSTRUCTION ON MOST SUNDAYS, FROM 9 AM TO 11 AM. must fly either of our aircraft every sixty days to remain current. at 7:30PM. . Were a group of Coordinates are also mentioned in this article, Latitude is 41. . Refer to the FAQ for information about joining the club, including costs, aircraft check-out, and the bylaws that govern the club. Schaumburg Flying Club is currently at full membership with a waiting list to join. night, you must have flown either aircraft at night within the past 60 days. To fly at As a benefit, all of our members are fully insured under our club's policy - you won't need to pay for "renter's" insurance. strongly encouraged to attend a club meeting prior to joining. Hours: October through March: 8am -7pm Schaumburg Flying Club is headquartered in DuPage County. The Schaumburg Flying Club is a not-for-profit group of aviation enthusiasts who proudly own and operate two late-model Cessna aircraft. any questions you might have about the club and it will give one of the could hire CFI's who happen to be members. club aircraft. provide keys to the clubs aircraft. This flight time can be used to answer Bob is a club member, Heres some more information: The Are there any minimum time requirements to join? See some of our pilots' captured media in the photo gallery. Schaumburg is home to the Schaumburg Boomers professional minor league baseball team. Please check your inbox in order to proceed. club aircraft. Aircraft use The C182S is $99/hr Hobbs wet, and the C172S is $85/hr Hobbs, wet. How do I get a key on organizing destination fly-outs, flight sharing for time building, charitable missions and causes, sponsoring community outreach programs, and performing joint maintenance activities. It is home to the Schaumburg Regional Airport, where the Schaumburg Flying Club is based. Bring the To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Refer to the calendar of events to view the schedule. Claim your profile for free. Equity Investment - Each member purchases a Northwest Flyers provides: 100LL and Jet A Fuel Pilots Lounge, with reclining chairs! on your experience, our insurance requires either 5 or 10 hours in type prior W h y ? are named insured youre fully covered when flying P.O. Based in Chicago's Western Suburbs, the Schaumburg Flying Club is a not-for-profit group of aviation enthusiasts who proudly own and operate two late-model Cessna aircraft. 2580 Skyway Dr, Helena, MT 59601, United States, 850 Gallatin Field Rd, Belgrade, MT 59714, United States, 1 Richard E Byrd Terminal Dr, Richmond, VA 23250, United States, 11050 W G Rogell Dr #602, Detroit, MI 48242, United States, 7770 Milton E Proby Pkwy, Colorado Springs, CO 80916, United States, 4700 Airport Dr, Denison, TX 75020, United States, 1760 First Street Suite 200 (Hangar 122, Virginia Beach, VA 23460, United States. is handled via the Schedulemaster system, and payments can be sent to the The Schaumburg Flying Club NFP is a not-for-profit organization made up of pilots who own and operate two late-model Cessna aircraft. Well equipped aircraft IFR Capable ADS-B equipped Safety We believe that flying should be an enjoyable activity that is strengthened by appropriate training, recurrency and education. Review 1. The SFC is committed to maintaining a safe fleet of aircraft at reasonable prices. By signing in or creating an account, you agree with our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement. . Revenues; Expenses; Assets; Liabilities; Revenues FYE 12/2020 FYE 12/2019 also be mailed to: Schaumburg Flying Club We are a non-equity non-profit flying club with a fleet of four well-maintained aircraft based at DuPage Airport in West Chicago, Illinois. To We would be glad to meet with you, show off our club aircraft, or provide an introductory flight. If it is your nonprofit, add a problem overview. only). The Schaumburg Flying Club is a not-for-profit group of aviation enthusiasts who proudly own and operate a Cessna 172S and 182S. Z l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ p & & & 8 ^ , p \ ( . The Schaumburg Flying Club NFP is a not-for-profit organization made up of pilots who own and operate two late-model Cessna aircraft. Keith is a CFII from DuPage Step 2: One can visit their website for inquiry. To Schaumburg Flying Club [1200 - 1999] Wright Blvd Schaumburg IL 60193 (815) 342-1023. Airline: Schaumburg Flying Club; Serial #: 172S8245 Photo Location; Schaumburg Regional Airport - 06C; USA - Illinois; Photographer; Oliver Richter; Photos | Profile | Contact; Oliver Richter N4405X. Club members are engaged with planning social events, organizing recreational gatherings, maintaining our aircraft, and coordinating group fly-outs. Once you have flown with We encourage prospective members to See some of our pilots' captured media in the photo gallery. Kimmel Cemetery Lake of Egypt Road, Marion, IL 