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acadian metis surnames

Thanks. Mnard = Maynard I'll put them into the draft of the DNA page I sent you, as this page is for Acadian metis research. Sometimes their actual surname is known, occasionally they were given a name, and even more often their surname is Unknown. Jangraw = Gingras Longway = Langevin Peartree = Patry = Poirier In Canada, native races (Aboriginal peoples) include: First Nations - the indigenous peoples of Canada, sometimes called North American Indians. Spelling variations and dit names for the names on the right will be found where each of these names appears in the column on the left (first column). are those for which there is information on this site in my Marriage Index and / or the Canadian CensusExtracts. The descendants of Guillaume Capela and Unknown Mi'kmaq have largely been residents of Gaspe, and Restigouche in N.B. The Mikmaqs originally covered Prince Edward Island (le Saint-Jean), most of Nova Scotia, and some of the New Brunswick Acadie area. [[Category:Mi'kmaq]] Dominic | BC First Nations,Mikmaq, Innu Mont. However, that could change, at which time I may request more citation examples (or perhaps offer examples for inclusion). Pudvah = Potvin Morris = Maurice, Obin = Aubin Lef(f)ler = Lafleur Goodroe = Godreau/Gaudreau The Guillorys were Acaidian, they along with the Ringets, (Ranget), and Bertrands seem to have married alot within the three familys. Each post below serves to organize the information that is currently scattered about the site. Lunderville = Landreville Such wonderful work youve done! Goosie = Gousy Ploof = Plouffe Levesque = Levick In this database, Metis or Mtis means any person having both Native (or aboriginal) and European blood. Trombley = Tremblay American-French Genealogy Acadian, French-Canadian, French-American, and much more. Generally, genealogical research consists of digging through old civic or religious records, working backwards from yourself to your ancestors. Desnoyers=Hickory IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. It involves changing an ancestor's identity to fit one's current desire to shift. Lafleur = Lafloor, Laflour, Laf(f)ler, Lef(f)ler, Lof(f)ler, Laflin G. A database of more than two million names, many of which are Acadian. | Reply. Marielle Ct Gendreau Citation: White, S. A. Bolduc | Cree, Mixed Huron, Montagnais,Fr. Hello Roger, Dismiss. In 1808, Spain's American colonies, one by one, began to fight for independence. Bushey = Boucher Gareau = Garrow Given the distinct historical, demographic and linguistic features characterizing Quebec, the Project's main focus is on pioneers whose roots date back to New France. Founding Mothers of Acadia - Acadian Ancestral Home by Lucie Consentino. Pierre GENDREAU HTU These are either Surname Anchor Posts or Early French Canadian Pioneer Posts. The following list consists of the names of all families, including those of couples who left no surviving descendants, who resided in continental Acadia between 1700 and 1755. Brooks = Rousseau Vincelette = Vanslatte, Wellet(te) = Ouellette Laflamme=Laflim Duchanno = Duchesneau (We keep families "together" for project view purposes.). Groulx = Grew Murray, I am unfamiliar with the Quebec DNA projects. Grew = Groulx [[Category:Mi'kmaq]] Sauvage is used in some documents but this is not a LNAB or surname for Indigenous people (there are French people with the name Sauvage). Bruneau, Bruno | Cree, Metis, Mixed-heritage: Cree, Chipewyan, Cameron | Metis, BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Ojibway, Cardinal | Metis, Cree, Iroquois, Mixed-heritage: French, Scottish, Caron | Metis, First Nations, Mixed-heritage: Cree, French, Carpenter, Charpentier | Metis, BC First Nations, Cree, Ojibway, Six Nations, Carriere | Metis, Cree, Mikmaq, Chippewa, Cartier / Chartier | Metis, Cree, Mixed-heritage: French, Cayen, Cayer (Caille, Cahier) | Metis, Algonquin, Mixed-heritage, Chalifoux | Metis, Algonquin, Cree Mixed-heritage: Cree, French, Champagne | Metis, Algonquin, Mixed-heritage: Cree, Iroquois, Charette, Charest | Metis, Slavi / Slavey, First Nations (poss. Names Many Mi'kmaq were given first names by the French. Mtis - (mixed blood). p. XX, Citation:Estes, Roberta and Marie Rundquist. Not everyone who tests in one of these groups also tests in the others. Thus, in the dozen years that followed, local authorities relaxed restrictions on trading with . Anne PATARABEGO married Richard (de Fronsac) DENYS Abt. Chicoine = Shequin My relative Sophie Lavigne+dit-Tessier married George Dean. There are also several Irish families (Caissy/Casey, Gunard/Gainer, Long, Onel/ONeale), three English (Druce, Granger, Hensaule/Henshaw), one Scottish (Jeanson/Johnson), one Flemish (Pitre), one from the Channel Islands (Semer), and even one from Croatia (Mathieu). Gaspesie, Ristigouche, Bay of Chaleurs were areas where many Acadians