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replacing running rigging on a sailboat

You should have the boat itself (the hull), the dagger board, the rudder and tiller, your mainsheet, both mast pieces, boom, boom bang and sail in one place. It would help if we knew what your boat was! Your sail area will most likely also be larger, which means your sail replacement will be more expensive. FWIW, I just replaced all my running rigging on my 30' with 3/8" Sta-Set for thr halyards and 3/8" XLE for topping lift and downhaul, the halyard were wire-rope but now all rope. Another factor in your DIY decision-making process is simple: peace of mind. The idea is you come on deck with this small canvas bag and make it happen, Cockerill says. When I thought about it this way, it seemed easy to give ourselves 20 years of confidence for our Lake Erie boat, rather than take the risk of waiting. And if your boat is in the the Seattle area, wed love to come take a look at your running rigging. When the rig is tuned the wires are stretched. Now, this is expensive, and it is hard on the environment. Get it wrong, and your boat could wind up on the beach in a bad blow. Put together both the pieces of your mast. Add winches and UV rays and the wear and tear can be significant so it's important to use a quality line. Best Price Opti Running Rigging Sheets Halyard Line Sailboat Kit 100% Original + FREE Delivery discount activity, US $174 sail ties Lower Spirit Halyard 1 ea and shock cords One of the best ways to improve an aging Opti is to overhaul and replace all the running rigging Upper Spirit Halyard 1 ea, Free shipping on all orders . Whether youre buying a used sailboat thats new to you or youve owned your boat for decades, the standing rigging is what keeps the mast in place, and thus requires particular attention. To save you from surprises, here's a full overview of costs you can expect when owning a sailboat. Do you want to earn money to write on our website? Skilled marine technicians charge from $75 - $150 per hour. The former need careful scrutiny and often sustain damage from misalignment. Now, let's return to the original proposition, which was a complete replacementon three different cost levelsof basic running rigging for a 32 sloop. Strong, durable lines are essential for controlling the sails on your boat without risking your own safety, or that of the sails. At minimal cost you can rig a permanent preventer that is easy to use, is fully adjustable, and does not require going forward on deck. For an idea of the costs involved to replace your standing rigging, here are some examples of sets of rigging we have made for customers in the past 12 months (prices as of Sept 2022). I agree with a general average of 20 years for replacing the standing rigging. This process . Please try again. Normal rigging knives and hot knives are almost useless, all turning blocks and sheaves must have a diameter of at least 8 times the line diameter, old sheaves, turning blocks and other hardware will probably not be strong enough for high tech line, high tech line can cost up to $10 per foot. There is minor chafe on all sides of the line and along the entire length. This site is owned and operated by Truly Content. For all of these reasons, most riggers agree that when your sailboats standing rigging approaches 15 years old, its a good time to consider replacing it. and about a 200 anchor .line. Saltwater is a lot more corrosive, and the stress on your rigging and sails will be higher. Tips on leading lines aft to the cockpit for single-handed sailing; Running rigging color selection, line storage, and more! For that reason, its difficult to give an accurate estimate of the cost of making the switch, even for an average 40-footer. About us I should have changed mine sooner than I did. This is the furling line for an in-mast furler. Then theres just age, and this factor as a reason to re-rig is more subject to a boats history than anything else. As you work your way down the mast, take a glance at the mainsail track to see if its in good condition and well secured. Final words Congratulations! If you own a bluewater cruiser, your maintenance cost will go up a lot. Before you contemplate the task of renewing your standing rigging you need to thoroughly inspect all components at close quarters to find out exactly what needs to be replaced and what items can be safely transferred to the new rig. Although rod rigging is more common on racing boats, many well-known cruising-boat builders, such as Valiant, Bristol, J/Boats and Hinckley, have rod-rigged models. Leave each line with extra length, and coil the lines up. Allow at least a foot for each splice or knot. Over time, the halyard still moved in the wind and the shroud chafed through the cover, exposing the core. There are multiple combinations and variations: For instance, if your mast has double tangs, most likely the end fitting will be an eye although it can be a marine eye or an aircraft eye, which differ primarily in shape. The Netherlands If the existing is frayed and faded - then a decision should be made to contract a rigger, preferably to x) inspect and give a