music industry sacrifice
"Sacrifice takes an in-depth look at the entertainment business in a way that no television show ever has, by capturing the glamorous yet mysterious sides of the music industry from the . A few major points: 1) In general, the music, films, and shows produced by Hollywood are designed to corrupt and degrade the morality. Another fantastic sale. Photo credit: The number of examples of the satanic nature of the entertainment business is truly staggering and so we will concentrate on a few specific examples and events, but please bear in mind that this is only the tiniest sliver of ice on top of the very tip of an extremely large iceberg. Less money in band means that bands have less money to invest in new talent. Use Gemtracks to find a mastering engineer to put the final touches on your song. document.getElementById('af-form-430377240').parentElement.removeAttribute('target'); Nevertheless, well-known musicians are often reported as admitting to the practice of Satanism and their friends or colleagues will often mention that they have multiple personalities and that what you see on the stage is not really that person. What really goes in Hollywood and the Music Industry. Are Chaka Khans references to demonic and sacrifices, to be taken literally? Why popular female pop stars like Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Kesha . The last step is to master your mixed song. Israeli parliament passes death penalty bill: The law would apply to Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI. If you dont like the product, dont buy it. Music has always been associated with the occult and can be effectively used as a tool for programming minds. As I say, many artists are aware of this and some became aware of the fact that they have been manipulated by the music industry or began to recollect memories of their brainwashing, either through the military or through handlers who often happen to be their manager. I dont. In addition to this, there are many people who have the equally deserving ability and most people are doing the same thing. Why an aspiring rapper in Virginia shot his friend as an "Illuminati sacrifice" hoping it would help him become rich and famous. The Illuminati in Hollywood: Celebrities, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies in Pop Culture and the Entertainment. Following are some of the major reasons that make career in the music industry difficult: You may be interested in reading this article on 50+ Best Websites + Apps to Listen to Music Offline or Online too. Thus, it is highly important to have a consistency towards the goal you have. 276 Likes, TikTok video from EXPOSINGSOULS (@exposingsouls): "KAT WILLIAMS EXPOSES MUSIC LABELS #fyp #trending #celebrities #illuminati #freemasons #satanicritual #evilindustry #hollywood #fame #musicindustry #hollyweird #takeoff #mediaexposed #staywoke #sacrifice #music #katwilliams". According to this man, it was the bathtub that was overflowing but he noticed that a large-screen television had also been smashed. To perfect the craft, it is essential to have an option in a lucrative career. I wanted to thank Whitney, because when I wrote Born this Way, I imagined she was singing it because I wasnt secure enough in myself to imagine I was a superstar. This bad habit has got to stop soon because it is messing up my gym . Sacrifice. In the present time, music is not all about artistic ability and the voice of the singer. There is also a long history of connectivity from music to mind control going back to the 1950s when pop music in its present form was first pushed upon an unsuspecting world by the mass-manipulators of the Frankfurt School and the Tavistock Institute and many performers, singers and members of bands are manipulated into promoting a satanic agenda by recording labels and producers who are also up to their eyes in the deadly scheme. He tells the totally credible story of how these artists were artificially brought to prominence at this time and describes the strange goings-on around the music scene in those days and the insidious influence that these people and their suspect connections had on the music of that period and henceforward from that time. Performance rights revenue was the fastest growing sector in the music industry, rising 9.4% to $943 million, up from $862 million in 2011. 8. 9. It is not just in the music industry where manipulation and corrpution exist. Since music is losing the pool of talent, it becomes difficult for newcomers to make a mark into the industry. No! Exel claims to own several companies including Raffles Entertainment and also claims to be the manager of Chaka Khan. The premature end to musical careers can and does occur for several reasons. It is highly likely that Gaga (or more likely her controllers) in conjunction with Houstons, planned it all very carefully. We cant change other people or how they live. T-Pain Exposes Music Industry Secrets: Family Sacrifices Subscribe: Our #1 Rated Music Marketing Course For 75% Off - in the music industry who becomes an expert on content marketing with get to the point where their content is really making waves.Once you lock down a legit social media marketing strategy, you are going to need to know how to deal with fame.Because you have worked so hard trying to avoid finding out why people ask is the music industry corrupt, you are going to have a tough time with work life balance.And that can lead to you sacrificing your family and your sanity. These days many stories come up where you may find singers have to hold a day job so that they can keep their lives together and they can work on their music. Music for everyone is getting rid of the chaos and hassles of life. Then come to your hood to get 3 or 4 cowards. Um, You might wanna see this right away.. MILITARY INSIDER: Their Tactics Arent Working Anymore, Israeli parliament passes death penalty bill: The law would apply to Palestinians who kill Israelis, but not the other way around. 