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home assistant nginx docker

The swag docs suggests using the duckdns container, but could a simple cron job do the trick? Then copy somewhere safe the generated token. It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention. cause my traffic when i open browser link via url goes like pc > server in local net > nginx-proxy in container > HA in container. I recently moved to my new apartment and spent all my 2020 savings buying new smart devices, and I think my wife wont be happy when she reads this article . I have a relatively simple system ( Smartthings and MQTT integrations plus some mijia_bt Bluetooth sensors). Also, we need to keep our ip address in duckdns uptodate. In this post, I will show how I set up VS Code to streamline Laravel development on Windows. I installed Wireguard container and it looks promising, and use it along the reverse proxy. I fully agree. The Home Assistant Community Add-ons Discord chat server for add-on support and feature requests. Time to test our Home Assistant Remote Access using NGINX Reverse Proxy & DuckDNS setup. There was one requirement, which was I need a container that supported the DNSimple DNS plugin since I host my sites through DNSimple. Since then Ive spent a fair amount of time, DNSimple + Lets Encrypt + NGINX in Docker for Home Assistant. So the instructions vary depending on your router, but essentially you want to tell it to listen on a particular port, like https://:8443 and divert (route) those to the local IP address of your Home Assistant device, like: Ive gone down this path before without Docker setting up an Ubuntu instance on Digital Ocean and installing everything from scratch. Selecting it in this menu results in a service definition being added to: ~/IOTstack/docker-compose.yml. Your email address will not be published. Get a domain . Home Assistant is running on docker with host network mode. Digest. need to be changed to your HA host The Home Assistant Discord chat server for general Home Assistant discussions and questions. If doing this, proceed to step 7. Im pretty sure you can use the same one generated previously, but I chose to generate a new one. Set up of Google Assistant as per the official guide and minding the set up above. If you are running home assistant inside a docker container, then I see no reason why my guide shouldnt work. Open your Home Assistant:if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'peyanski_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-peyanski_com-medrectangle-4-0'); if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'peyanski_com-box-4','ezslot_7',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-peyanski_com-box-4-0');Im ready with DuckDNS installation and configuration. The RECORD_ID I found by clicking on edit for a DNS record, and then pulling the ID from the URL. If you are wondering what NGINX is? I think the best benefit is I can run several other containers and programs, including a Shinobi NVR, on the same machine. Redid the whole OS multiple times, tried different nginx proxy managers (add on through HassOS as well as a docker in Unraid). I have tested this tutorial in Debian . Searched a lot on google and this forum, but couldnt find a solution when using Nginx Proxy Manager. Any chance you can share your complete nginx config (redacted). Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.. Do you know how I could get NGINX to notice the renewal so that this kind of situation would not happen again? If you're using the default configuration, you will find them under sensor.docker_ [container_name] and switch.docker_ [container_name]. I mean sure, they can technically do the same thing against NGINX, but the entire point of NGINX is security, so any vulnerabilities like this would hopefully be found sooner and patched sooner. This service will be used to create home automations and scenes. Still working to try and get nginx working properly for local lan. AAAA | Do not forward port 8123. And with docker-compose version 1.28 leaving it in results in an error and the container does not start. inner vlan routing, Remote access doesn't work with nginx reverse proxy, Router Port Forwarding XXXXX (custom port) to server running Nginx, Nginx collects custom port and redirects to HTTP 8123 on HASS running in Docker. Enable the "Start on boot" and "Watchdog" options and click "Start". Obviously this will cause issues, and everything weve setup will break since that A record will no longer point to the correct place. But, I cannot login on HA thru external url, not locally and not on external internet. Otherwise, incoming requests will always come from and not the real IP address. The official home assistant install documentation advises home assistant container needs to be run with the --network=host option to be a supported install versus just mapping port 8123. If this is true, you can use a Dynamic DNS service (like duckdns) to obtain a domain and set it up to update with you IP. Im forwarding port 80,443 on my router to my Raspberry Pi running an NGINX