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what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

An Aquarius woman doesnt want a clingy lover, so a Pisces mans mysterious nature will be to his advantage when it comes to seducing her. I desire to wear something sexy for my man, flirt with him, touch him,smile at him and make eye contact. All the pisces I have ever known dont even feel very strongly for their own family. We quickly learn what the man wants in bed, or out of it. After having me being open and it used against me later on, you can forget about opening up. A younger Aquarius woman needs constant attention, she needs to know you are there for her ALL the time, so the more connected you are to her, the better this should all pan out. There is not much chemistry between these signs, and they are not natural partners for each other. Aquarius Man And Pisces Woman Compatibility; A Pisces woman has a hard time attracting men, but it becomes difficult for them to leave her once she does. He sounds like hes got some deep rooted issues and may be taking his spite out on youDont put up with it or you will be foolish!!! He would tell me I was manipulative and intimidating (but he was passing the buck). Good luck with whoever, but be careful with a Pisces man My Pieces man is the most lovable, caring and the most emotionally intelligent man I have ever dated. To attract this woman, impress her with your knowledge of the world, especially art and high society. She too has great fantasies and dreams but he can see how she actually goes after what she wants. 15. You can also find the full charts of you and her to get a better idea. Pisces can be very strong-willed (part of this comes from being a water element), and Aquarius as a sensitive soul can be frightened when people push boundaries. Aquarius understands a Pisces need to have me time with yourself as we do the same sometimes(and we will design and build you your mancave) but if you bring that detachment and aloofness outside the mancave into the relationship then it would hurt the Aquarius woman a lot. I found this information quite interesting. They need attention and some of them need it everyday. I just find them awkward personally. If a Pisces Man Aquarius Woman relationship is going to work out then he will be the one to put in all the effort. We all have an inheritance awaiting, a eternal total ingeritence we cannot lose nor deny. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Every time I express myself, he turns it around on me. Scorpio is a sister Water sign who'll naturally just get you. (I hate sounding so harsh, sometimes lol ). I feel hungry all the time and I dont know how much longer i can keep going like this. My pisces feels annyoed and suffocated when I call him at random times to talk, so I call mr scorpio and he is always open to talk and listen. The typical Aquarius and Pisces compatibility in friendship is not the strongest bond, although these two can learn a lot from one another and may enjoy each others company. HI, heartbreakers. Aquarius woman is always truthful when asked a question. This is the #1 mistake women make with a Pisces man A Pisces guy is extremely generous and lavishes his loved ones with tokens of his affection. Likewise, an Aquarius woman does not really want to have to explain herself, so she may not communicate with him either. They may also be drawn to their rebellious streak and unconventional lifestyle. Surprise him with thoughtful gifts and offer to pay for dates (even though he probably wont let you) to attract him and show your affection. 15. Im so close to giving up on my Pisces man. If you wish to attract an Aquarius woman, you'll need to be unique in your own way. I am sitting here at home while he is out drinking right now, and honestly at this point if anyone wants to come and cuddle up next to me i will be happy. An Aquarius can learn a lot from Pisces in this association and the Pisces always feels very compassionate and concerned towards Aquarius. Somebody who is perceptive, a little unconventional, and perhaps somewhat aloof is most attractive. Words mean nothing to these men. Aquarius women arent materialistic either but I desire to create a big happy family and that requires money, its just a mean to create comfort and provide security to children.I value love, loyalty, bonding, devotion and commitment above everything else as well. Aquarius. When you win her she is forever for pisces. Sometimes Pisces feels lost, confused, and misunderstood in this world. Wear subtle but musky cologne. You should remember that flattery works in case of nearly all Pisces women. He will see that she either lacks emotional depth or is uncomfortable letting her guard down, and neither of these possibilities is appealing to a Pisces pal. But now I am feeling more relaxed and the heavy fog is lifting and I am able to think a bit clearly. Pisces man can be cheaters and sneaky. Aries Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? I know it is up to him. At least for me personally. She enjoys being with people, but she rarely initiates social contact. together and 2 daughters as well Are Pisces men turned off by a female who has a high sex drive? I never remarried all that time, still single as of today. Only pisces can do this to aquarius. Even if he became sick, crippled, lost his attractiveness, I would still love him. I need my questions answered, and