are plossl eyepieces good
If you stumble the first few uses, dont be discouraged. Generally, dont mess around with solar projection unless youre okay with damaging the instrument. Here we get into the BMW, Cadillac, Porsche, and Ferrari of eyepieces. That is the critical factor. Im also uncertain about what to expect from an additional investment? I expect such eyepieces are available but I have never seen or used one. This would definitely matter to observers who wear eyglasses when viewing. My understanding of eyepieces was very limited until I read this article, you explain things in a clear and understandable way which made my understanding so much clearer. It sounds cool, they must be better than regular Plossls with that name, right? You can still get eyepieces, but there are few choices. Best eyepieces for telescopes 2023 | Space (Compare, for instance, 20mm of each type, or 10mm of each type.) This can be very helpful for star hopping. For one thing, a wider field of view is almost always more pleasant. In the box you'll receive 5 1.25 eyepieces at following sizes, a 32 mm Plossl Eyepiece, 17 mm Plossl Eyepiece , 13 mm Plossl Eyepiece, 8 mm Plossl Eyepiece, 6 mm Plossl Eyepiece, a 2X Barlow Lens 1.25. We will talk more about the field of view later, but note that if you can use 2 eyepieces, you will typically only have one or two for very low power wide field views. No results, please adjust your filters. I still have it and still use it from time to time. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Meade telescope maksutov eyepiece ETX-105EC Super Plossl 6.4mm 1.25" w capsule at the best online prices at eBay! Some brands will add better lens coating, darker edges, or a higher quality case to their Super Plossl products, but strictly for performance, there isnt a difference between the two. They are all made by the same OEM manufacturer. However, the BH Zoom is by far my most used eyepiece. Excellent article, thank you very much for taking the time to publish it. Kellners can be as little as half the price of a Plossl in the same focal length, but they are generally very comparable, especially in recent years as telescope prices have fluctuated in response to changing supply chains and demand. I am considering buying another eyepiece, maybe 6mm, and a Barlow, maybe 2x, to give me a wider and higher range of magnification. But for AP you should really start your planning with the mount. As for tabletop scopes, dont forget that you need a table, stool, or bench to place them. The ocular for your highest visual acuity - for viewing deep-sky objects and the like - should have an exit pupil around . Videos for related products. 1200 mm FL scope / 10 mm FL eyepiece = 120X, 40 degree AFOV / 120X = .33 degrees (less than 1 full moon wide), 60 degree AFOV / 120X = .5 degree FOV (about one full moon with no space around it), 82 degree AFOV / 120X = .68 degree FOV (about one full moon with a star field around it to frame it). Look those up, seeing and transparency in the context of astronomy. Recall that your lowestpower eyepiece's exit pupil should not exceed 6mm. 10mm Orion Sirius Plossl Telescope Eyepiece | Orion Telescopes Also, note that the pricing is based on 1.25 eyepieces. Quality this good usually costs a lot more. This design has some advantages over other designs, such as the Kellner eyepiece or Orthoscopic eyepieces. The price can run to over $1000 per eyepiece. And the zoom provides every magnification in that range without having to change eyepieces. If youre still wondering between a Kellner vs Plossl, my advice to you would be invest a little extra cash and go for a good quality Plossl. Tele Vue offers several series with apparent fields of view from 50 degrees to 120 degrees. Orion Sirius Plossl 10mm telescope eyepiece 1.25" $17.01 This series of eyepieces may provide better value in this price range. Thanks for a very helpful guide. The Regular Plossl eyepiece is made to be a basic type of scope for viewing objects that are nearbysay within two feet or so from where youre looking through it. Also work very well with my binoculars that have removable focal reducers built into. As is outstanding in the workmanship, a Plossl type eyepiece is a moderately wide field eyepiece involving two colorless doublets in which the crown components generally face each other. I have just one Meade product currently and that is a series 4000 1.25 inch UHC type filter which I use for outreach. A very good quality eyepiece for a reasonable sum. Your email address will not be published. Their 50 to 52 degree AFOV is wide enough for general observing. I also really liked my E-Lux 32mm, a Kellner. I think Id really enjoy a zoom for all the reasons you mention, But Im having a difficult time assessing how much weight to put on the field of view of given eyepieces. Orion Sirius Plossl eyepieces are ideal for any type of telescope; refractor, reflector, or catadioptic. My 20, 26, and 32mm Plossls will probably stay around. If you do upgrade, youll probably want to go for a different eyepiece design than a Plosslsomething with a sharper image or a wider field of view or a longer eye relief (or all three.). Even if you did need a 4mm focal length (for high powers in an f/4 telescope, of course), neither a Kellner nor a Plossl would have long enough eye relief for that to be comfortably usable! My Baader Hyperion Zoom is my most used and favorite eyepiece. Kellners tend to have narrower apparent fields of view (40 degrees rather than 50 or 52 degrees in a Plossl), and in short focal length telescopes (focal ratio f/5 or shorter) they can have more false color fringing, but for the most part it is hard to notice the difference between a well-made Kellner and a well-made Plossl in terms of image quality. We can see that 2 eyepieces have an advantage over 1.25 eyepieces when designers are making wide-view eyepieces. The components of a Plossl