reverse proxy ( This is a great way to level up your push notifications, allowing you to actually see what is happening at the instant a notification was pushed. Also, create the data volumes so that you own them; /home/user/volumes/hass I do run into an issue while accessing my homeassistant But first, Lets clear what a reverse proxy is? The best way to run Home Assistant is on a dedicated device, which . Type a unique domain of your choice and click on. I wanted to play a chime any time a door was opened, but there was a significant delay of up to 5 seconds. I personally use cloudflare and need to direct each subdomain back toward the root url. Yes, I am using this docker image in Ubuntu which already contains the database compared to the official one: Docker container for Nginx Proxy Manager. All I had to do was enable Websockets Support in Nginx Proxy Manager if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'peyanski_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_8',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-peyanski_com-medrectangle-3-0');Next step is to install and configure the Home Assistant DuckDNS add-on. These are the internal IPs of Home Assistant add-ons/containers/modules. If you already have SSL set up on Home Assistant, the first step is to disable SSL so that you can do everything with unencrypted http on port 8123. Right now my HA is LAN or WLAN only and every remote actions can only be achieved via VNC access on the Pi 4 VNC server or a client Mini PC that is running chrome and so on. instance from outside of my network. The first step to setting up the proxy is to install the NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy add-on (full guide at the end of this post). set $upstream_app homeassistant; Step 1 - Create the volume. In my example, I have the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/default, then symlinked that to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default. You just need to save this file as docker-compose.yml and run docker-compose up -d . Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. If you have a container in bridge network mode (like swag) you can't reference another docker container running in host network mode (like home assistant) by, localhost, hostip, or container name. Going into this project, I had the following requirements: After some research and many POCs, I finally came with the following design. in. Delete the container: docker rm homeassistant. So then its pick your poison - not having autodiscovery working or not having your homeassistant container on the docker network. Its an all-in-one solution that helps to easily setup an Nginx reverse proxy with a built-in certbot client. The main things to point out are: SUBDOMAINS=wildcard, VALIDATION=dns, and DNSPLUGIN=dnsimple. If you later purchase your own domain name, you will be able to easily get a trusted SSL certificate later. I have a pi-4 running raspbian in a container and so far it had worked out for me over the past few weeks where I had implemented a lot of sensors and devices of various brands and also done the tuya local and energy meter integrations beyond the xiaomi, SonOff and smartlife stuff. Internally, Nginx is accessing HA in the same way you would from your local network. Add-on security should be a matter of pride. Instead of , use your domain. Setup a secure remote access to the Home Assistant; Ensure high availability and efficient integration with thousands of connected devices; Use flow-based UI to program automations and scenes, Build a solution around free and open-source tools, NodeRED and Mosquitto services are accessible only from a local network. Install the NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy add-on from the add-on store and configure it with your DuckDNS domain In the next dialog you will be presented with the contents of two certificates. The Home Assistant Community Forum. Thank you man. Naturally I thought it was just a mistake on my end but I finally read something about iOS causing issues way back in 16 and instead used my hotspot to try from my mac and voila, everything worked fine. I hope someone can help me with this. Add Home Assistant nodes to Node-RED: From the Node-RED menu on the top right bar select 'Manage palette', then in the install tab search for 'node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket . Keep a record of your-domain and your-access-token. The main things to point out are: and the external volumes mapping. Supported Architectures. Hopefully this saves some dumb schmuck like me from spending hours on a problem that isnt in your own making. Begin by choosing 'Volumes' in the sidebar, then choose 'new volume'. This guide has been migrated from our website and might be outdated. So I will follow the guide line and hope for the best that it fits for my basic docker cause I have not changed anything on that docker since I installed it. Both containers in same network, Have access to main page but cant login with message. Nginx is taking the HTTPS requests, changing the headers, and passing them