I need his undivided attention when he is not working. Im a Pisces too and patience is one of our stronger virtues. Aquarius being the 11th house and Pisces being the 12th, they have a unique position in astrology, and the two are often considered the strangest of the Zodiac signs. They know each other, understand the needs of each other and support the other whenever required. Have intelligent conversations with her that will interest her. Scorpio Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? To woo a Pisces woman, be funny 4. Remodeling our house turned out to be one of the most difficult things we ever did since there were so many decisions to make together. We can suffer in the present to have something amazing in the future. Pisces is romantic, compassionate, and unconditionally devoted. Now I am looking for a good companion, best friend, soulmate, partner and lover and at my age thats not easy to find. This union would take a whole lot of compromise, changing, and re-arranging and neither are very good at doing that. Aquarian men prefer to focus on friendship before romance. Give her a little breathing room and she may come back. b/c of his affairs. He remarried and was with her for 9.5 years when he finally passed away in 2011Its all over for me now and I believe he treated her the same way b/c he didnt know how to be any differentSO I have been there-done that and you have my utmost sympathyGOD bless youAt least now we both know what to look for. He got into his 50s and went through his male midlife crisis and thats when al hell broke loose. She doesnt try hard to contact me every day, but when I contact her first I can tell she has been waiting all day to hear my voice. Aquarius is often private, independent, and free-spirited. They were best friends who married last year. With Libra's need for balance and their people-pleasing attitude, and Aquarius' free spirit but adaptive nature, these two zodiac signs share a love for life, freedom, and intellect. Aquarius woman commits herself to the man she loves as soon as he has proven to be her very best friend. 13. The man may seriously need outside help. We are friends and lovers. The respect the hell out of someone who can react without having to think it over 1million times. 10. I honestly hate my life with him. Their bodies can go through the motions and sex can be great, but they wont feel completely bonded until their minds completely come together. The little things can easily be overlooked and the bond between them can keep on growing stronger! We get a divorce within 1 year of his philandering. IF a man is already verbally abusive and is already showing signs of being able to be physically abusive to you he well may do that very thing and it might not be pretty. I met a Picean. You both need to get past the stage of awkward shyness and doubting eachother, like the article says, once pat a certain point it is all smooth sailing. Its NOT just sex for physical pleasure any longer with me, I feel what the Pisces man feels if not more so but I am now older so been there, done that. I hope he feels the same way. Whereas, the Pisces woman depicts calmness, serenity and composure. The Pisces man will like an Aquarius ladys quirky charm. 4. We are hard to get since we are used to brutish men that just chase and chase and only care about themselves. He has no forgiveness in his heart for simple mistakes like this. Unfortunately as lovely as Pisces man and Aquarius woman could be, they tend to not have a whole lot in common. And when theyre bad, theyre temporary and get resolved. He says he loves me but never shows it. Pisces man wants a more empathetic partner. Part of it was like walking on eggshells. I feel the same way about my pisces. I can love hard but I can also be extremely harsh and cold if I am being mistreated.I dont think Aquarians are usually pretentious and fake. But that could also possibly be because of what was stated in point #5. This forced me to question everything, to read the New Testament (NKJV) four times within a couple months. When the Aquarius woman meets the Pisces man, she is definitely sexually attracted to him. 18. I had long forgotten it untl she said it to me. the brunt of my temper. Once again, most likely a deep-seated issue. I like your comment Roszie. She could decide hes too clingy and leave. Being soft and compassionate, he usually proves to be a great partner to women from most of the zodiac signs. I didnt mind too much that she did, saying that if another man loves her, then he is doing for me what I have not been able to do (after I had gotten over my jealousy and anger. Some are, some arent (which could be said for just about anyone). They are different and gentle for sure. I was terribly devastated and hurt. i really believe any probelm can be worked from good communication as long as both people are willing to listen and change. I dont see any reason to bugger about. Because to aquarius woman, PISCES is the one that appears cold and uniterested! However, they don't know how to express their emotions, causing problems in the long term. But there are also limits. We cant hide anything for each other, which is good if you are honest. Are there any long sucessful stories of pisces man and aquarius woman relationships? But I can tell you I am done with her games and I am thinking of quitting. If you feel uneasy, you need to figure out why this is and approach her in