written report on the condition of all the running rigging; to y) provide a written quotation to supply and fit new line; to z) provide a written quotation to replace sheeves and other running rigging components with new. The theory is that it can take 10 to 15 years of cycling, but this continual motion when its unloaded is what fatigues the wire, Madden says. I'll also inquire about upgrading to one size up. That's just what it is. Not all maintenance is as important. A professional needs roughly 8 hours to get the job done. If in doubt, get a professional opinion. Today, with the advent of super-strong synthetic line such as AmSteel and Dyneema, the need for that extra wire and gear is eliminated. Every time I think Ive seen it all, my people outdo themselves and serve up the unexpected. I'll agree that most of the kinks were created during stepping or prepping for storage. Cleat the halyard and pull it to the tape mark on one side . What would be the maintenance cost if you were on a tight budget? Double Braid: A braided core inside a braided cover. Yes, doing it yourself will theoretically save money. The worst-case scenario, of course, is that the chainplates pull right out of the deck, with catastrophic consequences. Do a few turns on one side before going to the other and applying an equal number. Rigging is a significant part of building a model ship. These specific components likewise reinforce the spars against increased loads when wind interacts . But Malizia is far from the only team struggling to keep their boat in good read more, Get your ground tackle setup right, and youll sleep much easier while youre cruising. ImproveSailing is compensated for referring traffic and business to this companies. ImproveSailing is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Chafe occurs when line rubs against a sharp or rough surface. We are cruisers who sail around 500 nm per year, and are able to avoid frequent encounters with heavy weather by laying over if storms are in the offing. Cruising World may receive financial compensation for products purchased through this site. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Youll need about 500 feet for an average 30 footer. You could consider buying a LED electric distress light instead, which will last you a lifetime. You can take a masthead halyard from side to side to ensure that the masthead is on center. So you don't want them on there. But here are some things we could do out to save some big bucks: Winterizing your boat yourself can cost you as little as $50 for antifreeze and an oil change afterward. On longer boats, you can opt for a furling-line material of more esoteric double-braids with less stretch. Tensioning them will be done later in the rigging sequence. I just replaced all the rope running rigging on a Catalina 27 for about $300. Depending on the spreader joint, cap shrouds can sometimes prove troublesome as well, often requiring the spreaders to be disconnected at their roots. The mechanical terminals most commonly used by DIY riggers are Sta-Lok and Norseman terminals. We only sell guaranteed-content, guaranteed-process wire, Herman says. The sails, rigging, and engine will be less critical if you won't take her out very often. When youre happy everything is in place, its time to tune your rig. Write the diameter near the hole with sharpie. Inspect any integral reefing sheaves or bearing wear or UV degradation. Sta-Set X is an ideal. Most people starting out will get a smaller size boat and use it for day trips and weekend trips. Account. Whether you are setting up the hardware for a trapeze or trying to create the perfect mast rake before a big race with your tension guage, we at MAURIPRO Sailing will meet your Rigging needs. In a tropical area, or high sunshine location, you should replace the running rigging every six to eight years. If you want a life raft, that's another $1,500. On top of that, maintaining your boat properly is critical. The wire itself rarely fails midway along a shroud, so this makes good sense. Clean and lubricate them, then refasten them, and remember to mouse them with new galvanized wire and tape over the ends to avoid chafe. For instance, the Rigging Company makes a spare-stay kit that can accommodate either wire or rod rigging repairs, Cockerill says. This halyard has minor chafe right now, but the chafe is acute and has an identifiable source. Redoing the running rigging on a cruising sailboat involves measuring, measuring and measuring. Any requirement to re-tune the rig more often than that would point to wires been stretched beyond their tensile strength minimums. First, check for cracks (usually longitudinal), particularly if the terminal looks misshapen or the stay is misaligned in any way. I live in Friesland, The Netherlands, which is famous for its great lakes and lots of sailing opportunities. And never forget the golden rule: if in doubt, sling it out. This is some excellent information! That said, it is perfectly possible, though somewhat tedious, to change shrouds and stays in pairs with the mast up by using halyards and intermediate tackles to support it. Do you hire a pro or go