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transformers cyberverse bumblebee and windblade fanfiction

Dark Birth, Believing these new beings housed the sparks of ancient Transformers reclaimed from the AllSpark, Starscream plotted to use his new "children" to further his plans. Though they have traveled far and fought fiercely, the Autobots and Decepticons have only one true home, and whoever rules Cybertron controls the fates of all the bots who occupy the planet. Rszletekrt tekintse meg a bevsrlkosarat. Silent Strike. Shes always stomping around, glaring at everyone, calling us fools, and trying to blast us with plasma! Oh right, he got kicked out of the star team due to his unstableness and insanity. Before he could make good on this, Windblade awoke the War Titan Iaconus. | Episode 1 | NEW Stop Motion | FULL Episode | Transformers Official, Transformers Dance off | Episode 2 | NEW Stop Motion | FULL Episode | Transformers Official, Soundwave Vs Arcee | Episode 3 | NEW Stop Motion | FULL Episode | Transformers Official, These New Transformers Cyberverse Figures Are Fantastic Callbacks to the Original '80s Toys,, Bumblebee's loss of his voice is a borrowed trait from his, For most scenes throughout the show, Bumblebee uses an. The Judge, Soon afterwards, the Judge, damaged beyond repair by Hot Rod's group, crashed into the ship, its out of control weapons collapsing it. That's seriously not cool. Some of the older Autobots might call him a showoff, but he's my favorite person to pull off reckless stunts with. Ok, so sometimes he blows things up. After finding Bumblebee on Earth she went on helping her best friend on remembering the past and guide Bee into . The magenta femme also became close with Orion, Bumblebee, and especially Acree, since she was the only other femme on the team. "- Bumblebee, "Everyone thought Jetfire exploded in a plume of jet smoke while battling his nemesis, Sky-Byte. video. As his friends clashed egos, Bumblebee tried to offer aid to a stumbling fellow only to be rebuked. King of the Dinosaurs, As Grimlock recounted his adventures, his systems picked up Shockwave arriving with two magnetic disruptors which the scientist intended to use to shut down Earth's magnetic field. The Crossroads, In a different universe, when Optimus confronted Megatron following his attack on the High Council, Megatron realized that he and Optimus would oppose each other forevermore and slew his once friend with a point blank fusion cannon blast before he seized the Matrix from him. Plus, Acid Storm spends all his free time chasing my friends and me around the Earth. But all he's really good at is getting in my way. The Autobots teleported to the Cube arena, and Bumblebee rushed to Optimus side. The Monsterbots guided the duo to the Well where they found Shockwave waiting for them. And once Windblade puts her mind to something, she is unstoppable." - Bumblebee Inspired, Bumblebee raced back to the missile silo to free his friend, Matrix of Leadership only to find she'd freed herself and found the location of a new Autobot. Though managing to shake off Starscream and Shadow Striker, Bumblebee was defeated by Soundwave and brought to Megatron who revealed his master plan was to use Vector Sigma to reprogram the AllSpark and have it birth a generation of loyal Decepticons. BUMBLEBEE CYBERVERSE ADVENTURES|WINDBLADE|AUTOBOT|MINT CARD LOT. When another solar flare struck, the three were separated with Bumblebee being found by the Tails, a faction of the Sharkticon race. His "Sting Shot" Action Attack gimmick causes a blade to pop out of his right arm when triggered. Megatron Is My Hero When Megatron had slew the High Council, Bumblebee brought Optimus to speak with Alpha Trion, the sole survivor of the attack. Waving her after him, Bumblebee entered only to fall under the thrall of the Dweller being forced to attack Chromia before she used his own stinger to free him. Channeling his multiverse energy, Bumblebee shattered the entity, not only retrieving Windblade's shard but freeing Cosmos, who'd been held captive by the alien. Allspark Further use of the patch helped Bumblebee remember going into stasis and the AllSpark being detected but he could not say where the Ark had wound up. When he's in bot mode, Grimlock is one of the smartest, smoothest talking bots around. Sort by: Hot. Dweller In The Depths, After Optimus