a logical way. Pisces man, just keep on talking to her every day. Pisces women are very insecure and they are looking for a man who is strong and confident. I have known him since I was a kid and have always known him to be selfless, loyal and no matter how tired, dependable. Anyways, as much as I have experienced and read about Pisces men, I am still clueless about some things and would like to know more as they seem to suit what I am searching for in my man. I have a lot of rage and anger, especially directed towards society. I tend to overthink, I dive into logic way too much sometimes, and he helps me to go and feel more with my heart, and a little less with my mind. He may be confused when it comes to a quick decision, but he is more than willing to give his all to someone he loves whether it be his lover or a family member. I am truly in love with his soul. He didnt look for bars then or male friends to be with but went flirting with women and found 3 to have affairs with and he did that very thing. Jupiter makes the Pisces man so understanding, that he will try his best to understand his partner's need for freedom. A Pisces guy will become frustrated when his many attempts at getting his Aquarius friend to open up to him are thwarted. Pisces is imaginative and Sagittarius is hopeful. Aquarius easily waits for a good thing to come in the future. Aquarius and Pisces make a strange combination with some flickering and some smooth moments. If he talks to other women and surrounds himself with female friends, dont worry that hes being unfaithful or that its one of the signs a Pisces man is not interested in you. You can have a shower afterwards to wash off. 11. Pisces are full of compassion, great mentors, and frankly, very dreamy. You are as much to blame here almost as he is b/c you are trapped in this situation and are allowing yourself to be abused by this psychopath. Worst: Cinnamon, ginger, or tobacco. One of the biggest challenges of this combination is communication, as Aquarius and Pisces both tend to be shy,reserved and slow to trust.They are both afraid of rejection and hurt.Once Aquarius commits though, they want 100% transparency and honesty from their partner and being a psychic much like Pisces, we know when our partner is holding back from us and it may hurt us tremendously and make us resentful. 9. A Pisces man is calm, thoughtful, quite gentle and compassionate person, most of . Is the any Aquarian woman who could give some advice or suggestions? WKR. Hi Rose. But quarreling is sometimes a funny thing when it occurs between two people who love each other, especially when it is Aquarius woman and Pisces man. Being an Aquarian Woman, You might want to get to the root of his behavior b4 you do what I did and waste all of those precious years that you will NEVER EVER get back. Venus in this forceful, yang sign (Aries), relates by being forceful with the self, in a relationship. Literally a demon. Taurus Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Your previous relationships or past experiences definitely shaped your opinions and thoughts.Your Libra Moon and Aries Rising would probably be a better match for an Aquarius with lots of air in her chart.I wonder if you have a Scorpio Venus because I havent known many Pisces men who openly admit to being possessive of their partner. Here's the trick to reel your Pisces back in. And b/c of who I am, I think that is what I have to have. In my experience, most definitely not. On a personal level no makeup, narcissism or pretentiousness. He got a permanent crook in his neck from turning his head from side to side to look at every woman's ass. Aquarius woman is logical. He finds her very appealing and will want to talk to her and get to know her. It sucks but I want HIM and having distance with the man I love is 10000000x better than being next to someone that just any other man. A man with a brain is important, although she won't be attracted to a brainy type. When he was 55 he started going thru his male mid-life crisis and he had 3 affairs. I havent had luck in love yet. Love it. The pain I suffered, and how angry she became, were so out of place, yet so right. Do Pisces men play hot and cold if they are disinterested or just because they are playing hard to get? When we met it was like, finally! Someone who gets me! But I have this feeling that I have lost my chance of being able to see him again. Did I cheat, unfortunately several times, why b/c he was away, I was ALL alone and a very young military wife to boot. That what I need in a man is a friend at times, a lover for always, and someone who can be paitent and understanding. (As tears well pouring forth) document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why a Pisces Man Suddenly Becomes Distant? You wanna get your rocks off, have a wank. 15. The article is true, I feel connected to him in every way during sex, mind body and soul. They dream fantastically together and can make their dreams come true as a couple. That depends how its done. 1. It went okay, not perfect but good enough and we had 2 daughters together. Maybe a bit of both but definitely leaning more towards the former. what do you mean by when the energy changes between us? For Aquarius woman you need to show consistency and undying devotion. With other signs, this would not be as much of a problem, but an Aquarius woman can be extremely difficult to read, even for a sensitive Pisces man. Its crazy reading some of these comments! I want to talk to her again about it but this time tell her why I feel this way and just about it more so I can have closure about this issue Do you think this is a good idea or do you think she might feel like I dont trust her or want to take her freedom to choose away? Sex with pisces man is not the best. Will they want to is more of what they have to consider when figuring out if they want it to be forever or not. YOU dear also NEED help badly. She will fall for those who can be different from all others, and give her impression of exclusivity. 