it alone? The most common location of chainplate failure is where one disappears into the deck and cant be inspected. You should be mechanically inclined, he says, and the way to find that out is if I start talking all this technical jargon and you decide whether youre suited to handle that at all.. The mechanical fasteners are great in that you can terminate and then look inside to be sure its formed correctly, so you do have a way of inspecting your work, Madden says. The diameter of the sheets and halyards will depend on what fits the blocks that you have. Most recent receipt was for lower stays 10 years ago. Much depends on where it is manufactured; Herman and other riggers say the best wire today is coming from South Korea through a manufacturer called KOS, making wire to military specifications. All rod rigging terminates in a cold head, which accommodates the end fitting or is encapsulated by the end fitting. Take a look at your mast stepparticularly if your mast is keel-stepped, as bilge water can cause serious corrosion at the foot of the mast. If you suspect a possible crack, try running some dye over itthe crack will become much more obvious that way. Personally, Im in favor of it, but if you replace the standing rigging frequentlyevery 10 years, saythen it might not be necessary. We are a proud supplier of Yale Cordage. A boat spending most of the last 10 years on a trailer with the mast in a cradle has only corrosion to consider. This is a quick and easy job for a rigger to do and covers can be replaced each season rather than discarding the rope. If you want to know exactly what the USCG safety requirements are, including checklists, definitely check out my article here. Start by digging out the bosuns chair and finding a trusted (and hopefully fit) buddy to help you. Good question. Boats used for coastal cruising, week ending or day sailing may go longer. Either way, Jimmie Cockerill, co-owner of the Rigging Company in Annapolis, recommends that for a sailboat with wire rigging, the mast should be pulled and all fittings and wire visually inspected every five to six years. Small dents in either the mast or the boom are often hotspots for failure, as they weaken the form of the spar. Proper size and material components for the rig are further consideration. These carry a good deal of compression load, so check their roots for damage and make sure the spreaders arent bent in any waythey should exactly bisect the angle of the shroud. If you have (reasonable) evidence that the PO replaced only the worst sections, it's safe to assume that the rest of the rig is getting ancient and failure prone. Ground tackle is a complete system, including the anchor itself, the rode (chain, rope, or some combination thereof, read more, French builder Dufour Yachts has rolled out another new design bringing their line to eight models from 32 to 61 feet. OK, it isn't cheap, but it can absolutely be done on a budget. Start at the bottom, working your way up from the lowers, to the cap shrouds and finally the stays. Replacing the running rigging on your sailboat seems like it should be fairly simple, and a decade or two ago, it was. The rig or rigging on a sailboat is a common term for two parts, the standing, and the running rigging. If line is properly taken care of, it can last many decades. Standing rigging are the cables that support the mast. Our sailboat running rigging includes sailboat mainsheets, sailboat halyards, and all major sailboat lines. A prudent sailor should inspect his or her standing rig at least once each season and should know when the time comes to replace most or all of it. On average, it costs about $15 to $20 per foot to get your sailboat hull painted professionally. The cost of replacing the standing rigging is, on average, $4,000 every 10 years. If you're on a budget, you can maintain your boat reasonably well for just $1,000 / year. If your standing rigging is . For each diameter of rigging wire your boat requires drill a hole that size near the corner of the block. I'm the owner of ImproveSailing. Just because a line or even the whole boat is new, doesnt mean there isnt something wrong with the running rigging. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your running rigging. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. In the past, long-distance cruisers typically chose wire rigging with mechanical fittings for all of these reasons. This small cruiser is well built, easy to handle and relatively economical to maintain. It has a synthetic stay with an eye splice, a toolless turnbuckle (the Handy Lock, made by C. Sherman Johnson), quick-release fast pins with an attached lanyard, several high-strength Dyneema loops, and even a heavy-duty zip tie to fish loops in and out of holes in a mast. Swaging is a strong and durable way to attach end fittings to wire rigging. As with electronics, safety gear, and even sails, technology has significantly improved cordage. Although anyone can walk into a local chandlery and buy wire, that doesnt mean the wire is of the highest quality. They might have swollen, so the new will appear to be a smaller gauge. . The short answer is, lithium