on to the HA service running on unsecured port 8123. Is as simple as using some other port (maybe 8443) and using https://:8443 as my external address? Can any body tell me how can I use Asterisk/FreePBX and HA at the same time with NGINX. More on point 3, If I was running a minecraft server, home assistant server, octoprint servereach one of those could have different vectors of attack. the nginx proxy manager setup can be summarised: Create an account and up to 5 subdomains at DuckDNS; Set up the DuckDNS add-on in Home Assistant; Temporarily edit configuration.yaml ; Set up the nginx proxy manager add-on in Home Assistant; Forward some ports in your router. The next lines (last two lines below) are optional, but highly recommended. The Nginx proxy manager is not particularly stable. Hi, thank you for this guide. Your switches and sensor for the Docker containers should now available. How to install NGINX Home Assistant Add-on? Using NGINX as a proxy for Home Assistant allows you to serve Home Assistant securely over standard ports. Go to the, Your NGINX configuration should look similar to the picture below (of course, you should change. Does this automatically renew the certificate and restart everything that need to be restarted, or does it require any manual handling? Also, here is a good write up I used to set up the Swag/NGINX proxy, with similar steps you posted above Nginx Reverse Proxy Set Up Guide Docker. Did you add this config to your sites-enabled? Cleaner entity information dialogs The first new update that I want to talk about is Cleaner entity Read more, Is Assist on Apple devices possible? Once I got that script sorted out, I needed a way to get it to run regularly to make sure the IP was up to date. Also forward port 80 to your local IP port 80 if you want to access via http. Forward port 443 (external) to your Home Assistant local IP port 443 in order to access via https. It looks as if the swag version you are using is newer than mine. And my router can do that automatically .. but you can use any other service or develop your own script. Next, we are telling Nginx to return a 301 redirect to the same URL, but we are changing the protocol to https. Digest. But there is real simple way to get everything done, including Letsencrypt, NGINX, certificate renewal, duckdns, security etc. After you are finish editing the configuration.yaml file. swag | Server ready. LAN Local Loopback (or similar) if you have it. Contribute to jlesage/docker-nginx-proxy-manager development by creating an account on GitHub. It is more complex and you dont get the add-ons, but there are a lot more options. When you choose "Home Assistant", the service definition added to your docker-compose.yml includes the following: It seems like it would be difficult to get home assistant working through all these layers of security, and I dont see any posts with examples of a successful vpn and reverse proxy setup together in the forum. Create a host directory to support persistence. Those go straight through to Home Assistant. Then under API Tokens you'll click the new button, give it a name, and copy the . To get this token youll need to go to your DNSimple Account page and click the Automation tab on the left. If you are using a reverse proxy, please make sure you have configured use_x_forwarded . Quick Tip: If you want to know more about the different official and not so official Home Assistant installation types, then you can check my free Webinar available at To answer these questions, we only need to look at the .conf file that the add-on is using under the hood. Next, go into Settings > Users and edit your user profile. Unable to access Home Assistant behind nginx reverse proxy. See thread here for a detailed explanation from Nate, the founder of Konnected. Both containers in same network In configuration.yaml: http: use_x_forwarded_for: true trusted . I never had to play with the use_x_forwarded_for or trusted_proxies for the public IPs to show correctly, so I can actually see the IPs that have logged to my HA. Using NGINX as a proxy for Home Assistant allows you to serve Home Assistant securely over standard ports. Installing Home Assistant Container. SOLVED: After typing this post, I tried one more thing, and enabled Websockets Support in Nginx Proxy Manager, that solved the issue. LABEL io.hass.version=2.1 Obviously this could just be a cron job you ran on the machine, but what fun would that be? To my understanding this was due to renewed certificate (by DuckDNS/Lets Encrypt add-on), but it looks like NGINX did not notice that and continued serving the old one. Home Assistant is a free and open-source software for home automation that is designed to be the central control system for smart home devices with focus on local control and privacy. swag | [services.d] starting services It turns out there is an absolutely beautiful container linuxserver/letsencrypt that does everything I needed. and see new token with success auth in logs. They all vary in complexity and at times get a bit confusing.

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