6. Sex between Aquarius woman and Pisces man is not so much an experience as it is an experiment. Don tell me a young Aquarius woman wont cheat, not true at all. I am really only a Their chemistry seems so effortless. Pisces lives life doing what only he wants to do, so if he is with you that is exactly where he wants to be. Would he prefer someone who likes to spend all of her time with him, or someone more independent? From the moment we met I could sense something so different about him and that feeling certainly didnt stray me wrong. The horoscope gives the Aquarius-Pisces bond a very good love compatibility. By that stage its done. YOU lady are not using your headYou have been brainwashed by this man. 15. It makes sense that you'd find yourself attracted to the visionary, idealistic Aquarius man. thats gonna make him look for others alternatives.. In this, we see the clear distinction between Aquarius and Pisces. She keeps this in her life to keep herself up in the clouds where she is happiest. He would do the same call me nasty names when he was angry at me for whatever happened. She tends to fall into illusions and is often described as dreamy. But I dont consider myself a nymphomaniac because if I were one, even the thought of leaving my Scorpio ex wouldnt have crossed my mind.I wouldnt have spent two years trying to get over that relationship, and would have engaged in meaningless sex with any man that showed little interest.I cant separate sex and emotions, the sexual desire is fuelled by overwhelming love for my man. These books showed me the truth, answered all my questions and fully convey and support The Truth as it is. the last time i looked in here eyes there was no love in them when before she looked at me like she was drunk with feelings. These houses are extremely well-connected. If they have already learned how to navigate each others many quirks and habits, they have a chance of success. I can see my future in his eyes. r'\?l?`?`"'"'?v-?h?a "'"'- . Pisces man and Aquarius woman complement each other. There is a sayingIF YOU LOVE SOMETHING, SET IT FREE, IF IT COMES BACK TO YOU ITS YOURS, AND IF IT DOESNT IT NEVER WAS. I have read numerous articles saying how Pisces men value romance more than lust. I am very much like that. They value friendship and happiness Aquarius men are much attracted to women who laugh genuinely and easily. This age is based on the signs order in the zodiac. All rights reserved. A Pisces woman forms a strong bond with an Aquarius man as she needs a man who can take care of her and love her unconditionally to which he does just that. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Its quite hard not to be. Her detachment. Once a Pisces man discovers what his partner likes in the bedroom, he tends to fall into a dull routine. That depends how its done. Currently we argued cause during our last breakup he sent a girl $250 for nudes and I wanted reassurance that hes not that type of guy but as Im typing this I realize how stupid I am trying to make excuses for him when Im reality he is like every other guy after a breakup, just jumps to any female thatll make his dick hard. I actually loved her. LOTS of differences in these two signs. I dont like the way you are looking at him, youre with me, not him, if you wanna be with him, then go be with him. Most serial killers fall under Pisces). I can not live my life with him unless he completely changes. I feel like my light is being smothered out. A Pisces woman generally does not initiate contact with a man, and an Aquarius man rarely initiates contact with anyone. Mostly a no as there is much we value over money. Of course I want him near me, and I miss the sex and cuddling and kissing and just being present with him. He gets so focused on his partners pleasure and doing what he knows works well to please her that he fails to bring variety into his lovemaking. We had 2 daughters who had 5 grandchildren for us. This can create problems in their relationship. Rightly so, because we live in a violent, prideful, and misguided world. A Libra . You wanna get your rocks off, have a wank. Whether we are together just for now or 20 years from now. I dont know if hes the one for me. Sorry this is going to be a long reply and thank you for being so blunt in your reply to me. 3. What do Pisces men look for in the ideal woman? The more they feel that you are an anchor in their lives, the more they will devote themselves to you. Dont be lazy, step up to the plate and tell yourself ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!! 6. 10 Best Colors For a Winter Wonderland Wedding. RIGHT. It may take a while to convince an Aquarius woman to do so, however. Theyre a waste of time. Pisces man I will ask a beautiful aquarius to marry me. It is up to you, pisces man, to let her know that you WANT her to come around and bug you and ask for you affection. 