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derek more plates more dates height and weight

But this is overall a good podcast and . Here is More Plates More Dates workout routine: Dereks first rest day of the week is Tuesday, where he lets his chest and back recover from the previous days lift. Individuals using steroids and other drugs often have extremely high testosterone levels, which is why they are often called enhanced athletes. If you do decide to use BCAAs, I suggest you drink a couple servings prior to your cardio sessions, as they will offset the catabolism caused by the cardio session, and off-set how much muscle you can potentially lose from the session. The last thing you want to do is follow a predetermined macro split that is so general that it doesnt even take into account the intensity of your training, how much muscle you have, how fat you are right now, etc. Get More Plates More Dates Height of Success Would you like to know how he got to where he is now? Will cover what you should do once you have achieved your desired level of leanness. I love this pasta so much. But I HIGHLY SUGGEST you try different styles of diets over the years so you know what your body best responds to. Derek from More Plates More Dates is a big fan of ecdysterone because recent studies show it increases muscle protein synthesis in humans by as much as 20%! As the years progressed and social media exploded, freak show bodybuilders started to look less and less appealing, and we all started noticing how many bodybuilders were actually dropping like flies from health problems. All of our content is written by people with a strong science background, including medical researchers. Personal Trainer, Researcher, Author, Inventor Gym Owner, Doctor, Physical Therapist, Strength & Conditioning Specialist. He said, Oh, like youre doing now? I was taken aback, and all I could say was Huh? but he kept cutting me off and going huh? If could go back in time, I could have gotten away with half of that easily, and still made significant amounts of progress. Or did he use anabolic steroids to take his physique to the next level? Basically, lets say you have a calorie goal for the day of 2700 calories. One of the biggest signs of steroid use is large, overpowering body parts especially the shoulders and traps. August 21, 2022 by Sandra Hearth. Indeed, studies show that steroids are extremely effective at boosting muscle mass and strength [2]. Derek (also known as More Plates More Dates online) publishes self-improvement content on his various social media platforms to help men. It is around 7 times more Testosterone than an average young healthy male produces per week (50 mg). The industry of health, fitness and the like is already filled with many passionate people and successful names, but Derek has managed to create his own niche in it with a unique combination of content. What's your weight? If you do cardio at this time it is essential that you dont have your post-workout meal until AFTER your post-workout cardio session if you want to maximize the fat burning potential of the cardio session. Unfortunately, some people look at Dereks physique and say you have to use steroids to build a great physique. Testosterone Enanthate. YouTuber More Plates More Dates claims he is a natural bodybuilder on the Joe Rogan Podcast. My first steroid cycle was the classic 500 mg of Test Enanthate for 12 weeks. We do not provide legal advice. Derek says that his first steroid cycle consisted of 500 mg of testosterone enanthate per week for 12 weeks. Love this pasta. Fortunately, there are many legal steroid alternatives that deliver similar results to traditional steroids, but without any side effects. If you dont have an extraordinary personality or physique, the likelihood of getting traction doing those videos is low. Marek Health is a telemedicine-based HRT clinic that I launched last year. Your metabolism burns a certain amount of calories/energy each day based upon your body composition, your hormonal profile, your activity level, your age, among a variety of other factors. Of course, if you are having a really hard time building muscle mass, then you may want to look into testosterone replacement therapy and other hormone-optimization solutions. At his peak Derek was 6 feet 1 inches tall and completely shredded at 220 pounds. Most of you guys know I use a high-normal dose of TRT. The good news, according to Derek, is that if you pack on plenty of muscle when youre young, you will be able to maintain that when youre older. It is very useful to find this number as close as possible because then you can be much more accurate when calculating your macro and calorie intake each day, and know what to expect results wise at the end of each week. Lmao at the metal hepatotoxicity part. Of those calories, you will want to set aside a percentage of those calories to protein, carbs, and fats. Then the less knowledgeable readers will blindly follow this general suggestion under the impression that it is under every circumstance the best macro split no matter what. I dont even think thats a word. If you take 300 calories off your maintenance and start there, the scale will start going down and you will notice a reduction in body fat. More recently, More Plates More Dates has shared in videos that he is focused more on the longevity of his fitness routine and his abilities. The goal is concierge level care from high quality doctors who reflect the most up to date literature in their practice. It wasn't acquired by Wealthy Gorilla Limited until 2019, and since then both our range of content and our audience have grown significantly. Thank you, GeneralKey5900, for voting on xkcd-Hyphen-bot. Picking fibrous carbs is a good plan of attack as it will satiate you easier and leave you feeling fuller. You are operating at a calorie deficit of 300 calories, thus your body needs to resort to stored energy (fat stores, glycogen stores and muscle protein stores) to expend those other 300 calories you didnt provide your body with that day. So, the difference between me training six days a week with that exact same split vs now, training three or four days a week, is the exact same. Also, if you are having crazy sugar cravings, by all means treat yourself to a diet pop. These will all increase the disparity between your daily caloric intake and your maintenance calories, consequently breaking a weight loss plateau. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant. How do you feel about the influence of social media today in entrepreneurship? Testosterone replacement therapy is a medical treatment option designed specifically for men with low T. The basic idea is to supplement your bodys natural testosterone production with a prescription testosterone medication. I knew that investing in myself and my own ventures would be the most profitable decision long-term, rather than working for someone else, even if working for someone else would yield more up-front cash. It is necessary to try and speed your metabolism back up SLOWLY in order to allow yourself to eat more food, while staying lean, as you simply cannot be at optimal health living your life in a severe calorie deficit forever. Derek is a young entrepreneur who has built a presence in the self-improvement and fitness niches via his blog and social media platforms (most notable being his YouTube channel). I had no idea what else I could do with my life, so I just tried to put myself in the best position possible academically. The truth is, Derek is very open about the fact that he used steroids in the past. When your weight loss plateaus, then you can choose at that time to either add another cardio session to your weekly routine, increase the length of your current cardio sessions (cardio burns calories), or decrease your caloric intake by another 100-200 calories. While I dont think they are totally essential if you are on a strict budget, they definitely will help preserve your lean muscle mass in a calorie deficit during your cardio sessions. Besides, Derek from more Plates More Dates has openly admitted to using steroids in the past. Typically, he would train one body part per day. I feel that a 500 calorie deficit or greater is simply too large of a deficit to start out at for a natural athlete as you will be sacrificing more muscle mass at a quicker rate. PCT (Post-Cycle Therapy) 1-12. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like Sir, you need to pay for that semi natty shit first. At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. This makes it as effective as 20% protein synthesis, better than dianabol [ 5, 6 ]. Looking back in hindsight, that cycle was overkill. Your IP: Its hard to say, but you can always look to see if they have any signs of steroid use to get a better idea. Whats the verdict does Derek from More Plates More Dates use steroids? More Plates More Dates is my social media platform and what most who follow my content know me for. His focus is on self-improvement, bodybuilding, supplements, fitness, and dating. Shortly thereafter I aligned myself with some great mentors who helped me wrap my head around some of the basics of entrepreneurship. gabriel iglesias volkswagen collection. Subscribe and get my 20 Underground Bodybuilding Secrets You Wont Find On Google E-Book 100% FREE, 500 mg per week split into 1x 250 mg shot Monday and 1x 250 mg shot Thursday, (Waited for ester to clear before starting PCT), Nolvadex (40 mg per day) and Clomid (100 mg per day), Nolvadex (20 mg per day) and Clomid (50 mg per day). Derek from More Plates More Dates also has extreme muscle density throughout his upper body, and absolutely massive 3-D delts. The most common mistake I see is when guys are trying to get shredded they will claim their diet is perfect, but they ask why they arent getting leaner. As an individual with a larger amount of lean muscle mass than the average male, I can usually get to 8-9 % body fat with only a couple cardio sessions each week for 25-30 minutes. Derek openly talks about steroids on the internet. If you were eating a gram per pound of body weight during your bulk phase for example, I would recommend bumping that up to 1.5-2 grams per pound bodyweight during your cut phase. While doing this with calorie reduction, weight training, and cardio, you can slowly peel weight off your body without slowing your metabolism down too much, and eventually (and ideally) end up in the middle single digits body fat % wise (4-9) without having sacrificed much (if any) lean muscle mass. The video has received over four million views so far. In the past I've blasted with supraphysiological amounts numerous times, and the first steroid cycle in particular is what I want to delve into today. His channel is very successful and has achieved over . People really think OP came up with it? It was almost like I knew deep down that I should do this myself, but I just didnt know where to start. If a calorie deficit is maintained, you will lose fat regardless of diet composition. Our main product offerings right now are our cognitive enhancing Nootropic formulas and our pre-workout formulas that Ive designed. Yes if your budget allows it, a good fat burner will not only increase the amount of calories your body burns through each day, but it will provide you with appetite suppression that can be exponentially helpful in maintaining the willpower to avoid cheating on your diet. Ive experimented with quite a few and I found the best one to be. Hanna has been a fitness fanatic for most of her life. Thursday, January 26, 2023; 14.01 C. You need to try them and see what you respond best to. pennsylvania supreme court judges; 4618 forthbridge drive houston, tx; lincoln memorial events; chemerinsky, constitutional law syllabus He started writing blog articles in 2016 on and filming YouTube videos shortly thereafter. Determining the best training schedule has allowed Derek to focus on running his businesses, building up the More Plates More Dates website and platform, and filming video content for his YouTube channel and various social media platforms. Our main product offerings right now are our cognitive enhancing Nootropic formulas and our pre-workout formulas that I've designed. The platform has also attracted high-profile clients such as professional bodybuilders, Hollywood actors, and massive social media influencers. However, if your schedule allows it, the best time to do your cardio is first thing in the morning upon waking on an empty stomach as your glycogen stores will be most depleted at this point as you have not taken in any energy yet for the day (you havent ate yet and have been essentially fasting in your sleep), thus your body will tap into stored fat to provide the energy it needs to get through the cardio session. Best of all, ecdysterone is perfectly safe, with virtually zero side effects. I also retain more of my muscle mass than when my carb intake is low. I didnt even want to go because all I cared about was basketball and getting more muscular didnt seem like an endeavor worth spending time on. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 2023 Greatest Physiques. Then youve come to the right place. After dedicating over 8 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created "More Plates More Dates" as a one stop shop for helping you to get yourself on the right path to the "best you" possible too. There are individual specific factors that come into play. 292 following. Inside, youll find the official breakdown of whether or not More Plates More Dates has ever used gear before. This is because you will still be glycogen depleted from sleeping all night and not having eaten any calories for 8 hours (you should try and sleep around 8 hours per night). I maintain the exact same physique. I originally thought I was going to work a reasonably well-paying desk job for some big company with my business degree, and that was going to be my life. For the majority of men, you only have so many cycles in the tank before you get to a point where you either: A) Have accelerated the miniaturization of your hair follicles and are forced to stop using hormones to prevent further hair loss, B) Have a health issue that forces you off hormones. These are all things that will cost you money up front, but will earn you exponentially more down the line. This isnt the answer you want to hear Im sure but Im telling you guys, the sooner you start experimenting with diets, the sooner you will learn how your body best responds, and then you can use that method every time. All Right Reserved. Subscribe and get my 20 Underground Bodybuilding Secrets You Wont Find On Google E-Book 100% FREE. All Rights Reserved. Sounded like some shit Schaub would do. Lower than normal testosterone production or hypothyroidism could both lead to significantly more fat being stored on you than you would have otherwise, as well as less lean muscle tissue than you would have with normal testosterone levels. Dereks continuous research coupled with his vast personal experience and experimentation has earned him great momentum and a strong following on his YouTube channel and website. Your access to is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use. He runs a Youtube channel called Derek More Plates More Dates, has a podcast, and a blog. Initial cost is 250 dollars for intake consultation. I linked the BCAA product in the section below that I personally use should you decide you want it in your supplementation regimen (during a cut it is arguably the most important natural supplement you can have on hand). Jacked Gorilla is the middle brother of the 'Gorilla Family'. Research shows these muscle groups have a large number of androgen receptors, and many steroid users find their shoulders and traps explode in size when they first start using gear. Even if you build a big following and are successful, if it isnt in an industry you are truly passionate about, you will very likely burn out and it will be far less likely to make you happy. Derek transformed More Plates More Dates into a one-stop-shop where people can go to learn about fitness, health, self-confidence, and a variety of other unique . My biggest failure was not investing in myself sooner. Through this continuous process of slowly adding in more cardio and slowly reducing your daily caloric intake each time you plateau, you can continue to get leaner and bust plateaus without wrecking your metabolism and getting stuck spinning your wheels. He also created an audio only podcast and posts his content across most other notable social media platforms. After that point, you will find it hard, if not impossible, to add more bulk muscle. Through his brand, Derek has successfully carved out his own unique niche in the fitness, health and self-improvement industry. More . Now that you know how many calories you're supposed to eat every day, you need to decide how to break those calories down into each of the 3 individual macro-nutrients. Steroids have many nasty side effects, and can cause long-term damage to your cardiovascular system and internal organs. This is the calculator that I recommend Maintenance Calorie Calculator (I Recommend Using The Mifflin-St Jeor Formula Option In The Advanced Options Section). Dont watch TV, dont watch sports, dont play video games, and dont watch porn. However, that 350 mg is still several times higher than the endogenous production of a genetic elite. He uploaded his first public video on his YouTube channel, titled "How to Bulk Without Getting Fat - Part 1", two days later on March 11 . That absolutely doesn't mean that macronutrient ratios or food quality doesnt matter. We focus on finding the most accurate information from the scientific source. More Plates More Dates has dialed in the workout schedule that works for him and his fitness goals. This week will be used as a feeler week to assess how off the calculator was from your actual BMR. For us, the key takeaway has been to make the most of our youth to pack on muscle because once we get older, it will be harder to keep growing but easier to maintain what youve got. For me for example, I actually respond best to medium-high protein, high carbs, and zero fat. Safe to say that More Plates More Dates knows his fair share of the benefits of taking supplements. Whatever youve accumulated when your peak ends, he explains, is pretty much where you are going to stay. Been wondering and can't seem to find an answer anywhere. Youre now an established fitness expert on YouTube, how did it begin? I didn't even use an aromatase inhibitor because I was so uneducated and haphazardly jumped into the cycle thinking I knew everything already. 2) Tumeric/Curcumin 1200mg per day Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. Alongside suggesting practical steps towards improvement, Derek also discusses emotional issues such as self-esteem, lack of confidence, and insecurity, offering men new perspectives on how they view the world and themselves.

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