batteries perform better and last longer than many lead-acid batteries. Most insurance companies reckon you should replace your standing rigging about every 10 years. This was seen on a brand new boat at the 2020 Seattle Boat Show. Learn all about the dangers of failing to winterize here. Over time, UV exposure weakens the fibers and eventually, even the slightest friction will cause chafe that will damage and break the fibers of the cover. On our old boat we had the Port Aft lower shroud fail while sailing. The golden rule has always been never to work on a rig with the boat out of the water. Let's start by getting a good overview of the different maintenance costs. The total maintenance cost varies a lot, depending on the following factors: Still, we want a general feel of what to expect. Mechanical fittings can be applied using a few common hand tools by the mechanically handy DIY sailor, which is one reason theyre popular. Read more on the cost of antifouling your boat. Preparing The Boat For Rigging. Exhausted In Singapore, For All the Wrong Reasons, Cruising World Takes Multiple Honors in Annual Writing and Photography Contest. Ensure swivels are working and remove any shackles. Stainless steel needs oxygen to prevent crevice corrosion, so dont overdo it with tape (left); enough to cover the cotter pin will suffice (center). Mount the masts. Die testing wont pick it up, and its rare that a wire will give you warning before breaking.. Specific Gravity is 1.38, so it does not float. I think another factor to consider is how much of the "life time" of the rigging was spent with the boat in the water and the mast up. Before re-tuning the rig the mast base, turnbuckles and stay fixtures should be inspect. It's the best way to protect your boat in wintertime, period. I would think at the first notice of a few broken strands in more than two of the wires. Did you find the answer to your specific question? A standard 15HP or 20HP outboard gas engine will cost you about $5,000 - $6,000 and needs replacing every 20 years or so. Copyright 2023 Cruising World. ImproveSailing is compensated for referring traffic and business to this companies. Most people that own a sailboat will have to replace the sails and rigging at least once in their lifetime. It wears with time due to UV exposure, flogging, strain from the wind, and regular use. Depending on the answers to those questions and others, a professionally done re-rig for a 40-footer could be closer to $6,000 or more. But a newly cracked sheave or an exposed cotter pin can quickly shred a line that otherwise would have lasted much longer. splicing any of these high tech lines is not for the faint hearted. Read more about the cost of replacing risers and manifolds here. Next check the back and forestay fittings where they connect to the mast, ensuring any clevis pins are straight and secure. My belief is that you should be replacing your sailboats standing rigging every 10 to 15 years. But this time frame also is variable, depending on the boats purpose and use. Improve Sailing 14.8K subscribers In part 3 of our series on sailboat parts, we dive into two types of rigging: standing rigging and running rigging. Lets say you ripped a tang out of the mast; you can use a Dyneema loop to create another attachment point. The easiest way to prevent line from chafing all the way through is to simply look at your line. Madden says that cost isnt linear, though; as you go up in size (a bigger boat needs heavier wire and larger fittings), youll spend more. Keep your sailboats mast securely in place by carefully inspecting all of your spars components and replacing parts before you have a breakdown. Make Wire cutting Jig. Low-cost tension gauges are now available and are a useful addition to your cruising toolbox anyway. If you replace the rigging preventively, you should never experience the failure I did. Then the swager is used to compress the fitting so tightly that the wires merge into a solid piece of stainless steel and cant pull out (right). Liveaboards that don't really sail that much have less maintenance to do in one way, and more in another. This line wont last long in these conditions. How the rigging has been tuned is also part of a boats story. Included are halyards, main sheet, headsail sheets, and topping lift. How do you know when its time to re-rig? RIGGING TIP: Why not fit a pair of mast steps a few feet from the masthead to give you a solid base on which to stand while youre working up there, rather than hanging uncomfortably in the bosuns chair? The total maintenance cost for a bluewater cruiser will average around $3,225 per year or $269 per month. The mast stayed up, but it sounded like a gun shot and was scary as hell. With inboard engines, this is not something you can easily do yourself - it isn't just unscrewing a motor and screwing a new one in. Sailors' hands are busy with the running rigging most on a sailboat. We offer a full range of sailing lines to replace any or all the running rigging on your boat such as halyards, sailboat sheets or control lines. PACESHIP PY26 Sailboat details on This way you can cut the wire roughly to length and