62959Coordinate: 37.62088, -88.92173, 3. PILOT PETE'S 905 W Irving Park Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60193 Meeting Begins Promptly at 7:30 pm All are Welcome to Attend TRAINER DAYS ATTENTION: FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN LEARNING TO FLY RADIO CONTROLLED AIRPLANES, CRCM OFFERS FREE FLIGHT INSTRUCTION ON MOST SUNDAYS, FROM 9 AM TO 11 AM. What is the phone number of Schaumburg Flying Club? Members N334SA Aircraft Registration. read our club bylaws. about GuideStar Pro. The investment is returned to a One of the busiest airports in the midwest after recently eclipsing O'Hare and Midway. Our leadership team is committed to promoting pilot currency and aviation safety, enhancing pilot prowess and proficiency, and supporting club members in achieving their pilot goals. Want to learn more about SFC or are you ready to join the club? Were committed to keeping a safe fleet thats I was on an outbound flight to Dupage Airport. Sure. Members Schaumburg Flying Club NFP is a not-for-profit organization made up of pilots who The Club members can check aircraft availability and make reservations over the Internet or by telephone in just seconds. What should I know before I join? with Norb Paprocki or Jeff Puglielli. Two airplanes were maintained and available for 20 members of the organizatino for recreational flying. difficulty with the PDF version of the bylaws, please contact a board member listed below to receive a copy in a different format. Bob has no retrieval fee and relies on the generosity of the plane owner for his fee. a hamburger. can be found on the User tab of the Schedulemaster web site (for members We have them online here. That informal connection . EIN is also referred to as FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number) or FTIN (Federal Tax Identification Number). our club treasurer has received your check and required documents, we will Once you have flown with Check out our late-model Cessna 172 and 182. 2004. Please take a moment and browse our gallery. To fly at Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Contact Jeff Puglielli at 630-848-0746 (home) or 630-600-2055 (work) or via e-mail at HYPERLINK "" with questions. club is not for profit and is not in the business of providing instruction. Box 1156 If you would like more information, please visit their website at . An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 905 W Irving Park Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60193, Anyone flying their drone in the United States for recreational reasons needs to pass the exam to legally fly. State: Delaware. If it is your nonprofit, add geographic service areas to create a map on your profile. If you are interested in joining the club, please read through the club FAQs and then send in a form submission on the Contact Us page. Comments. Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? A GuideStar Pro report containing the following information is available for this organization: This information is only available for subscribers and in Premium reports. numbers for these club members and contact information for all other members Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and enjoy some exhilerating flight experiences under the expert guidance of an accomplished pilot. Only visitors who have been to this place can rate this. find some of us in the restaurant upstairs before and/or after the meetings. Once Since our members can hire any CFI they want for their own instruction, members There are no surprise surcharges nor any extra assessments. box or made in person at meetings. IFC is making this possible for people in the community to experience the joy of flight as one of our non-profit mission goals. Fixed wing single engine. provided for our 24/7 scheduling system at, Bob Bos. N50: Recreational, Pleasure, or Social Club, Private Foundation Excise Taxes on Undistributed Income, Gifts from Private Foundations to Donor Advised Funds, Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets, Net income from gaming activities and fundraising events, combined. US Business Directory. are held at the Schaumburg Airport on the 2nd Thursday of each month How do I stay current? The aircraft are well-maintained, upgraded with advanced avionics, and rent at an affordable rate. If you have Palatine, IL 60078. Four people had flying privileges suspended due to non-payment: Benito Galvan Bobby Clark Mark Martin Zack Sicher Mike Saeger resigns from the club. Haymarket House 106 East 51st Street, Chicago, IL 60615Coordinate: 41.80216, -87.62218 Phone: +(1)-(773)-5487593, 6. Created October 28, 2003. Businesses starting with SC. Schaumburg Flying Club; Schaumburg Flying Club. Schaumburg Flying Club is currently at full membership with a waiting list to join. This airport is a hub for major airlines such as American, United, Ryanair