Prime had received instructions from the Thirteen to destroy the alternate version of the Matrix of Leadership that Megatron had brought into their reality, Bumblebee joined the infiltration team into Croaton, during which Chromia saved him from an attack by Shadow Striker. "- Bumblebee, "Long, long, long (long) ago, Thunderhowl swore to destroy the Crystal City but he was defeated in battle and imprisoned within its walls. "Whirl is one air commando who likes to cut loose and take big chances. Pro tip: dont make my mistake and high-five him after a fight. With everyone safe, Teletraan awoke the rest of the crew, Bumblebee hugging Optimus, before the Decepticon fleet arrived, right above the Ark's resting place. Free shipping for many products! The Loop The Sleeper Along with the others, Bumblebee was freed when Perceptor hacked into the Loop and introduced a flock of Air Hammers into the simulation, the beasts shocking everyone into transforming whereupon they awoke and retreated to Iaconus. Though a few lost their lives to the matter between universes, most were able to escape using the combined power of their AllSparks. Versions of Bumblebee have appeared in other continuity families, including: I want to tell you about the Transformers! Just be prepared for him to demand infinite do-overs until he finally wins. Disney Pixar Toy Story 4 Dominos set in A Tin collectors can NEW (234535590291). In T. rex mode, hes less about the talking and more about the smashing. Oh! S A girl named Kadee has a hard life with her parents. Bumblebee joined Hot Rod and the other Autobot forces in the Valley of Repugnus, where they formed a plan to retake Cybertron. When Megatron's injured leg caused him to stumble, a maddened Starscream leapt on the opportunity, kicking his master to the floor and bombarding him with a missile swarm before beating him senseless. After both Optimus and the AllSpark had been taken through a GroundBridge to the Ark, Bumblebee made a point to retrieve Starscream's body, reasoning that Optimus would want the Seeker to face justice. Once he'd used a triple-barrel ion shoulder cannon to deter the Decepticons, the two set down in cave that looked like Bumblebee's head where they used the patch to remember more about Maccadam. Before he could merge it with once again, Bumblebee stole it and flew off. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. The Crossroads, Failing to raise Chromia, Optimus suspected a trap, entrusting the AllSpark to Cheetor as he ordered everyone to abandon ship, leaving the Ark to be blown up by a laser snare. Summary of Arc 1: Bumblebee. Do you remember the time weAnd all the times weAnd should haveAnd were going to Windblade and Bumblebee first became friends when they bumped into each other at a Cube Game and as they hanged out together, their bond became stronger and stronger (despite trouble brewing with the Decepticons). Enjoy my cringey fanfiction, the first and only one that I didn't delete that was ever completed. He spends so much time taking care of others, sometimes we have to remind him to look out for himself as well." Hot Rod then sighted the moon cheetah outside the Ark, the two scouts racing after it. The repairs were only a partial success as the Ark soon wound up trapped in unspace, the void between universes. There they found that Teletraan-1 was dead and Teletraan-X quickly began to upload himself into the ship's mainframe only for Shadow Striker to arrive and destroy the drone. Like all non-toy robot Kreons in these comics, Windblade is made from existing Kre-O parts. He participated in the council meeting to discuss Astrotrains warning of an impending threat, and when Tarn arrived, under attack by two Decepticon supersoldiers, Bumblebee and Optimus restrained one of them. Awaken Sleeping Giants, Their joy was short-lived as the Decepticons returned, now revealed to have been tracking them via Shockwave's drones. Unaware of what had just transpired, Bumblebee and Hot Rod stole a shuttle, eager for an adventure. Leader of the Seekers and Megatron's second-in-command,[1] Starscream is the kind of guy who'd sell you out to Megatron in a heartbeat, then sell Megatron out to whoever offers him more power. Thundercracker brings the muscle, but team Autobot brings the victory. After breaching the field and shutting down the Planet Smasher, the Autobots followed into an