202e), sacrifice also affirms the separateness of mortals and immortals. Why should this be? In occult rites the number 11 is a master number as it cannot be reduced and because it exceeds the number 10 (regarded as perfection) by 1, it is also linked to black magic and bad vibrations. Its part of existing on the earth. 12. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gemtracks_com-netboard-2','ezslot_25',196,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-netboard-2-0');There is no short-cut to enter a highly competitive industry like music. I wake up at around noon, because I had slept late last night. The music video portrays the birth of her alter ego Sasha Fierce. The last time the music industry was at all time hit was in the 90s. It is, in short the next baby-step on the road to the complete undermining of human society and the human psyche in order to exert control over minds. It was considered cool to hangout with musicians in general. So who really is this Exel character? Major artists work with dozens of partners as they tour around the world, release singles, videos and albums, make appearances, sell merch and promote their music and shows. No doubt there are stories of artists and talents who rose to fame on their own merit. . 'Twitter for iPhone', These days too many options for entertainment are available in the form of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Thus, the quick fan burnout is another major reason that many artists are unable to make a mark in the music industry. "SONG NAME" what a wonderful name for a(n) GENRE song! Use logical This Week at a Glance February 26 to March 4, 2023, Greenpeace Betrays Founders to Peddle Junk Science. Even if you are standing by yourself. What happens when you have everything? . Why an aspiring rapper in Virginia shot his friend as an "Illuminati sacrifice" hoping it would help him become rich and famous. If you refer to music as a hobby, you can stop reading here. But in any case we should also then ask the question as to why drug overdose and suicide (murder?) 02 Mar 2023 22:18:15 Let us now examine the most significant events that happened during the fateful weekend of Houstons death. For comparison, in Sweden (the home of Spotify ), global paid music streaming penetration is 52%. Take this body to the project for a sacrifice. Music doesn't sell like it used to and streaming services are paying artists a fraction of a penny per stream. function browserSupportsNewWindows(userAgent) { Your article sounds a bit conspiracy theoristic. For people who have a goal to have a successful music career, it is important to have knowledge about the artistic ability as well as the commercial benefits of music. To get more popularity, they need to make a name for themselves by touring to new places. It would not surprise me in the least, given the track record of these people. Every move is coordinated with a satanic ritual. Approximately one billion records were sold worldwide in 1974, and by the end of the century, the number of records sold was more than three times as high. But, it's been downhill since then. The list of people in the Music Industry that are fully given over to the Satanic Influence of Lucifer is staggering. Michael Brown Trayvon Martin Oscar Grant,,,,Black Race Dieing N Blood. No-one really seems to know who he is for sure, but he is often seen and pictured around celebrities.
if (!browserSupportsNewWindows(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera)) { In Stock. The OTT platforms don't lay too much emphasis on musical shows. Judging by the symbolism at the Grammy awards and the strangeness surrounding Whitney Houstons death and that of many others down the years, it would certainly appear so. As was the case for other celebrities, the controlled media almost immediately began a campaign depicting Whitney as a hopeless drug addict. a few years ago on the history of rock and heavy metal. Musical history does not wish us to be aware of this fact; it just wishes to continue to promote the popular icons of the day, focussing on an artificially generated, elite group of composers who with the passage of time have been placed on pedestals and thus made immortal, just as many famous rock stars have been made the saints of the new religion that is music, today. She had been discovered dead in her bath, but it is unclear exactly by whom as there were several people in her suite at that time (3.50pm local time). the much vaunted entertainment industry itself. Indeed the occult influence in music has always been a factor and today is absolutely rife throughout the whole of the music industry. As the news broke regarding her death, Whitney was still lying there in her room in her fourth floor suite. Thus a layman has numerous options available to get access to free music. Beginning in the 1920s with Cultural Marxists at the Frankfurt School, the advent of mass media, and Edward Bernays' use of propaganda to spur on rampant consumerism, F. Scott . This producer/DJ is a freaking BEAST! 