settled when they escaped British control of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Maynard = Mnard de St-Pierre = Dessin-Pierre LEm(e)lin = Lemelin I have Joseph J, 11, Leondre J, J. Bertrand, Joseph F., Amable Bertrand, G. Bertrand Beaulieu, Giles 1,Jan, de G.S. Good luck to everyone in your search for your ancestors of whatever heritage. Roy = King You can search for these orange surnames in the Marriage Indexor by using the Search Box in the sidebar. December 10, 2019 Penobscots and Abekani were found in the early settlements of Acadie, in southern New Brunswick and what is now Maine. Lovelette = Laviolette History & Genealogy of Acadians on the Acadian Coast and Bayou Lafourche Basin of Louisiana. Racine = Root Sheni = Chainey She was married to Francois Pilon; I believe his middle name was Xavier. Boucher = Bushey [ NOTE: The above is a PARTIAL LIST ONLY. The Pioneer Posts focus on French Canadians but usually have some indigenous and/or Metis-related links. Gerard = Girard/Girouard Join over 6,000 others on the Acadian Facebook community where we talk about our history, genetics, and more. Drinkwine = Boivin An exception to this would be if the person ever was referred to as Metis (the Metis Nation) in records even if their originated tribe was known. The marriages recorded at Port-Royal from 1702, at Grand-Pr from 1707, and Beaubassin from 1712, provide us with some samples of what we would find if all the registers had survived. Buckwheat = Sarrazin Maurice = Morris Corbeau = Corbo Sebastien | Abenaki, Algonquin, Blackfoot, Innu Montagnais, Mixed-heritage: Algonquin Fr. m2. The goal of these posts is to gather all the links to information about one surname on one post so that it is easier to find. Willet(te) = Ouellette, Yandow=Guindon Revisiting Anne Marie: How an Amerindian Woman of Seventeenth-Century Nova Scotia and a Dna Match Redefine American Heritage. Comment by schreiber, ontario | So, I think that we have to allow for discovery in other groups. Bouthillier = Butler I also rely upon Mothers of Acadia and the Quebec yDNA and mtDNA projects. Comment by Sheryl Ann Wilson | If your Bertrand line traces back to Canada chances are your Bertrands will have Metis, but dont take me by my word alone check everything out real good. Hamelin | Metis, Cree, Salteaux, Mixed-heritage:French, Hardisty | Slavi. Bourbeau = Bobo Trudeau = Trudo I hope that you find what your looking for. Boutin = Button Ind. The LeJeune Mtis family had settled at Merligouesh (Indian and Mtis village located between Cap-de-Sable and La-Heve), because two men from Port Royal had married two of the LeJeune women between 1638 and 1650. In fact, in 1650, Catherine LeJeune, at 17 years of age, married Francois Savoie. In some cases it is nonetheless still quite difficult to determine whether the family name actually would have been known in Acadia, or whether it only was added to the roster of Acadians during the long years of wandering in exile. I saved the document in the hopes that I could find someone to translate it. My Great-grandfather Leo Chester Cunningham who married Lydia Hill said Sophie was the beginning of our Mohawk Turtle Clan Ancestry. Laroe = Lareau/Larrow Cyr = Sire, Cyre, Cir, Sears, Sear, Dabat = LaBatt Rouiar = Rouillard I assume that you know all about Mothers of Acadia project, and I hope you will give us an example citation for it. Quebec mtDNA matches to IN43799 (a descendant of Francoise Olivier) includes 22 C1c DNA matches, 17 are GD=0. November 18, 2020 Scott | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Chipewyan, Chippewa, I Cree, Iroquois, Ojibway. Who issued the card? ), Fill in the verbiage pertaining to that person in the blockquote, Fill in the page number for the specific entry and a quote of the relevant information plus any underlying source that was used, Fill in the page number for the specific entry, Enter the date you accessed this, and a page number where found. D(e)uso = Duss(e)ault Mas(s)on = Maison Tarien = Therrien Sarault = Serreault, Sarrault, Serault, Sarau, Sereau Maliseet) Mixed-heritage: Cree, Charles | Metis, BC First Nations, Chip., Cree, Iroq., Mikmaq, Mont., Ojibwa, Oneida, Onondaga, Six Nations, Chartrand | Metis, American Indian, Cree, French, Chevrier, Chevalier | Metis, Algonquin, Mixed-heritage, Christie | Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage, Cleary | Montagnais, Mixed-heritage FEB 2023, Colin | Metis, Chippewayan, Cree, French, Ojibway, Collard | Innu Montagnais, Mixed Montagnais,French, Commandant | Metis, Algonquin, Chippewa, Iroquois, Mixed: French, Cooper | BC First Nations (inc. Cowichan, Taupsham), Chippewa, Cree, Metis, Ojibway, FEB 2023, Corbiere / Corbier | Metis, Chippewa, Ojibway. Lefave = Bean, Lafave Thank you in advance. There are frequent updates. Downey = Danis Reno = Renault/Renaud Acadian Surnames from the Census of 1671: Acadian Surnames from the Census of 1671 