have a rigger swage the tops, fit them in place yourself and terminate the lower ends to suit. All this small hardware needs to be replaced every 20-30 years and will amount to about $1,500. If you live on a boat in a location where it falls below freezing temperature (good luck!). Failing to winterize it will increase your maintenance cost over time, as the engine wears out more quickly, and your plumbing and equipment will fall apart. Three strand is referable and less expensive than braid for dock and anchor lines also a lot easier to splice. Shrouds and stays should be replaced in pairs, applying just enough tension to support the mast with you climbing it, but not tuned to sail. Overall, this halyard looked relatively new compared to some of the other lines on this boat, and this sheave probably caused the demise of the previous halyard. 3. The condition of this halyard is likely due to UV degradation. In this article, I'll show you what to expect. Inevitably. Average installation and setup takes around 30 hours (at $105 per hour), which would add another $3,105 to the bill, bumping the cost to re-rig up to $8,010 for an average re-rig. But if you want the good stuff, need more fire extinguishers, plan on spending more like $600. If you look closely at the line right before it wraps around behind the spindle, youll see that it is starting to chafe because there is not a fair lead for the line running into the slot. So how often should standing rigging be replaced? I think the owner needs to replace those but there's a Covid problem. This line is double braided polyester, so the cover is responsible for carrying up to 30% of the load. A good boat supply store will be able to help. 0 Good quality cruising sails will need to be replaced every 10 years or so. The cost of replacing the standing rigging will vary greatly depending on the size of your boat and the location you get the job done. Labor total: $1,000 on average our online store is a progression allowing us to more effisantly supply customer Members of ABYC . Let them know any of your concerns before they get started. Seems like a lot for a 40' boat. A little less than the semi-circular groove on the sheave (or pulley).Generally its not strength issue for diameter but rather thick enough to be easily handled. If you want to learn how to make your sailing dream reality within a year, leave your email and I'll send you free updates. Inexpensive, double-braid Dacron is a fine choice for furling lines on most boats shorter than 40 feet. It will be important to maintain a couple of parts, though: With a first boat, you most likely won't invest in new sails or the standing rigging if you don't have to. Barnacles can slice through your boat's bellow! The standing rigging consists of wires supporting the mast on a sailboat and reinforcing the spars from the force of the sails when sailing. The simple answer is to measure it. You must log in or register to reply here. So youve determined your sailboats standing rigging needs work. They can provide a higher percentage of nominal capacity than lead-acid batteries, without shortening their life. They also would carry a piece of wire as long as the longest stay on the boat coiled and stowed, which undeniably was sometimes easier said than done as well as spare end fittings and the tools needed to replace a broken shroud or stay. Some of these might not apply to your situation. The total maintenance cost for a liveaboard will average around $1,550 per year or $129 per month. I'll explain each line item in detail later on. To be more precise, the highly tensioned stays and shrouds that support the mast are known collectively as standing rigging, whilst the rope halyards, sheets and other control lines come under the heading of running rigging. To the best of my knowledge it hasn't had a trailer until last year so the mast was up through the winter. if it were wire you could get away for about half that price. The former requires someone with a swage machine to fit terminals, the latter you can fit yourselfwith care. A sailboat doesn't have to be expensive if you know what you're doing. That cost me $10k. Replacing your old worn out or damaged standing rigging is a crucial requirement to insure your safety and the safety of others. Running Rigging & Cordage to Order . Send messengers up mast for in-mast rigging - 3/2018 Are the chainplates sound? Wendy Mitman Clarke is currently between passages. Running rigging varies between vessels that are rigged fore and aft and those that are square-rigged. That's why I've calculated the average maintenance costs for four different types of boat below: Your specific maintenance cost will vary depending on what type of boat you have and how you'll use it. For my 41 feet sloop, I did most of the installation myself and paid approximately $4700 for the entire rig replacement. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Overall condition is good with some kinks here and there. Clean and lubricate them, then refasten them, and remember to mouse them with new galvanized wire and tape over the ends to avoid chafe.

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