eyepiece are the two groups of lenses. Depending on how fussy you are about having a completely clean image across the visual field, if you have a lower focal ratio scope you will want to look for eyepieces with a reputation for being better corrected in low focal ratio scopes. still, i somehow managed to avoid the eyepiece pitfalls when buying used off ebay. Telescope Eyepieces | Orion Telescopes: Shop Orion Sirius Plossl 1.25" Telescope Eyepieces If you plan to go longer than that you can get an AC adapter or a power tank. a Celestron 8-24 Zoom with a 2x Barlow As I mentioned earlier in the article, not all Plossls are created equal, which simply means that there are good Plossls and then there are bad Plossls. In simple terms, high focal ratio scopes, say those over F6, tend to be less demanding on eyepieces than those below F6. I think I will go for the BHZ because, as you say, I will be able to use it now and into the future. But those EPs mentioned were all great too! If you were considering a Meade Super Plossl, in that case just get the regular one also by Meade. Lets illustrate with an example using a 1200 mm FL telescope. You probably dont need to worry about upgrading them as soon as you get your telescope, unless you can see an optical problem in the one youre using or you find the short eye relief for the short-focus eyepiece uncomfortable. I have seen some gatekeeping in this hobby about Kellners, and Im not sure I understand it. So perhaps you do your line up like this. This eye piece provides the maximum true field of view in the 1.25 inch format. The downside to this type of lens is that they can cause chromatic aberration which creates colored spots around bright objects such as planets or stars due to the different wavelengths not going through equally. You can do the calculation which will show that the 70 will have a significantly wider field of view as compared to the 52. Their 50 to 52 degree AFOV is wide enough for general observing. This determines how much light the telescope will gather. Although Kellner eyepieces will help you learn a lot in the beginning but soon will realize that youre missing out on something, and eventually you will be tempted to spend money on another good quality eyepiece. In the next section, we will talk about the AFOV of an eyepiece. I still use my 30mm Celestron Ultima fairly often with some of my telescopes. You can buy a range of these from Modern Astronomy. But what are the differences between these two and how do you know which one to choose? In the world of eyepieces, when you want the very best, turn to Tele Vue, but be prepared to pay a truly premium price. Since there are so many different types of eyepieces available on the market, choosing the right one for your situation can prove to be a harrowing task. You can do that by using this long focal length eyepiece. Kellners are the other popular design for amateur stargazing, go ahead and check out that article if you want to dive deeper into the subject. A 6mm Plossl has a tiny eye lens. The Baader offers wider fov, but at quite the price premium. Im just starting out with astronomy and this really helped my understanding. But I have one little niggle. Inexpensive Plossls that are manufactured using low-quality lenses are susceptible to internal reflections when viewing bright objects at high magnification. For what it is worth, a slow scope like your CPC9.25 (f/10?) the reality is that today's eyepieces are all quite good, particulalarly in an f/10 telescope. Look at the apparent field of view specs and understand what this means for the field of view. However, sometimes i am at the end of the range of the binocular focus adjustment. Orion Sirius Plossl 1.25" eyepieces are ideal for all types of telescopes: reflector, refractor, and catadioptrics such as Maksutov-Cassegrains. All focal lengths offer 50 field-of-view except the 40mm which offers 42 I was looking on a OPT website and they have celestron 32mm and 15mm plossl. It costs three to four times as much as the Celestron Zoom, but if you have the budget, this is the one to get. What Is a Plossl Eyepiece - Planet Seekers No, adapters are not needed but they may come in handy when you want to change the focal length or add other lenses such as filters or Barlow lenses. So I sincerely hope that this article helps you understand the similarities and differences between Plossl and Kellner eyepieces so that you can an informed decision and choose the best one for yourself. Typically, these will be 25 mm and 10 mm or something close to that. You can add the specialty single FL eyepieces later if you wish. Skywatcher SP Plossl lenses - Discussions - Stargazers Lounge Theres a reason Plossls are usually kept at 52 degrees. Wide view and well-corrected view, even in F5 scopes. Can you give me any specific recommendations on what to buy and from where? I tested out my BH zoom yesterday for the first time and it is a great eyepiece so thank you for the recommendation! Meade went back to the drawing board and they removed the fifth element, keeping the original Plossl design, however, they kept the Super Plossl brand and added some premium materials. Plossl eyepieces have a wide FOV and are known for their clarity and sharpness. A Plossl eyepiece has a field of view thats very wide, so if youre looking at the full moon or some other object in space with it, chances are youll see the entire thing. My most used eyepiece is an 8-24 mm zoom. If you just want a quick answer, skip to the conclusion at the end of the article. When selecting the best eyepiece for you, consider: Eyepieces are standardized so whatever investment you make today, the eyepieces will continue to serve you in any future scopes you may own. To estimate the highest practical magnification for your telescope, you take the aperture in millimeters, mm, and multiply it by two. Also, atmospheric conditions can limit how much magnification you can use on a given night. Even if we were next-door neighbors this would take weeks of discussion and planning. They are 82-degree AFOV eyepieces. LCAS - The Good Old Plossl Eyepiece It will also make your life easier if youre out observing on windy days that would otherwise blow off the front cover of your telescope. Plossl eyepieces are great. 