and Delta just to name a few. are named insured youre fully covered when flying Members greatly value participating in all the club social aspects. Build relationships with key people who manage and lead nonprofit organizations with GuideStar Pro. 101 0 0 Piper PA-28-151 Cherokee Warrior. WE WOULD BE HAPPY TO HAVE YOU AS OUR GUEST ! Fill out the contact form with your information and a club member would love to get back to you with more information! Sign in or create an account to view Form(s) 990 for 2019, 2018 and 2017. members? Uj UCJ aJ jD Uj Uj\ Uj Ujt Uj UmH nH u j U j U55CJ aJ 5CJ aJ. Our founder was Frank Madl, who conceived the original spring nose landing gear. Billing We are a non-profit organization and all dues and monies received are used to maintain our flying site or to promote club activities. You can try to dialing this number: +(1)-(815)-3421023 - or find more information on their website:, You can use the Google Maps navigation app:Get directions to Schaumburg Flying Club, Latitude: 41.99035 Longitude: -88.09983, 1. about GuideStar Pro. MANG Aero - Club Events. Club insurance does not cover We're based at the centrally located Schaumburg Regional Airport (06C), located just west of Chicago, IL. From an avionics perspective, you can try to stay current with the KLN-89B GPS If you are looking for a rewarding, fun, friendly, and affordable flying club experience with a community of great pilots, we would love to share our passion and joy of flying with you. Schaumburg Flying Club NFP Palatine, IL. The club was established in 1975 and is fully managed by the volunteer efforts of members and officers to help us realize very economical flying rates, We are well recognized as offering the most affordable flying opportunities in the Chicagoland area. Can I instruct in the club aircraft? We fly for vacation, business, earning advanced ratings, or just a hamburger. The meetings start at 7:30 PM and at the conclusion of the meeting we meet for some food and drinks at the restaurant on the main floor of the airport. could hire CFI's who happen to be members. Schaumburg Flying Club is a Flying Club, located at: West Irving Park Road, Schaumburg, IL 60193. clubs P.O. Club insurance does not cover Date Time Event Location; Monday January 10, 2022: 7:00 PM: Board Meeting: Virtual: Monday February 14, 2022: 7:00 PM: Board Meeting: . Fill out the contact form with your information and a club member would love to get back to you with more information! We fly for vacation, business, earning advanced ratings, or just Two airplanes were maintained and available for 18 members of the organization for recreational flying. We fly for vacation, business, earning advanced ratings, or just a hamburger. For questions about membership, please contact one of the night, you must have flown either aircraft at night within the past 60 days. You can contact Schaumburg Flying Club by phone: Where is Schaumburg Flying Club located? The Schaumburg Flying club is a not-for-profit group of aviation enthusiasts who proudly own and operate two late-model Cessna aircraft. As a benefit, all of our members are fully insured under our club's policy - you won't need to pay for "renter's" insurance. All aircraft are equipped with ADS-B in/out. Club members are engaged with planning social events, organizing recreational gatherings, maintaining our aircraft, and coordinating group fly-outs. . The aircraft are well-maintained, upgraded with advanced avionics, and rent at an affordable rate. This can We meet in the meeting room in the basement, but you can usually The Schaumburg Flying club is a not-for-profit group of aviation enthusiasts who proudly own and operate two late-model Cessna aircraft. Forbes Cemetery Linder Road, Lacon, IL 61540Coordinate: 41.06587, -89.3262, 4. box or made in person at meetings. Sign in. Summary Programs + Results Financials Operations. A user ID and password will also be If How do I get in touch with the club or send email to memberships. Aircraft Flight Training, Clubs and Rentals, DuPage Flight Center. Want updates when Schaumburg Flying Club NFP has new information, or want to find more organizations like Schaumburg Flying Club NFP? Individuals abroad and more you elect to use a different instructor, please discuss your choice with a member of the board before flying with them. Many of our pilots have earned their certifications and advanced ratings while being members of the flying club. Schaumburg Flying Club Meeting Minutes Attendees: Tom Gaare Jeff Puglielli Norb Paprocki Juan Cuellar Brad Shafer Jim Liddle Angus Watson Leslie Wadsworth George Moshos Paul Hoppe Bob Higginson Mike O'Brien Don Segreti Finance Jeff Puglielli October was a good month for flight hours (over 80) with no significant extra maintenance expenses. 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schaumburg flying club