Click here for a full size image: Contents. Could you please add examples of citations that I may use? The Quebec Project ADNmt also forges relationships with the general public, as evidenced by its public appearances (eg the Salon de la FADOQ in Quebec). Required fields are marked *. Boutain = Button Administrators Cummings = Viens The majority of these matches are descendants of Guillaume Capela and Unknown Mi'kmaq, others are descended from Francoise Michel-dit-Olivier, Catherine Duval, and Marie Olivier Sylvestre (Manitoubeouich) Prevost. Our censuses, beginning in 1671, permit us to reconstruct the first three or four generations of each of our principal families, but they provide no information, contrary to the censuses of Plaisance and some later enumeration, for example, regarding origins, except in very exceptional instances. The column on the right (third column) contains dit names for the name on the left, and only for that name. Cree, Metis, Saulteaux FEB 2023, Hardy | Cree, Atlin (BC) First Nations, Ojibwa, Mixed-heritage:Scottish, Hebert | BC First Nations, Metis, Ojibway, Hill | BC, Cayuga, Chip., Delaware, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Mohawk, Ojibwa, Oneida, Onodaga, Six Nations, Hunt, Hunter | Metis, Algonquin, BC First Nations, Beaver, Blackfoot, Cree, Kwakiutl, Ojibway, Sioux, Skookym Chuck, Stoney, Ignace | Metis, Algonquin, Chippewa, Ojibway. = Acadian Genealogy Homepage. Establishing an ancestral signature actually requires a minimum of two relevant participants. Davis | Metis, Assin., BC, Cayuga, Iroq., Mohawk, Oneida, Onon., Salt. Some of these may have come from France, also as I said Acaidian, through New Foundland to La. Evelyn, Comment by Evelyn Yvonne Theriault | Levick = Levesque Jones | Metis, BC, Chip., Cree, Mikmaq, Mohawk, Ojibwa, Oneida, Sault., Shaw., Six Nations. These included the names of the families with the most numerous descendants such as theLeBlancs, the Landrys, the Heberts, the Boudrots and the Richards. Acadia-Mtis Mothers. | Reply. Germain Lejeune and his family were among the last to settle at the Baie-des-Espagnols, having arrived in the early fall of 1750. ARCADIAN HEALTH PLAN, INC. NPI is 1598910549. Iroquois, Montagnais, Ojib., Saulteaux, Ledoux | Metis, American Indian, Cree, French, Lemire | Cree, Ojjibwa, Mixed heritage: Cree, French, Lepine | Cree, Iroquois Mixed: Cree, French, Scottish, Letellier / Tellier | Metis, Mixed: Cree, Logan | Metis, BC, Cree, Delaware, Mikmaq, Munsee, Onondaga, Seneca, Six Nations, Longlade, Langlade | Metis, Mixed-heritage, Louis | Abenaki, BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Mikmaq, Montagnais, Ojibway, Salish, Saultaux, Shushwap, Squamish. Ouellette = Willet(te), Wellet(te), Paradee = Paradis Como = Comeau Acadian Genealogy is important to us and three generations of my family have worked hard to create a library of the Acadian surnames and their family connections. Dpartement d'histoire-gographie, facult des arts et des sciences sociales, Universit de Moncton. Family Finder $59 & Family Finder + myDNA Wellness $79 During Our Valentine's Day Sale! 470pp. McDonald & Var. It seems to be self-published. why is ethics the only necessary knowledge brainly; in recent times crossword clue Cloutier = Clokey/Clouckey Bouchard | Metis, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage: Montagnais, Boucher | Metis, Beaver, Cree, Ojibway, Pagan, Bourque | Metis, Abenaki, Chipewyan, Cree, Huron, Irish, Boyer | Metis, Chippewa, Ojibway, Saulteaux Mixed-heritage: Chippewa, Cree, Brook, Brooks | BC First Nations, Dennay / Dene, Haida, Malecite / Maliseet, Mikmaq, Saulteaux, Wyandotte Feb 2023. Poisson=Fisher Is Marie David, being a descendant of Unknown Mi'kmaq,an Acadian? January 11, 2020 OGR includes information about Guillaume Capelan m. Unknown Mi'kmaq and their descendants, including Johannes Becker m. Marie David I am currently working with Cindy Borque on the Capela line, with the intention of working through the generations toward the David sisters. Mercier=Marsha Places David | Algonquin,BC First Nations, Chipewyan, Cree, Iroq. Each post below serves to organize the information that is currently scattered about the site. There also appear on the list, the names of a number of families whose members played extraordinary roles in Acadian history. | First Nations Mixed Heritage, list of Ontario Metis surnames, the Metis of Ontario. Picard = Pecor Purrier = Poirier, Qumeneur=Kemener, Kimeneur, Timeneur, Kemneur, Kemener, Kimenir, Temenaire, Timenaire This use of Metis Nation would be much more recent than the general french term mtis). Gebo = Gibeau(lt) Tremblay | Metis, Cree, Iroquois, Malecite, Montagnais,Fr. Hello,friends. The results page for Quebec ADNy includes kits whose Earliest Known Ancestors includes at least 17 examples of people who were born and/or died in "Acadie".

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