30 = 60 = 1.3 Im fairly picky so would extend budget for better eyepieces if its worth it. I have the 38 mm and recommend it often. Ever since, I have been attempting to cram in every fact about the Universe, I can find into my head. Comparing to Plossl, the Expanse eyepiece is a lot more expensive. The views through it are very impressive, and it always amazes me when I get that one out. Such eyepieces are able to offer great performance, i.e., satisfactory degrees of deviations, to about a field. I hope I can say that someday. I had a TV 20mm Plossl once. Its made up of four lenses in two groups. I hear that, sometimes you find one that is sweeter than others. I cannot thank you enough! At 32mm, a Plssl will give you as wide a field of view as any 1.25mm eyepiece can. If you are on a strict budget, this is a good choice as a zoom eyepiece. . Over time, you will likely spend more on eyepieces than on the telescope. If you are just testing the waters or on a tight budget, get the Celestron, which is still pretty good. Celestron's 4-element Plossl eyepiece features include blackened lens edges to minimize internal reflection and maximize contrast, fully multi-coated optics for maximum light transmission. Because the eyepiece was still similar enough to a Plossl and still kept the symmetrical design, they called it Super Plossl. In High School, they told me that F=MA In college I learned that F=dp/dt But F=MA works well enough for most situations and that is how I think of it. When discussing eyepieces, you will hear people comment on how well the eyepiece is corrected. And that is pretty much what Super Plossl are today. For your application and the eyepieces you have or are going to get, you really dont need anything else. A Barlow lens will not reduce the CA in a low FR achromat refractor so to speak of it changing the focal ratio would, I think, introduce confusion in most situations. Basic question - what is a Plossl eyepiece? - Getting Started General For super Plossl eyepiece, the field of view is typically 40 to 60 degrees. thanks Ed. I dont know if they make anything like this anymore, but as a kid, I had plastic slides with images on them (the Milky Way, Horse Head Nebula, etc.) Goldline series of eyepieces provides the best value in this price range, better than Plossls. Good quality plossl eyepieces - Discussions - Stargazers Lounge SVBONY Telescope Eyepiece Set Telescope Accessory Kit with 2x Barlow L Omni 15mm Eyepiece - 1.25" Learn More. I have an SCT and my eyepiece case only hasPlssls (and one Ortho) in it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Since 2011, we've published astronomy related content and reviews to help guide the community better. Kellner vs Plossl - Comparison table. Gold Line eyepieces also offer better eye relief than Plossl eyepieces, especially at the shorter focal lengths. Quality this good usually costs a lot more. Edited April 23, 2010 by russ teh_orph Members 28 198 Author But you need to know, first, if you will be wearing glasses when you observe. Aspheric and Plossl Plossl are both lens designs that can be used in most telescopes. While it covers the same range as the Celestron zoom, it offers better optics, better mechanical operation, and a wider field of view. However the package includes a 1.25 to 2 adapter so if you have a 2 focuser you can treat this like a 2 eyepiece leaving the adapter normally included with the scope for use with other 1.25 eyepieces. 50 150X, no Barlow Yes, Plossl eyepieces are some of the most popular with amateurs and professionals alike. But with 2 eyepieces and a Barlow, you have the full effective range of your telescope. In the 1990s Meade instruments came up with a new design for the Meade 4000 line similar to Plossl that added a fifth glass element on top of the two pairs (4 total). Omni 9mm Eyepiece - 1.25" Learn More. Question: would it perform well with 1.5/2x and 3x Barlows? This is a good thing, because normally the shorter the focal length of the eyepiece, the less eye relief you have. Some include: Parks Gold Series, Celestron Ultima's, Meade Series 4000 Super Plssls (depending on year / origin / style) and a few others that I don't remember. If you cant use 2, that 32 mm Plossl, which has a 50 degree AFOV, will give you about as wide a field of view as you can get in a 1.25 eyepiece. It all comes down to cost-benefit. I agree with your comment on zooms for kids. For visual use, 1.5X, 2X, 2.5X, and 3X Barlow lenses are common. I have since moved up to a 12 Dob but I use the same eyepieces and the BH Zoom continues to be my most used. 5 Best Telescope Eyepieces in 2023 [+Beginner's Guide] The length of eye relief on a Plossl eyepiece ranges from 12 millimeters (less common) all the way up to 45 millimeters with added benefits being that you dont have any issues seeing into your view. If we combine a Barlow with an 8-24 mm zoom eyepiece, we have an amazing range. Have Any Astronauts Been Lost in Space Forever. A super Plossl eyepiece is a top-performing eyepiece that can be used for a variety of tasks, from viewing objects in the distance to looking at microscopic things. If you want to buy him $200 eyepieces so he can grow into them, that works. Perhaps you have read about planetary eyepieces, DSO eyepieces, and other types of specific eyepieces. Optics manufacturers began selling and popularizing Plossl eyepieces, albeit with a generally simplified design where each achromatic doublet had the same focal length.
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are plossl eyepieces good