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the loud house fanfiction lincoln and ronnie anne fight

Her nightwear consists of a light purple shirt, and dark purple pants with white socks. RONNIE ANNE: Oh yeah, he's walking to Lori's house for a date. Lola: [furiously] Dang it! We have to find something for show and tell! (Lola shows Lincoln the copy of The Home Dome. They destroyed something I loved, so I hate them, too. I did a little ditty just for him, and my spectacular performance warmed his heart enough to make him love me again. Curious, Lincoln opens the book and notices that its completely blank. Ronnie Anne: (entering the house) Hey, bro. Lola then hugs Lincoln, knowing shell defend him from their mockery. RONNIE ANNE: Me too, we did have nice moments with each other, like we go out for milkshakes after April Fool's Day and that time we play Dance Battle at Gus' Games, and Grubs. You want to come with me? Ronnie Anne: Im feeling a little lonely right now. As a baby, Ronnie Anne would soil her diapers and fart a lot.[5]. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride. - Ronnie Anne comforted - (kiss Lincoln's cheek) At least you have me. Hes very caring towards us, he knows what he does, and he never gives up. Lincoln: (reading the note) Important! The sisters, Clyde, Bobby and Ronnie Anne slowly back away from Lincoln, and dash off. Im glad that things between me, Ronnie Anne, and Lola are settled.. When she saw how much hate I had in me because of her mistake, she immediately regretted her actions and wanted me to love her again. She appears to be the only one in her family not to hate cats, since she watches cat videos. Lincoln looks on with utter shock in his eyes. (Lola laughs at her own joke as she continues her task. "I might as well wear it tonight so I don't have to tomorrow" A final sigh slipped from her lips as she took off her clothes, putting on the pink tank top and purple shorts. "Come on, it's not that bad." (Bobby drives off. Luan: It looked like he didnt want to see us. "Ha, same." - Bobby informed. Im the victim, Lincoln is the criminal here! (In Lana and Lolas room, the twins are searching their room for something). Give a round of applause for Lana Loud. Her goal implies she enjoys cooking too. Lincoln gives an even colder stare at them, startling them. "Plus, I'll be right there if you need me.". Lana: (with an armful full of empty bags) Five bags of dog biscuits, most of which werent for me. Lola was the one who felt the most sorry, since she started it all by finding your comic. - Lori said - He'll be fine. He says that it has to be dazzling. Lincoln really hates me now! Were so emotionally attached to each other, that were nothing without each other. It perfectly describes life in the Loud House, but with my own original characters. Lincoln: Oh, boy! Kid #1: Oh, man. Lincoln: (to the viewers) Sorry you had to see that. Summary: Lincoln Loud was in the girls bathroom sniffing panties, Ronnie Anne and her friends caught Lincoln in the act and as a result, Lincoln was punished. Originally, the excerpts that Lola reads in Lincoln's journal were supposed to talk about how brutal his sisters treated him in scenarios like "It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House" and "Sleuth or Consequences". He asked. (which might be the worst fanfiction ever) In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. Lori: How is it my fault?! Lisa: Oh, I dont know? *, (Its almost bedtime for the Louds. Then after a moment Luna starts to talk to him. They get home in about 10 minutes), (Lincoln walks out of his room and looks downstairs to see Lola waving at him. You have to get rid of at least one dress. Seeing the girly book causes Lucy to gasp quickly, and quickly stashes it away before Lynn even got a glimpse, fearing that her girly side would get exposed and show her as the true culprit behind the clogged toilet incident a while back. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride, Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago. (Lana runs out of the room to toss the bags out). Lynn: You started all this by showing us that comic. (The sisters all jump into the truck and drive off. (The sisters continue to laugh at Lincoln and Clydes humiliation, and Lincoln, enraged by this, mockery yells out in a fit of rage). I brought my pet snake with me because its the most fascinating of my pets. The secret you told everybody caused Ronnie Anne to break up with Lincoln. Lori: You better have a good explanation for this, Lincoln! She had a dream where she was marrying Artemis. REPORTER: Okay, It has been reported that a blizzard is coming to Royal Woods. After Lola read these two scenarios, the students would begin to bad mouth the sisters, accusing them for being horrible siblings. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Maybe you should seek advice from an expert comic book artist. BOBBY: Babe! Hello. ), (Lola is now in the hospital, sitting on a bed with bandages covering her damaged eye. (The two look around to make sure no one is looking, they hold hands at the two walk to Ronnie Anne's place, she uses her house key to open her door, the two walk inside and place their backpacks on the floor, along with hanging their coats). Lola begins to sing and dance to the song. I needed something for show and tell for my class, and I found a personal journal owned by Lincoln. Lori: Lola, we have to tell you something, and it's not happy. Ronnie Anne returned the glance silently and the two walked in without saying a word to each other. The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) Edit Lincoln: Hey Ronnie Anne, Sid and Adelaide! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. - Bobby said - Later, you two. They looked to see their only brother, Lincoln Loud coming inside, clutching his side. As we all know, a few of Lincoln Loud's sisters aren't majorly nice as Leni, Luna and Lana, especially Lola Loud (kind of, it's before she got character development), but what if those roles were proceedingly reversed out of the blue? He gets dressed up and walks out of his room. In "Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes", it is mentioned that she used to prank Bobby so frequently that he now cannot grow hair on the right side of his face. Lori: Finally! Watch at Clydes on Oct. 14. RONNIE ANNE: S'up, lame-o. "We should do Truth or Dare!" She said with a laugh and I smiled gently at her. My sisters and I were hard at work going through stuff we wanted to keep, and what we wanted to get rid of. - Lori ask, eager, (The others surround him with smiles, he glances at Ronnie Anne, who whispers in his ear). Lola: Its okay, Lincoln. And while they navigate this new life, they're starting to really their own childhoods, may have been a lot worse than they thought. Young Amore Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Young Amore By: B. Bandit24 Lincoln and Ronnie Anne relationship has been a little complicated but can a night at The Loud House change all that and how will his sisters react especially the oldest one. Dr. Lopez told me the more stressful you are, the more uncomfortable youll get. He headed to the bathroom to change into some more comfortable clothes for the sleepover. Lola heads back to her desk with satisfaction in her face, knowing she impressed everyone. -Okay- Evil Lincoln answered accumulating a ball of energy, Ronnie Anne did the same with her powers. When Lucy sees that Lynn didnt see the book, she sighs in relief and goes back to sorting out her books. Lana: Yeah! - Ronnie Anne concluded - Hang on (Ronnie Anne then pants Lincoln, she laughs at him), LINCOLN: (annoyed) She's like Lynn, but nicer. The two silhouettes carry him to the bathroom, where another silhouette shoves a bar of soap into Lincolns mouth. Now, I could write whatever goes on in my mind, and Ive got a lot of stuff in store! While she can't tolerate foods as spicy as CJ and Carlitos can. Lola begins to sniffle). Girl Jordan: Ooh! This establishes that she was born either from March 21 to April 19 (Aries), July 23 to August 22 (Leo) or November 23 to December 21 (Sagittarius). Now they must work together as a family to find a way back, understand and control their new forms and powers, find their place in a town that fears them, and stand together when their home is threatened, Neo Storm Side Stories are a set of one-short side stories, some Chapters are set within the Main Story line and contain NSFW Content, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (24), Hilda Series - Luke Pearson & Stephen Davies (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Carlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr./Adelaide Chang, Carlos "CJ" Casagrande Jr. & Adelaide Chang, Lincoln Loud/Lynn Loud Jr./Lucy Loud/Stella Zhau, Sid Chang/Lincoln Loud/Ronnie Anne Santiago, Original Loud Character(s) (The Loud House), Dulce Dulce Halloween, chicas y das festivos, Loud House Movie Alternative Ending Creepypasta Role Play offer, Ronnie Anne Santiago is a good girlfriend, Hilda Series - Luke Pearson & Stephen Davies, Johanna | Hilda's Mum (Hilda)/Original Character(s), Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Ronnie Anne Santiago/Original Character(s), Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers. What is it that you want to tell me? (Lola tosses the comic into the fireplace, where it burns away. The moment the song ends, Lola walks up to Lincoln). Lincoln: And how have I insulted you girls? - Ronnie Anne greeted. (Lincoln and Clyde are hugging each other in anticipation, when suddenly, Lori kicks the front door open, catching both Lincoln and Clydes attention). Let's drink! Lucy: You know. Things however turn more complicated than expected. The sisters all agreed that it was wrong for them to do such a nefarious act, that they had to find a way to get the boy to talk to them again. -Lincoln L. Loud, author of The Dome Home. Back with Lincoln. Lincoln: (infuriated) I cant believe this! And as for Lincoln, he has since become the town superhero. I remember our last Spring Cleaning, my sisters and I had to cover for each other, but that ended up in a absolutely awful disaster. (A split screen of Lori appears with her phone), LORI: Lincoln, are you okay?! "S-so many people" Clyde muttered and rocked on his feet. Once shes done, the students applaud Lana for showing off El Diablo. RONNIE ANNE: (putting her hand on Lincoln's back) It'll be alright, I know you miss them, and we'll see them again. On October 14th,ten sistersdiscovered a book on a young boys desk. I never knew I had one of these in my room for a while. Starting with Season 3, she now has bags under her eyes, likely from the stress of dealing with a big family like Lincoln. You ignoring us is worse than us ignoring you. Lincoln: You started it! (Ronnie Anne runs out of the house to head to the Loud House), (Ronnie Anne arrives to the Loud residence, and rings the doorbell), (Lola ran downstairs and opened the door to see Ronnie Anne). - Leni said, worried, LORI: We all do, he's having fun with Ronnie Anne. (These words from the heartbroken and enraged child causes the sisters to stop laughing and look at him completely appalled. Word Count: 635Status: UneditedAn: Hope y'all enjoyed and sorry it took so long to get out. Lincoln helped his friend up. In addition, as seen in "Shell Shock", Ronnie Anne appears to be less chaotic than she is credited for, as she is shown doing gratuitous tasks for her family and taking great care of an egg. Ronnie Anne is Lincoln's best female friend, and former classmate, who moved to Great Lakes City to live with her extended family, the Casagrandes. Lucy: Two things: The way you said that is really creepy, and considering how much you like sports, it makes sense why you have that many. For the resident of. You can start without us. "Ronnie Anne, I need to change." Oh wait, Im always knew I was this good! Ronnie Anne is a hardcore tomboy who seems to dislike girly things (she called her former elementary school's Sadie Hawkins dance "lame"[8]), and enjoys more boyish hobbies, such as skateboarding, pranks, and video games. Just because that one secret pasted Lincoln as a sissy doesnt mean hes weak. Lucy wanted to become Lincoln's sidekick, but Lincoln told her to focus on school. "There you are!" The moment they walk in, the students begin to laugh at Lincoln for his humiliating incident, but Lola stops them when she looks at them with fire in her eyes, intending to hurt those who hurt Lincoln. (As Lucy goes through the books she owns, she comes across her Princess Pony book. Clyde ran over catching up with his friend. This isn't my tenth fanfiction, as this story is just a brief continuation of my ninth fanfiction, not a sequel. You have a dozen of them! "Who is it?" Lincoln: Why didnt you show them one of your pageant awards?! Lola: (sighs) Okay, dont get mad, but do you remember how that secret about Lincoln spread around school? Lincoln: (angrily) I swear, whoever ratted on us is in big trouble!

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