underground bunker. Whiteout, While joyriding through a desert, Bumblebee was found by Windblade only for amnesia to prevent him from recognizing her and mistaking Thundercracker for a friend Windblade had brought. Siloed, Alongside his friend Hot Rod, Bumblebee took a vacation to Velocitron where he introduced his friend to Blurr. Transformers: Cyberverse; Relationship: Bumblebee & Windblade (Transformers) Characters: Windblade (Transformers) Bumblebee (Transformers) Additional Tags: . He and I are actually close personal friends. When the group reached the multiverse drive, they were confronted by the Scientist. Lastly, he has forearm-mounted, Starscream's voice actor in the Japanese dub gives him the same mannerisms and histrionic personality as, Starscream's death in "The End Of The Universe IV" hurt. With no recourse, Bumblebee made his way to the space bridge in Iacon where, despite a heavy Decepticon presence, Optimus managed to launch the AllSpark off Cybertron. However, he was later executed by Megatron X, who claimed he outlived his usefulness after easily winning the Great War. Whether its executing a hover-attack or dive-bombing the enemy, Whirl can handle the pressure in any high stakes battle situation we find ourselves in. Cyberius is now free from his previous captors, but what's next for him? In the process however, he was knocked loose and plunged into the depths of the sea. A centuries-old war had led to a planet's death and its inhabitants, a species of sentient, living robotic beings originating from the distant machine world of Cybertron. Include Ratings . Words: 23,643. Hot Rod said as he and Bumblebee ran to where the wrecking ball was. If he's around, you're getting left in the dust-- andhe'salwaysgoingsofastthathetalkslike thisandnoonecaneverfigureoutwhathe'stryingtosay!" She was giving Seekers a good name in Orion's eyes. But dont worry humans, the Autobots are here to stop him from achieving total world domination. However, his plan was foiled when Optimus Prime destroyed the device connecting the emitters. Left in the dust by Hot Rod and the cheetah's speed, Bumblebee failed to make it to the GroundBridge before it closed. friendly, caring, cooperative, brave, collected, formidable, humane, selfless, honorable, driven She was a fan-made Transformer made in her facial appearance is a reference to painted masks of . With no recourse, the three Autobots used the drive and jumped into another universe only to be confounded by its shifting architecture. Normally I'd say that I'm so not afraid to take on a henchbot. Through his new powers, Starscream nearly extracted the sparks of all those present only for Optimus to channel the power of the Matrix to blast the AllSpark out the Seeker. In Iaconus' medbay, Ratchet explained Windblade's state before Chromia entered with a potential solution. Grimlock (voiced by Ryan Andes) - King of Dinosaurs and Dinobot. No wonder we can't keep up with him. This is here. Before the Great War, Starscream took the newly arrived Camien Windblade to a Cube game where he flaunted his upper-class credentials by mocking the plebs and having Bumblebee be kicked out of the stadium. Transformers: Cyberverse . Unable to convince Windblade to join him, the two took a last trip to Maccadam's, now totally ruined, where the old barkeep offered them some energon from his private supply. Optimus Prime eventually intervened to help them defeat the Decepticons. When the disruptor was destroyed, Bumblebee raced back aboard the cargo plane, escaping only thanks to Shadow Striker's glitchy limbs. No one knows the source of his enormous strength and catlike reflexes. Tarn summoned reinforcements, and Bumblebee was pinned down and his teleportation device was destroyed. He then issued a challenge to them: anyone who succeeded in bringing him the head of Optimus Prime would take Starscream's place as his second-in-command. Sabotage, As the two sought shelter at an airfield, Bumblebee picked up an Autobot distress signal. Don't tell her I said this, but she's actually got some pretty impressive leadership skills! With Optimus deeming the aliens' extinction too high a moral price to pay, he ordered everyone into the stasis pods and the ship to be placed under Teletraan's control. This is the book where I bring all of your requests to life!

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