19) they could be but bow in maturity absolutely not. But every time he breaks my heart it feels easier to hate him and even my memories of him are becoming tainted. Many women have stayed with abusive men and been killed by those very men. It all must have been a mistake (it wasnt a mistake). Therefore, Pisces will naturally be attracted to Gemini because this sign is always full of interesting ideas about life. I am an aquarius woman with a pisces man long distance. You need to love her and be a good person to her. Its too late now. Having Saturn in his sign is going to be a challenge, but ultimately he will come through this victorious. One will know when the other sees an attractive person and feel hurt, or know when the other is upset about something minor and make it a big deal even when keeping it a secret would probably make it blow over faster. No fucking around, in short. 16. Idk stick your tongue in her ass and see what that does. 11. An Aquarius woman collects friends. She lives in one house, and I live in the other. Out of friendship and into a relationship ? She is very forgiving, kind, and softhearted. In fact, they are highly - and strangely - compatible. The initial attraction will probably be instant on both sides. 18. Pisces men are often attracted to Aquarius women because they are smart, independent, and interesting. While this makes him a kind and caring guy, it also makes him extremely indecisive. And an Aquarius womans independence can make a Pisces man feel suspicious and unloved, leading to a severe lack of trust. This will allow you both to explore your individual interests, giving you more to talk about when you get together again. However, they will have to work on it quite a bit and Pisces man doesnt know if shes worth the work. Are there any solutions? SO trust issues followed and you can understand why. A very insecure man no doubt. Yes but also read when space is necessary Smothering an Aquarius-Pisces cusp will only push him farther away. 13. 1. I got my final divorce in June and they married at the end of October. You Broke Up With Your Capricorn Man. Commitment is never an issue. I love him a lot. 11. After 10 weeks he told me that he Is not in love with me and that he doesnt see us to be together in the future. Pisces is perfect for this aquarius! We are both used to doing everything alone since we were both loners, so it takes awareness to make sure we actually do things together, but you need to, it makes everything so much better and brings us closer. But more seriously: Loyalty, honesty, communication (this cant be stressed enough) and various other traits that arent morally skewed. I like to be polite,kind and caring but my kindness is definitely not my weakness. The issues I have with my Pisces is always around trust and him being so quiet that I dont know what he is thinking or feeling. I feel like I am doing everything to be with him and he just wants to go the easy path. of my temper. 14) its never enough keep em coming. If an aquarius will not commit to you, it means you do not have her yet. I said no. The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Pisces man (they work like magic), When determining what kind of woman a Pisces guy likes, you may wonder, What does a Pisces man find physically attractive?. Talk it through together. A Pisces man is a dreamer. I just want the perfect amount, not too much that he feels drained out and not too less where I feel starved for affection and unsatisfied. Albeit I am always easy, friendly in her office. Pisces men often appreciate the Aquarius woman's ability to think outside of the box and her humanitarian nature. What is she doing that makes you feel this way? Not usually. Hey thats a tough oneNot knowing her I really dont know. If youre ready to understand more about how compatible are Pisces man and Aquarius woman, check out my brand new Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman Love Compatibility Guide, and if you want to catch him and keep him click here to learn more about Pisces Man Secrets. A Pisces man is happiest in the world of dreams. Not good by myself but as a unit yes lets achieve. 5. I just need to stop showing how much love im able to give and become a rock. When a Pisces man has a crush, he can't help but wear his heart on his sleeve. Trust is a long hard road and once people before have destroyed that, its hard to trust people in any capacity. HI, I understand the situation, however I also am a retired teacher and an Aquarius woman for many years now and I do see how you are miserable, however I believe in self help. She is usually very set in her ways, and bringing someone new into her life is a big change. And he said a woman who wont cheat, who wont lie, or cause drama in his life. Though, she herself is the one who usually does the surprising, especially with her whimsical and crazy thoughts that float through her head. i'm on here because i'm trying to figure out if it's in my best interest to end things with this leo and start back talking to this pisces . He went thru his male mid-life crisis and had 3 affairs, dyed his hair, traded in his truck on a nice white car, bought new shoes and clothes and had 2 affairs with married women and one with a 20 yr. divorceeHe married that last woman the same year that I divorced him.

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