'WebView', 10. Those who choose to pursue music anyway are forced to hand it earlier when the pressure of life surmount. Build a Team. Blood Sacrifices Exposed [2012 Feb] Whitney Houston, the Devil in the Details & The Satanic Sacrifice of the Symbolic Black Diva [2012 Feb] Whitney Houston's Death and The Secret-Society, Called The Music Industry "Whitney hallucinates and sees demons when she's high; she bites and beats herself black-and-blue but blames the devil for the injuries." If you think the movies are voilent, dont watch them. The majority of mainstream media sources have emphasised the drugs connection ad nauseum but several, more reliable sources have revealed other details that may provide evidence for an alternative view of the situation. The eight per second frequency is also used by bass tones or bass drums or lights or all together, in a concert or live-show setting and this has the same effect upon the brain as does hypnosis. At the beginning of your career, your team may solely consist of the people who perform with you. In the music business, Nashville was a front for covert cocaine ops during Bill Clinton's tenure . Many, many artistes are said to be involved in this whole charade, many knowingly but nevertheless unable to escape its clutches for fear of the Michael Jackson / Whitney Houston experience befalling them and many unknowingly through subtle mind-control techniques as described previously in this book. People now buy less music, because there are unlimited streaming websites and platforms that offer free music. heres a song for whitney-the power of her love came through regardless of all the manipulations..manifesting in a smile on young sailors face,or a downtrodden victim of the matrix being afforded some joy anyways while hearing whitney sing..whitney.. While grieving commenced around the world, a conspiracy theory also immediately reared its head. Log in, // Special handling for in-app browsers that don't always support new windows Maybe she was a drug addict, but if so, that is probably just a convenient side-issue, a symptom of the true killer of Whitney, ie. $15.26. If the child is young and impressionable, it is then the responsibility of the caretaker to supervise, instruct and teach the child about truth and love and what that really means. Even if a person decides to join the path of music in spite of all odds, they have to tour to different places. The American researcher and author, David McGowan in his serialised Internet story, The Strange Story of Laurel Canyon, relates how most of the popular musicians and entertainers in the 1960s had some connection to the American military and thus to the myriad of intelligence networks. It is also about having the perfect technical skills, and perfect way to present the art. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gemtracks_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',193,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-leader-3-0');Not many music-based movies are made these days. That year, digital sales were credited as the reason for a third consecutive year of growth in the overall music industry. It is the responsibility of the individual to make a decision regarding how they want to live their life. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gemtracks_com-banner-1','ezslot_13',622,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-banner-1-0');In Spite of all these benefits, making a career in the music industry seems challenging. With your recorded vocals, your song is still not complete. Mastering these tools is no doubt a different story. However how much better for them to have a short, one-off major boost than a long, lingering virtually profit-less demise to any artists career? Justin Bieber's return to music 'Yummy,' has been widely panned. Now, I don't usually do too many articles on the Illuminati and their connections with the music industry, because there are thousands of researchers that investigate this sort of thing, but when I looked into this one I figured it was worth sharing my opinions . For a layman, musicians have the best career as they can pursue their dream and career together. Some of the things described below were pre-planned, while others were possibly just odd coincidences. Otis Redding is believed to have been an Illuminati sacrifice. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm. 30-years back, people used to take time to listen to their favorite music and watch their favorite songs. The problem with the music industry is that it has very little to do with how talented an artist is. There is so much information on this topic that could be included, that to do it justice would really justify a book in its own right. Throughout the world many people, especially the 10-30 age range are listening to vacuous, emotionally-numbing and trance-inducing negatively-vibrational music and demonic lyrics, which at one time were uniquely present within heavy metal rock, but now seem to emanate from and be present in all genres. Audience & Fan Attention. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. Pop Smoke =27 was born on 20/7 and he was a span age of 20 years 7 months when he died. One day he was badly wounded in a battle. Radio. So, Whitney, I imagined you were singing Born This Way when I wrote it.. As stated above, Michael Jackson would fall neatly into that particular category, as would Whitney Houston who died shortly before my writing of this article in early 2012 and as the most recent incidents tend to be the ones that are freshest in the mind, let us concentrate on that particular one. If they were shares, you would see Bay Street buying them up and fundamentally, its the realisation that its the end of the artists productivity, that they wont produce anything more that sparks the buying frenzy. Theo Peridis, professor of strategic management at York University. Music venues threatened by energy crisis as well as slow pandemic recovery, say campaigners. Despite all the negativity and controversy surrounding the self-proclaimed antichrist superstar, the musician has tons of fans around the globe. Every move. List of famous people killed by the Illuminati, with information about of each death and sacrifice. Todays music industry is rife with such characters, people who have been chosen and indeed created to be focal points and the personalities, celebrities if you will, who carry the burden of providing profits for an intensely money-focussed industry, ultimately regardless of the degree of talent they may or may not possess. Since music is losing the pool of . Phenomenon like brain drain and lack of new talents have accelerated the fall of the music industry. 2023 is the year to enter the music industry. July 9, 2019 February 10, 2022 Entertainment Industry Videos Whenever you see an actor with all these perfume commercials, that comes at a price for selling your soul, having homosexual acts with global elite and even animals. Sacrifice Lyrics. It also directly affects the course in which our society takes. My interest in music was well established at the age of 5 when I won a National Composition Competition to compose a song for the Rainbow Guides. But, it's been downhill since then. Legal. thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. Musicians earlier held center stage in the entertainment universe. Why would they? as you acquire the skills necessary to become aware of the plan the music industry has to instill occultist Aleister Crowley's ushering of the . When people are sad/upset/confused they want/have to express it. Popular music especially and its highly-paid exponents are merely pawns of the Elite and are there in order to further manipulate our minds especially those of impressionable youth and now even young children. The more mentors you have in the music industry, the more help you can receive as you try to make it. Cookies This may well sound cynical and possibly unbelievable, but I can assure you that it is true. We have to be afraid. Find a melody composer to make your song memorable. Full Sail is one of the the top entertainment arts schools in the US. For example, 9/11, the twin towers looked like a large number11and Remembrance/Veterans Day the11/11at the11thhour. Vinyl, HBO (2016) Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll - such was the New York City music scene in the 1960s. The Many Dangers Of Pesticides & Herbicides: A Database and List of Links. Women were more likely to be bullied than men. Celine Dion was extraordinarily quick in apportioning the blame for Whitneys death. This symbolism is deep, esoteric and even pseudo-spiritual and whilst millions of young people imitate Gagas gestures, her act is part of a much bigger picture that includes many other stars displaying and promoting the same overt symbolism. In this she is not alone, by far the vast majority of the mainstream music industry is also under their deceptive spell. It sacrifices peoples lives and their essences at the drop of a dime I had a manager once say to me, You know youre worth more money dead than alive. Chaka Khan. KAT WILLIAMS EXPOSES HOW MUSIC LABELS SACRIFICE RAPPERS IN THE INDUSTRY Suspense, horror, piano and . What happens when you have love, support, the family, motherhood? Now, the industry people rarely influence fashion and style. #musicinsider #raydaniels #atlanta #motivation #fyp #shorts #podcast #muiscindu. This item: Illuminati in the Music Industry. This man goes by the name of Raffles van Exel (a pseudonym if ever I heard one). It has been reported that she had had premonitions about her own demise (where have we heard this before?) Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. (Currently we do not use targeting or targeting cookies. The Illuminati symbolism apparent in Gagas stage and TV appearances is utterly blatant and is becoming so transparent that analyses almost become a simple statement of the obvious. I'm very satisfied! In Kanye's case, he was a regular man in the music industry before he was a billionaire. It is now illegal in television commercials and regarded as subliminal advertising, which, as most people know is an extremely powerful conditioning tool. Regarding Whitney Houstons sad demise (11thFebruary 2012) and as with any other recently deceased megastar, it is a fact that the record company stood to gain massively in terms of vastly increased sales, albeit short-term. Now you need a beat (instrumental track). Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. As analyzed in modern scholarship (Vernant et al. Are you interested in reading about 10+ FREE Sites to Convert MIDI to Music Sheets? Topics explained in Sacrifice: Magic Behind the Mic include: Origins of hip hop ; How the Illuminati manipulates the black culture through an industrial prison complex and negative messages in rap music ; The use of magical spells used in lyrics and music videos ; Demonic possession and MKULTRA mind control ; Magician Aleister Crowley and his . Ray Daniels & Wendy Day, break down the true sacrifice in the music industry. But, for most newcomers a little push and a financial stability is needed. Yeah. Is this not more than a little distasteful especially given the fact that many of the attendees were Whitneys close colleagues and friends and acquaintances in the music business? The music industry is not starving for talent. People like to watch shows and series on OTT platforms. Is it at all artistic for people to sing about pain, suffering, death, sadness and despair in such quantities and who would want to taint the formerly beautiful art of music with such things? Luck can be created and directed. TubeBuddy. Legal. You have to do your work and get out of there.Celine Dion, I think we all, as artists, because were highly sensitive people and this machine around us, this so-called music industry, is such a demonic thing. Beyonce's alter ego hints that she is controlled by the Illuminati (par. The teams of developing acts are usually much, much smaller, but someone . You see a lot artists selling their soul to the Devil when they sign that contract. Blood Sacrifices in Music Industry. Streaming services like YouTube and Spotify are taking advantage of the technological innovation and thus, singers are unable to get the benefits. Thats why I dont do parties and I dont hang out. This way more people can enjoy our content. by Mark Dice Paperback. He was present in Whitneys suite of rooms at the time of her demise and apparently appeared downstairs in the hotel lobby shortly thereafter wearing aviator-type sunglasses and ostentatiously weeping and wailing. The presence of occult, satanic and Illuminati/freemasonic symbolism throughout the whole entertainment industry is rife, to say the very least. So many great artists gone because they wouldn't sell their souls or they were working to uncover the horrid truth for all to see. SafeGuardYourSoul is an independent publisher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, feeding and equipping His flock and winning the lost. You have responsibilities of a mother and then something happens and it destroys everything. Maybe, maybe not. Use our submission service to send your songs to Spotify playlists, magazines and even record labels! subscribe to endofnumbers here on youtube!also like endofnumbers on facebook The involvement of occultists in the creation of the superstars of their day, such as Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn, cannot be ignored. At the Beverley Hilton where Whitney Houston died, in the ballroom several floors below her suite of rooms at the time of her death, there was a pre-Grammys party in full-swing. On Tuesday, the major labels protested police brutality with a "blackout." Executives and artists say industry . In May 2020, Goldman Sachs estimated the entire music industry's revenue (live, recorded, and publishing) to increase from $62 billion in 2017 to $131 billion in 2030, representing a 6% CAGR. Heavy metal music has now become almost completely demonic per se and many performers revel in this fact, openly flaunting it. Kanye West and Jay Z, both prominent members of the Illuminati, collaborated on the song "Otis," which is a nod to Redding being an Illuminati sacrifice. In this article, we will try to look at every little detail and we will know why it is challenging to make it big in the music industry.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gemtracks_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_12',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); What is impacting the music industry negatively? They are making lots of money and have most of the power. My name is Gavin Alvarez, and I am a graduate of Full Sail University's music production degree program. // It has become very difficult for new and unknown artists to make a name for themselves // The vast majority of musical artists are completely unknown and have a . Bullying was experienced by 76% of survey participants at some point in their career in the industry. I alread. How similar to today then? The 2012 Grammy Awards took place shortly after the sudden, mysterious death of Whitney Houston. 'FBIOS', He wanted to give the sage . Click Here for a FREE download of their top license Legend: Follow Me On Instagram: These gatekeepers have a lot of power and influence over what gets put out into the world, and they often use that power to push their own agenda. The mixing engineer will apply autotune, special effects and all the industry-secret formulas to make your song sound like a major hit. U.S. music industry - revenue . Without the fan base, no industry can flourish. There is also an occult/numerology connection to Houstons death, in this case a connection with the number 11.
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music industry sacrifice